柒. 那鴻書(NAHUM)
前 言
那鴻書是舊約十二小先知書第七卷, 作者那鴻, 意 "安慰或憐憫." 身世不詳, 無可考, 只知他是伊勒歌斯人,
與先知阿摩司之父同名(路3:25), 本書約於主前663-607年, 在猶大成書, 對象為尼尼微, 當時正是猶大王希西家
在位期間(王下18:9-13). 那鴻與南國先知以賽亞、彌迦和西番雅為同時代先知.
那鴻書的預言, 篇幅雖短, 但內容充實, 引人入勝. 風格别樹一幟, 內容簡潔, 叙述有力, 描寫細膩, 感情豐富,
且富戲劇性, 用辭莊重得體, 比喻清晰明簡, 措辭更是生動有力, 非常難得.
先知那鴻對以色列詭詐凶狠的仇敵亞述, 深表憎惡, 並確信尼尼微最終必受審判, 慘遭毁滅.
I. 序言(1:1):
II. 尼尼微預言(1:2-16):
(I) 恩威並濟(1:2-8):
2 耶和華是嫉惡報復的神, The Lord is a jealous and avenging God;
衪滿腔烈怒去施行報復. the Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath.
耶和華對仇敵報復, The Lord takes vengeance on his foe
對敵人的烈怒不消. and maintain his wrath against his enemies.
3 耶和華不輕易發怒, The Lord is slow to anger
而且衪還大有能力; and great in power;
祂不以有罪為無罪. the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished.
衪乘旋風暴雨而來, His way is in the whirlwind and the storm,
雲彩乃祂腳下塵土. and clouds are the dust of feet.
4 衪斥責海洋使水乾, He rebukes the sea and dries it up;
並使所有河川乾涸. he makes all the rivers run dry.
巴珊迦密林木枯萎, Bashan and Camel wither
黎巴嫩的花奔凋殘. and the blossoms of Lebanon fade.
5 大山在祂面前震動, The mountains quake before him
小山也亦隨之熔化. and the hills melt away.
大地和其上的居民, The earth tremble at his presence .
無不在祂面前戰抖. the world and all who live in it.
6 誰能挺住祂的忿怒? Who can withstand his in dignation?
誰能承受祂的烈怒? who can endure his fierce anger?
祂的烈怒如火傾下, His wrath is poured out like fire,
磐石在祂面前崩裂. the rocks are shattered before him.
7 耶和華美善, The Lord is good,
是患難時的避難所; a refuge in times of trouvle.
祂眷顧信靠她的人. He cares for those who trust in him.
8 但衪以空前的洪水, but with an overwhelming flood
徹底把尼尼微毀滅; he will make and end of Nineveh;
並趕祂仇敵入黑暗. he will pursue his foes into darkness.
(II) 警告歸正(1:9-11):
9 無論他們如何圖謀攻擊耶和華, Whatever they plot against the Lord
祂必徹底結束消滅; he will bring to an end;
災難絕對不會再來. trouble will not come a second time.
10 他們必纏困荊棘中, They will be entangled among thorns
並且喝得酩酊大醉; and drunk from their wine;
他們如稻草燒淨盡. they will be consumed like dry stubble.
11 尼尼微啊! 有人從你處出來, From you, O Nineveh, has one come forth
圖謀奸惡策劃惡事對抗主. who plots evil against the Lord and counsels wickedness.
(III) 安慰猶大(1:12-15):
耶和華這樣說: This is what the Lord says:
12 "雖然尼尼微盟邦眾多, "Although they have allies and are numerous,
都必被剪除歸於無有. they will be cut off and pass away.
13 猶大啊! 我雖摧殘你們, Although I have afflicted you, O Judah,
今後不再折磨你們. I will afflict you no more.
我必打斷他們加在 Now I will break their yoke
你們頸項之上的軛 from your neck
並打開你們的枷鎖." and tear your shackles away."
14 尼尼微啊! The Lord has given a command
耶和華已下有關你們的命令: concerning you, Nineveh:
"你們的後裔不再冠你們的名, "You will have no descendants to bear your name,
我定必毀滅你們的雕像鑄偶, I will detroy the carved images and cast idols
全都放在你們廟中供奉為神. that are in the temple of your gods.
因你們邪惡我已為你們備好墳墓. I will prepare your grave, for you are vile.
15 看哪! 那一位的腳已踏在山上, Look, there on the mountains,
向普世彴人報佳音; the feet of one who brings good news,
猶大啊, 慶祝你們的節期, Celebrate your festivals, O Judah,
並且還你們的願吧! and fufill your vows.
惡人不再侵略你們, No more will the wicked invade you;
侵略者必徹底消滅. they will be completely destroyed.
III. 審判尼尼微(2:1-13):
(I) 神的警示(2:1-2):
1 尼尼微啊, 侵略者正進軍攻擊你! An attacker advances against you, Nineveh.
守住城堡, 監視要衝, Guard the fortress, watch the road,
束緊腰幹, 動員全民! brace yourselves, Marshal all your strength!
2 耶和華必恢復雅各的榮華, The Lord will restore the splendor nof Jacob
就是與以色列一樣的榮華; l like the splendor of Isreal,
雖然毀滅者已把他們摧毀. though destroyers have laid them waste.
(II) 尼城備戰(2:3-7):
3 士兵的盾牌變血紅, The shields of his soldiers are red;
勇士披上朱紅戰袍. the warriors are clad in scarlet.
在他們戰備完成時, The metal on the chariots flashes
戰車金屬閃閃發光; on the day they are made ready;
柏木長矛四處揮舞. the spears of pine are brandished.
4 戰車在街道上奔馳, The chariots storm through the streets,
在廣場上橫衝直撞. rushing back and forth through the squares.
亮如火炬快如閃電. They look like flaming torches; they dart about like lightning.
5 亞述王召集他的精銳部隊, He summons his picked troops,
可惜在進軍路上跌跌撞撞. yet they stumble on their way.
大軍勇猛前進中衝向城牆; They dash to the city wall;
為保命紛紛豎起保護盾牌. the protective shield is put to place.
6 大河水閘闖開, The river gates are thrown open
沖毀王宮殿宇. and the palace collapses.
7 此城命運已定! It is decreed that the city!
被擄放逐異邦; be exiled and carried away.
宮女哀鳴如鴿; Its slave girls moan like doves
搥胸痛哭脕矣! and beat open their breasts.
(III) 城陷劫掠(2:8-10):
8 尼尼微像一大水池, Nineveh is like a pool,
池水不停地在流失. and its water is draining away.
他們大喊: "止住! 止住!" "Stop! Stop!" they cry,
但水流依舊不回頭. but no one turns back.
9 去搶銀! 去掠金! Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold!
供應不盡, 財寶無數! The supply is endless, the wealth from all its treasures!
10 尼尼微被掠奪, 洗劫一空. She is pillaged, plundered, stripped.
人心惶惶, 雙膝戰抖, Hearts melt, knees give way,
身體顫慄, 臉色蒼白. bodies tremble, every face grows pale.
(IV) 尼城毀滅(2:11-13):
11 餵養幼獅的獅穴在那裏? Where now is the lion's den, the place where they fed their young,
公獅母獅雙雙一同前往, where the lion and lioness went,
幼獅無懼之地又在那裏? and the cubs, with nothing to fear?
12 公獅為其幼獅獵足食物, The lion killed enough for his cubs
又為他的母獅扼殺獵物, and strangled the prey for his mate,
使得穴內滿是撕殺獵物. filling his lairs with the kill and his dens with the prey.
13 萬軍之耶和華宣示: "I am against you,"
"我必攻擊你, declares the Lord Almighty.
把戰車在濃煙中焚燬, "I will burn up your chariots in smoke,
刀劍必吞噬你的幼獅, and the sword will devour your young lions.
使你的獵物地上無存. I will leave you no prey on the earth.
再沒人聽見使者聲音 The voices of your messengers will no longer heard."
IV. 尼尼微報應(3:1-19):
(I) 罪有應得(3:1-7):
1 流人血的城有禍了! Woe to the city of blood,
滿城謊言, 四處劫掠, full of lies, full of plunder.
災民遍野! never without victim!
2 鞭聲颼颼, 輪聲轆轆, The crack of whips, the clatter of wheels,
戰馬奔馳, 戰車顛簸! galloping horses and jolting chariots!
3 騎兵衝鋒, 劍光閃閃, 長矛爍爍! Charging cavalry, flashing sword and glittering spears!
傷兵遍野, 屍積如山, 屍體無數, Many casulties, piles of dead, bodies without number,
活人在屍體上跌撞前行; people stumbling over the corpses -
4 全都因妓女淫行, all because of the wanton lust of a harlot,
及妖艷女巫誘惑, alluring, the mistress of sorceries,
以淫蕩羈糜列國, who onslaved nations by her prostitution
施巫術役使百姓. and peoples by her witchcraft.
5 萬軍之耶和華宣示: "I am against you!"
"我必攻擊你, declares the Lord Almighty.
掀起你的裙子遮你臉, "I will lift your skirts over your face.
向列國展示你的裸體, I will show the nations your nakedness
向列邦顯示你的羞辱. and the kingdoms your shame.
6 我必把污穢擲你身, I will pelt you with filth,
並極力蔑視侮辱你, I will treat you with contempt
讓世人圍觀嘲弄你. and make you a spectacle.
7 看見你的人逃避你, All who see you will flee from you and say:
並說: "尼尼微成廢墟, 誰哀悼她? "Nineveh is in ruin - who will mourn for her?
我在那裏去找安慰你的人?" Where can I find anyone to comfort you?"
(II) 前車之鑒(3:8-17):
8 你比挪亞們還強嗎? Are you better than Thebes,
此城在尼羅河流域, situated on the Nile,
環城四周全都是水, with water around her?
河是她的屏障, 水是她的城牆. The river was her defense, the waters her wall.
9 古實埃及是她的無窮力量, Cush and Egypt were her boundless strength;
弗和路比是她的忠實盟友. Put and Libya were among her allies.
10 然而她仍被擄放逐, Yet she was taken captive and went into exile.
嬰兒慘遭摔死街頭, Her infants were dashed to pieces at the head of every street.
抽籤決定貴族命運, Lots were cast for her nobles,
權貴均被鎖鏈捆鎖. and all her great men were put in chains.
11 同時你也喝得爛醉, You too will become drunk;
躲入避難所避仇敵. you will go into hiding and seek refuge from the enemy.
12 堡壘像長滿初熟果子無花果樹, All your fortresses are like fig trees with their first ripe fruit;
只要搖樹果子就落入人的口中. when they are shaken, the figs fall into the mouth of the eater.
13 看看你的大軍全是女人! Look at your troops - they are all women!
城門正對敵人大大敞開, The gates of your land are wide open to your enemies;
大火已燒毀城門的大閂. fire has consumed their bars.
14 你要引水對付圍城, Draw water for the siege,
全力加強你的防衛; strengthen your defense!
踹土和泥修整磚窯! Work the clay, tread the mortar, repair the brickwork!
15 熊熊大火必吞噬你, There the fire will devour you;
閃閃刀劍必誅殺你, the sword will cut you down
就像蚱蜢把你吃光. and like grasshoppers, consume you.
增如蚱蜢多如蝗蟲! Multiply like grasshoppers, multiply like locusts!
16 你不斷在增加商人, You have increased the unmber of your merchants
直至他們比天星還要多, till they are more than the stars of the sky,
但他們像蝗蟲吃光飛走. but like locusts they strip the land and then fly away.
17 你們的警衛如蝗蟲, Your guards are like locusts,
官員如一大詳蝗蟲, Your officials like swarms of locusts,
天泠之時爬滿城牆, that settle in the walls on a cold day -
但太陽一出就飛走, but when the sun appears they fly away,
飛到那裏沒有人知. and no one knows where.
(III) 弔亞述王(3:18-19):
18 亞述王啊! 你的牧人在沉睡, O king of Assyria, your shepherds slumber;
你的貴族在安歇. your nobles lie down to rest.
你的百姓散佈在山上, Your people are scattered on the mountains
沒有人前來招聚他們. with no one to gather them.
19 你創傷無醫受傷無救. Nothing can heal your wound; your injury is fatal
凡聽見你消息的人, Everyone who hears the news about you
莫不因你覆亡鼓掌, clap his hands at your fall,
誰沒受過你的摧殘? for who has not felt your endless cruelty?
感謝主, 讚美主,
哈利路亞, 阿們!
2016年12月14日 台北 / 2018年10月19日佈樂格 台北
2022年3月14日終校 台北