第五回 摩西領民出埃及(V)
XVI. 行程總覽(民33:1-56)
(I) 一路行程(民33:1-49):
以色列人在摩西亞倫帶領下, 組成大軍, 浩浩蕩蕩, 出埃及入摩押平原, 這段艱辛
旅程, 摩西遵耶和華指示, 將一路行程記述如次:
1. 蘭塞(民33:3-4):
正月十五日, 即逾越節次日, 以色列人從蘭塞出發起行, 在埃及人眾目睽睽
之下, 昂然無懼, 抬頭挺胸走出埃及; 那時, 埃及人正忙著埋葬他們被耶和華
擊殺的長子, 耶和華也同時審判他們的神.
2. 疏割(民33:5) - 從蘭塞起行, 到疏割安營.
3. 以徜(民33:6) - 從疏割起行, 到曠野邊緣以徜安營.
4. 密奪(民33:7) - 從以徜起行, 轉到巴力洗分對岸的比哈希錄, 於密奪安營.
5. 瑪拉(民33:8) - 從比哈希錄對岸起行, 走過紅海到書珥曠野, 續在伊坦曠野
走了三天路程, 才在瑪拉安營.
6. 以琳(民33:9) - 從瑪拉起行, 來到以琳, 該處有十二道水泉, 七十棵棕樹,
7. 紅海岸(民33:10) - 從以琳起行, 在紅海岸安營.
8. 汎的曠野(民33:11) - 從紅海岸起行, 來到汎的曠野, 就地安營.
9. 脫加(民33:12) - 從汎的曠野起行, 到脫加安營.
10. 亞錄(民33:13) - 從汎的曠野起行, 到亞錄安營.
11. 利非訂(民33:14) - 從亞錄起行, 到利非訂安營, 百姓無水喝, 大發怨言.
12. 西乃曠野(民33:15) - 從利非訂起行, 來到西乃曠野, 就地安營.
13. 基博羅哈他瓦(民33:16) - 從西乃曠野起行, 到基博羅哈他瓦安營.
14. 哈洗錄(民33:17) - 從基博羅哈他瓦起行, 到哈洗錄安營.
15. 利提瑪(民33:18) - 從哈洗錄起行, 到利提瑪安營.
16. 臨門帕烈(民33:19) - 從利提瑪起行, 到臨門帕烈安營.
17. 立拿(民33:20) - 從臨門帕烈起行, 到立拿安營.
18. 勒撒(民33:21) - 從立拿起行, 到勒撒安營.
19. 基希拉他(民33:22) - 從勒撒起行, 到基希拉他安營.
20. 沙斐山(民33:23) - 從基希拉他起行, 到沙斐山安營.
21. 哈拉大(民33:24) - 從沙斐山起行, 到哈拉大安營.
22. 瑪吉希錄(民33:25) - 從哈拉大起行, 到瑪吉希錄安營.
23. 他哈(民33:26) - 從瑪吉希錄起行, 到他哈安營.
24. 他拉(民33:27) - 從他哈起行, 到他拉安營.
25. 密加(民33:28) - 從他拉起行, 到密加安營.
26. 哈摩拿(民33:29) - 從密加起行, 到哈摩拿安營.
27. 摩西錄(民33:30) - 從哈摩拿起行, 到摩西錄安營.
28. 比尼亞干(民33:31) - 從摩西錄起行, 到比尼亞干安營.
29. 曷哈及甲(民33:32) - 從比尼亞干起行, 到曷哈及甲安營.
30. 約巴他(民33:33) - 從曷哈及甲起行, 到約巴他安營.
31. 阿博拿(民33:34) - 從約巴他起行, 到阿博拿安營.
32. 以旬迦別(民33:35) - 從阿博拿起行, 到以旬迦別安營.
33. 加低斯(民33:36) - 從以旬迦別起行, 到加低斯, 即尋的曠野安營.
34. 何珥山(民33:37-40) - 從加低斯起行, 到何珥山以東邊界安營.
以色列人出埃及後四十年, 五月初一日, 祭司亞倫遵耶和華命上何珥山,
就死在山上, 享年123 歲. 那時, 住在迦南南地的迦南王亞拉得, 已得報
35. 撒摩拿(民33:41) - 從何珥山起行, 到撒摩拿安營.
36. 普嫩(民33:42) - 從撒摩拿起行, 到普嫩安營.
37. 阿伯(民33:43) - 從普嫩起行, 到阿伯安營.
38. 以耶亞巴琳(民33:44) - 從阿伯起行, 到以耶亞巴琳安營.
39. 底本迦得(民33:45) - 從以耶亞巴琳起行, 到底本迦得安營.
40. 亞門比拉太音(民33:46) - 從底本迦得起行, 到亞門比拉太音安營.
41. 亞巴琳山(民33:47) - 從亞門比拉太音起行, 到尼波對面的亞巴琳山安營.
42. 什亭(民33:48-49) - 從亞巴琳山起行, 在摩押平原約但河畔耶利哥對岸,
(II) 神的囑咐(民33:50-56):
耶和華於摩押平原約但河畔耶利哥對岸, 曉諭摩西: "你要指示以色列人, '你們
過約但河進迦南地時, 就要把那裏所有的居民, 從你面前趕出去; 同時, 要毀壞他們所有
的雕像和偶像, 以及拆毀他們所有的邱壇. 此外, 你們更要奪取那地, 居住其中, 因我已把
那地賜給你們為業. 你們要按宗族抽籤, 承受那地; 人多的, 要把產業多分給他們; 人少的,
要把產業少分給他們. 抽籤抽出那地歸誰, 就歸誰; 你們按宗族支派承受產業
你們若不把那裏的居民, 從你面前趕出去, 留下的人就必成為你們的眼中刺,
肋旁棘, 並在你們居住的地方擾害你們; 但我還是按原定計劃待他們, 也一如往昔待你們.'"
XVII. 壯志末酬(申31:1-33:29):
(I) 定繼承人(申31:1-8):
摩西向以色列人宣示: "我現已一百二十歲了, 不能再帶領你們了, 耶和華也曾
指示我: '你不得過約但河!'" 耶和華你們的神必親自在你們前頭帶領你們過河, 祂必在
你們面前消滅那地諸國, 讓你們擁有他們的地. 耶和華又說, 約書亞會在你們前頭帶領
你們過河, 耶和華會滅絕他們, 正如祂過去滅絕亞摩利西宏與噩二王一樣, 並毀滅他們
的地.耶和華會將他們交給你們, 你們要遵我指示處理他們. 你們要剛強壯膽, 不要害怕,
別怕他們, 因耶和華你們的神與你們同去, 祂絕不離開你們, 也不丟棄你們."
神定繼承人後, 摩西召見約書亞, 並在全體以色列人面前對他宣示: "你要剛強
壯膽, 因你要帶領這群百姓, 進入耶和華向他們列祖起誓應許之地, 你還要把那地分給
他們為業. 耶和華必親自在你們前面帶領, 與你們同在, 祂絕不離開你們, 也不丟棄你們.
所以, 你們不要懼怕, 不要沮喪!"
(II) 宣讀律法(申31:9-13):
摩西把律法寫下, 交給抬耶和華約櫃祭司利未子孫和以色列眾長老, 然後, 摩西
指示他們: "每逢七年的最後一年, 在守住棚節豁免債務時, 以色列人聚集來朝拜耶和華之際,
你們要在他們面前, 宣讀律法, 使聚集的百姓, 含男女孩兒及寄居者, 一體聆聽學習, 敬畏
耶和華你們的神, 並嚴格遵守律法條例; 他們不知律法的兒女必需聆聽學習敬畏耶和華你們
的神; 你們在過約但河後, 擁有的地上生活時, 要牢記心頭, 認真遵守."
(III) 最後訓示(申31:14-23):
耶和華指示摩西: "你的死期將近, 召約書亞前來, 你們二人同到會幕, 我要在
那裏按立他." 於是, 摩西和約書亞一同來到會幕.
接著, 耶和華在會幕雲柱中顯現, 雲柱停留在會幕門上, 耶和華曉諭摩西: "你將
與你列祖同眠, 這百姓很快就會與他們進入之地的外邦神行淫, 離棄我及違背我與他們
立的約, 到那日, 我的怒氣必向他們發作, 並拋棄他們, 掩面不顧他們, 毀滅他們, 有很多
災難禍患摧殘他們. 在那日, 他們會問: '這些災禍臨到我們, 是否因我們的神不與我們
同在?' 那日, 我必掩面不顧他們, 因他們邪惡墮落, 轉隨別神.
現在你要親自把這首歌寫下, 並教以色列人詠唱, 以見證我為何懲處他們. 當我
領他們進入我起誓應許他們列祖流奶與蜜之地, 他們在那裏吃得飽足, 生活安逸時, 就會
轉隨膜拜別神, 而拒絕我, 背棄與我立的約. 當很多災難與禍患臨到他們時, 這首歌就是
最好見證, 使他們的後裔永誌不忘. 我未領他們進入我起誓應許他們之地前, 他們日後
所作所為, 我都知道, 一清二楚."
於是, 摩西就在那一天, 遵示寫下那首歌, 並教以色列人詠唱.
此外, 耶和華又曉諭嫩之子約書亞: "你要剛強壯膽, 因為你要領以色列人進入
我起誓應許他們之地, 我必與你同在."
(V) 摩西之歌(申32:1-47):
摩西將這首歌的歌詞, 從頭到尾向以色列會眾朗誦一遍:
新 譯 英 文
2 天啊! 側耳聽, 我要說話; Listen, O heaven, and I will speak;
地啊! 仔細麵, 我口中言. hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
我的教訓如雨降, Let my teaching fall like rain
我的話語如露下; and my words descend like dew,
如細雨遍灑嫩草, like showers on new grass,
如甘霖降落幼苗. like abundant rain on tender plants.
3 我要宣揚主的名, I will proclaim the name of the Lord.
讚美我神的偉大! Oh, praise the greatness of our God!
4 祂是磬石言完美, He is the Rock, his words are perfect,
祂的道路正又直, and all his ways are just.
信實的神不犯錯, A faithful God who does no wrong,
祂既公平又正直. upright and just is he.
5 他們對衪行敗壞, They have acted corrupted toward him;
不再是祂的兒女; to their shame they are no longer his children,
而是邪惡的世代. but a wraped and crooked generation.
6 愚昧不智的百姓啊! Is this the way you repay the Lord,
這是你對主回報嗎? O foolish and unwise people!
祂不是你父創造主, Is he not your Father, your Creator,
塑你和造你的神嗎? who made you and formed you?
7 要記得古時往日, Remenber the days of old;
也思念長遠世代. consider the generations long past.
問你父他必告你, Ask your father and he will tell you,
詢長老他必說明. your elders, and they will explain to you.
8 至高者何時賜產業, When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance,
又何時把人類分開; when he divided all mankind;
祂為子民設定疆域, he set up boundaries for the peoples
全依以色列人多寡. according to the number of the sons of Isreal.
9 因衪子民是衪的份, For the Lord's portion is his people,
雅各是衪分得的業. Jacob his allotted inheritance.
10 衪在曠野無人處找到他, In a desert land he found him,
在荒涼獸吼之地發現他. in a barren and howling waste.
並悉心保護看顧他, He shielded him and cared for him;
護衛他如眼中瞳人, he guarded him as the apple of his eye,
11 如攪動窩巢的飛鷹, like an eagle that stirs up its nest
盤旋在牠雛鷹之上, and hovers over its young,
展開雙翅接取雛鷹, that spreads its wings to catch them
背在自己雙翼之上. and carries them on its pinions.
12 耶和華獨自帶領他, The Lord alone led him;
無外邦邪神在一起. no foreign god was with him.
13 祂使他在高地馳騁; He made him ride on the heights of the land
以田野美果滋養他. and fed him with the fruit of the fields.
以岩中流蜜滋補他, He nourished him with honey from the rock,
以石縫流油滋潤他. and with oil from the flinty crag.
14 飽吃牛羊的酪與奶, with curds and milk from herd and flock
肥美的羔羊山羊肉, and with fattened lambs and goats,
和巴珊上選公羊肉, with choice rams of Bashan
以及上好的小麥粒. and the finest kernels of wheat.
15 約書崙長得白胖活躍, Jeshurun grew fat and kicked;
飽食終日而腦滿腸肥. filled with food, he became heavy and sleek.
立即離棄那造他的神, He abandoned the God who made him
並抗拒他的救主磬石. and rejected the Rock his Savior.
16 他們拜別神使祂忌恨, They made him jealous with their foreign gods
又拜可憎偶像觸怒祂. and angered him with their detestable idols.
17 他們向非神鬼魔獻祭, They sacrificed to demons, which are not God -
這些邪神他們從不識, gods they had not known,
都是最近才冒出來的, gods that recently appeared,
你們的列祖不怕牠們. gods your fathers did not fear.
18 你們離棄為父的磬石, You deserted the Rock, who fathered you;
都忘記生你們的真神. you forgot the God who gave you birth.
19 耶和華見狀厭棄他們, The Lord saw this and rejected them
因衪的兒女激怒了祂. because he was angered by his sons and daughters.
20 衪說: "我要向他們掩面, "I will hide my face from them," he said,
看看他們的結局如何;" and see what their end will be;
因他們是邪惡的世代, for they are a perverse generation,
且是不忠不義的兒女. children who are unfaithful.
21 他們拜非神使我忌恨, They made me jealous by what is no god
又拜敗壞偶像激怒我. and angered me with their worthless idols.
我也要以非民使他們忌恨, I will made them envious by those who are not a people;
並以不理性之國激怒他們. I will make them angry by a nation that has no understanding.
22 我的烈怒點燃一把火, For a fire has been kindled by my wrath,
一直燃燒到陰間深處. one that burns to the realm of death below.
燒盡大地及其上產物, It will devour the earth and its harvests
群山根基也一片火海. and set afire the foundations of the mountains.
23 我要向他們傾倒災禍, I will heap calamities upon them
向他們射盡我的利箭. and spend my arrows against them.
24 讓嚴重饑荒餓死他們, I will send wasting famine against them,
致命瘟疫傳染病流行, consuming pestilence and deadly plague;
獠牙野獸橫行咬死人. I will send against them the fangs of wild beasts,
25 大刀在街上趕盡殺絕, In the street the sword will make them childless;
每家都充滿恐怖氣氛. in their homes terror will reign.
少男少女全消滅絕跡. Young men and young women will perish,
嬰孩白髮老人也滅絕. infants and gray-haired men.
26 我說過會把他們分散, I said I would scatter them
他們從人類記憶消失 and blot out their menory from mankind,
27 我怕敵人的嬉笑怒罵, but I dreaded the taunt of the enemy,
更恐怕仇敵發生誤會, lest the adversary misunderstand
而 說: "我們大獲全勝, and say, "Our land has triumphed;
並非耶和華之功." the Lord has not done this.'"
28 他們是無知之民, They are a nation without sense,
心中毫無辨識力. there is no discernment in them.
29 他們若有智就明白, If only they were wise and would understand this
知道他們將來結局! and discern what their end will be!
30 除非被他們磬石出賣, How could one man chase a thousand,
除非耶和華撇棄他們; or two put ten thousand to flight,
一人怎麼能追逐千人, unless their Rock had sold them,
二人怎麼能趕跑萬人? unless the Lord had given them up?
31 我們的仇敵自己也都認為, For their rock is not like our Rock,
因他們的磬石不如我們的. as even our enemies concede.
32 他們的葡萄樹來自所多瑪, Their vine comes from the vine of Sodom
也都是出自蛾摩拉的田野. and from the field of Gomorah.
他們的葡萄充滿毒汁, their grapes are filled with poison,
每卦葡萄都苦澀不堪. and their clusters with bitterness.
33 他們的葡萄酒是毒蛇液, Their wine is the venom of serpents,
是眼鏡蛇最致命的毒液. the deadly poison of cobras.
34 我豈不都把這些儲存, Have I not kept this in reserve
封存在我的寶庫中嗎? and sealed it in my vaults?
35 我要用來報復他們, It is mine to avenge; I will repay.
時候到他們會跌倒; In due time their foot will slip;
他們災難日子將臨, their day of disaster is near
他們的末日速到來. and their doom rushes upon them.
36 耶和華見子民能力消失, The Lord will judge his people
無論奴僕或主人都滅絕, and have compassion on his servants
才要公正審判祂的子民, when he sees their strength is gone
動惻隱心憐憫祂的僕人. and no one is left, slave or free.
37 祂說: "他們的邪神, He will say:
就是他們投靠的磬石, "Now where are their gods,
38 吃他們祭牲油脂的神, the rock they took refuge in,
喝他們祭奠之酒的神, the gods who ate the fat of their sacrifices
而今都在那裏呢? and drank the wine of their drink offerings?
讓這些神起來幫助你們吧! Let them rise up to help you!
讓這些神作你們庇護所吧! Let them give you shelter!
39 看哪, 唯有我是神! See now that I myself am He!
除我以外別無他神. There is no god besides me.
我使人死, 我使人活; I put to death and I bring to life,
我使人傷, 我醫治人. I have wounded and I will heal,
無人能從我手中救出. and no one can deliver out of my hand.
40 我向高天舉起手, I lift my hand to heaven and declare:
以我的永生起誓: As surely as I live forever,
41 當我磨好閃亮的刀, when I sharpen my flashing sword
手執利刀施行審判, and my hand grasps it in judgment,
我必向我仇敵報復, I will take vengeance on my adversaries
讓恨我的人得報應. and repay those who hate me.
42 使我的箭暢飲仇血, I will make my arrows drunk with blood,
我的刀也飽餐敵肉; while my sword devours flesh;
即被殺被擄者的血, the blood of the slain and the captives,
敵人首領頭上的肉." the heads of the enemy leaders."
43 列國啊! 與耶和華子民同歡呼, Rejoice, O nations, with his people,
因衪要追討祂僕人的血債, for he will avenge the blood of his servants;
衪還要嚴厲報復衪的仇敵, he will take vengeance on his enemies
且要為衪的地土子民贖罪. and make atonement for his land and people.
(VI) 摩西遺言(申32:45-47):
摩西和嫩之子約書亞將這首歌的歌詞, 一一說給百姓聽; 摩西對全體以色列人
唸完歌詞後, 又對他們說: "今天我嚴肅向你們宣告的話, 你們要牢記心頭, 這樣你們才能
要求你們的子孫, 遵行律法上的話, 這些話絕非空言廢話, 而是你們的生命, 在你們渡過
約但河擁有的土地上, 藉著這些話, 你們才能長治久安, 過好日子."
(VII) 摩西祝福(申33:1-29):
新 譯 英 文
2 耶和華從西奈來, The Lord came from Sinai
從西珥光照他們, and dawned over them from Seir;
從巴蘭山發光輝. he shone forth from Mount Paran.
從南方祂的山麓, He came with myraids of holy ones
與千萬聖者同來. from the south, from his mountain slopes.
3 你真正愛你子民, Surely it is you who love the people;
聖者全在你手中. all the holy ones are in your hand.
都在你腳前下拜, At your feet they all bow down,
謙卑接受你教訓; and from you receive instruction,
4 摩西給我們律法, the law that Moses gave us,
作雅各會眾產業. the possession of the assembly of Jacob.
5 當百姓首領以及 He was king over Jeshurun
以色列支派聚集, when the leaders of the people assembled,
祂在約書崙作王. along with the tribes of Isreal.
6 願流便活著不死, Let Reuben live and not die,
他的人丁不稀少. nor his men few.
7 對猶大祝福: And this he said about Judah:
"耶和華啊! 求你垂聽猶大呼求; "Hear, O Lord, the cry of Judah;
領他回到族人中, bring him to his people.
用己手保衛自家. With his own hands he defends his cause.
幫助他對抗仇敵!" Oh, be his help against his foes!"
8 對利未祝福: About Levi he said:
"耶和華啊! 你的上明和烏陵 "You Thummim and Urim belong
都屬你喜愛的人. to the man you favored.
你在瑪撒試驗他; You tested him at Massah;
米利巴與他爭論. you contended with him at the waters of Meribah.
9 說到他自己父母: He said of his father and mother.
我毫不在意他們. 'I have no regard for him.'
他不認他的兄弟, He did not recognize his brothers
也不識他的兒女, or acknowledge his own children,
但他遵行你的話, but he watched over your word
並且謹守你的約. and guarded your covenant.
10 他教雅各你的典章, He teaches your precepts to Jacob
教以色列你的律法. and your law to Isreal.
他在你的面前上香, He offers incense before you
在你的壇上獻燔祭. and whole burnt offerings on your altar.
11 耶和華啊! 賜福給他的技能, Bless all his skills, O Lord,
使他滿意自己手工. and he pleased with the work of his hands.
打擊進攻他的腰部, Smite the loins of those who rise up against him;
使他仇敵爬不起來." strike his foes till they rise no more."
12 對便雅憫祝福: About Benjamin he said:
"主庇護衪所愛的, "Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure to him,
終日如盾護衛他, for he shields him all day long,
安居衪的雙肩間." and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders."
13 對約瑟祝福: About Joseph he said:
"願耶和華賜福他的地, "May the Lord bless his land
從高天降珍貴的甘露, with the precious dew from heaven above
從地下湧出蘊藏泉水; and with the deep waters that is below;
14 太陽普照下最佳美果, with the best the sun brings forth
月亮光照下最美產物; and the finest the moon can yield;
15 古老山脈的上選禮物, with the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains
永世邱陵的美好果實; and the fruitfulness of the everlasting hills;
16 大地盛產的上等禮品, with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness
蒙主恩典居火燃荊棘. and the favor of him who dwelt in the burning bush.
願所有福份全歸約瑟頭上, Let all these rest on the head of Joseph,
歸在兄弟中作王子的額上. on the brow of the prince among his brothers.
17 他像頭生的公牛威嚴有力, In majesty he is like a first born bull;
他的雙角像野公牛的雙角. his horns are the horns of a wild ox.
用雙角去牴觸列國, With them he will gore the nations,
即使在地極也難逃. even those at the ends of the earth.
那就是以法蓮的萬角, Such are the ten thousands of Ephraim;
以及那瑪拿西的千角." Such are the thousands of Manasseh."
18 對西布倫祝福: About Zebulun he said:
西布倫啊! 出去要歡喜; "Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out,
以薩迦啊! 留營要快樂. and you, Issachar, in your tents.
19 他們會召集百姓上山, They will summon peoples to the mountain
並在山上獻公義之祭; and there offer sacrifices of righteousness;
宴會中飽饗豐盛海鮮, they will feast on the abundance of the seas,
以及埋藏沙中的美味. on the treasures hidden in the sand."
20 對迦得祝福: About Gad he said:
"使迦得擴展的有福了! "Blessed is he who enlarges Gad's domain!
迦得如獅撕裂頭與臂. Gad lives there like a lion, tearing at arm or head.
21 他為自己選最佳美地; He chose the best land for himself;
讓族長得分保留給他. the leader's portion was kept for him.
百姓首領聚集一堂時, When the heads of the people assembled,
他執行耶和華的公義, he carried out the Lord's righteous will,
及有關以色列的審判!" and his judgment concerning Isreal!"
22 對但祝福: About Dan he said:
"但是隻小獅子, "Dan is a lion's cub,
從巴珊跳出來." springing out of Bashan."
23 對拿弗他利祝福: About Naphtali he said:
"拿弗他利得主豐盛恩寵, "Naphtali is abounding with the favor of the Lord
故得到耶和華賜的滿福; and is full of his blessing;
他要承受南至大湖美地." he will inherit southward to the lake."
24 對亞設祝福: About Asher he said:
"眾子中亞設最有福, "Most blessed of sons is Asher;
他得到眾弟兄喜愛, let him be favored by his brothers,
他的雙腳浸在油中. and let him bathe his feet in oil.
25 他的門裝上銅鐵門閂, The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze,
力量與他的日子同長." and your strength will equal your days."
26 "無神像約書崙的神, "There is no one like the God of Jushurun,
祂馳騁高天幫助你, who rides on the heavens to help you
在彩雲之上顯威榮. and on the clouds in his majesty.
27 永恆神是你庇護所, The eternal God is your refuge,
永久臂就在你之下. and underneath are the everlasting arms.
祂在你前逐出仇敵, He will drive out your enemy before you,
並且下令: '毀滅他們!' saying, 'Destroy him!'
28 以色列得安然居住, So Isreal will live in safety alone;
雅各的後裔得平安 Jacob's spring is secure
住在五穀新酒之地, in a land of grain and new wine,
以色列啊! where the heavens drop dew.
29 祝天降甘露蒙天福. Blessed are you, O Isreal!
有誰像你, Who is like you,
你這蒙神拯救的子民? a people saved by the Lord?
祂是你的盾牌和幫助, He is your shield and helper
也是你榮耀光芒的劍. and your glorious swrord.
你仇敵必屈服你跟前, Your enemies will cower before you,
任你踐踏他們的高地." and you will trample down their high places."
XVIII. 壽終正寢(申34:1-):
(I) 禁入迦南(申34:1-4):
最後, 摩西從摩押平原上尼波山, 登上與耶利哥相對的毘斯迦山頂. 就在那裏
耶和華向他展示全地: 從基列至但; 拿弗他利全地; 以法蓮和瑪拿西領域; 猶大全地直至
西海; 南地和耶利哥谷全地, 棕樹城直至瑣珥. 然後, 耶和華曉諭摩西: "這就是我向亞伯
拉罕、 以撒和雅各起誓應許之地, 那時, 我說: '我必將這地賜給你們的後裔.' 現我使你
親眼看見, 但你卻不能進入那地."
(II) 鞠躬盡瘁(申34:5-8):
耶和華的僕人摩西終於在摩押逝世, 正如耶和華所說; 耶和華把摩西葬在摩押,
伯毘珥對面的谷中, 只是直至今日, 沒人知道他的墓在那裏. 摩西享年一百二十歲, 死時
眼目明亮不昏花, 精力充沛不衰退, 真奇人也. 以色列人在摩押平原為摩西哀哭三十天,
(III) 後繼有人(申34:9-12):
嫩之子約書亞, 因摩西曾按手在他頭上, 就被智慧的靈充滿, 大有能力, 立得
以色列人順服擁戴, 遵照耶和華對摩西的指示行事.
此後, 以色列中再沒興起像摩西的先知. 摩西是耶和華面對面親近過的忠僕,
祂曾差遣摩西在埃及向法老和他的臣僕以及全地, 行各樣神蹟奇事. 此外, 摩西又在
以色列眾人眼前, 顯神奇大能和行無人行過的大而可畏奇事.
XIX. 一生總結:
(I) 三大階段:
摩西一生充滿傳奇, 他的人生分成三個清晰的階段, 每階段四十年:
第一階段 - 他是埃及王子, 長於法老王宮中, 接受王室教育, 享盡榮華富貴.
第二階段 - 他是殺人犯, 逃命米甸, 曠野牧羊, 娶妻生子.
第三階段 - 蒙神揀選, 呼召作以色列領袖, 帶領以色列人出埃及, 脫離為奴之地.
豐功徫業, 成為以色列大英雄.
(II) 鬱鬱告終:
摩西蒙神呼召, 親傳神能, 帶領以色列人成功出埃及, 但選民悖逆, 怨言四起,
給摩西重大打擊挫折, 以致在米利巴情緒失控, 以杖怒擊磬石, 干犯神怒, 終生不得進迦南,
臨終前登尼波山, 只得遠眺迦南美地, 鬱鬱終於尼波山上, 一代英豪, 就此殞落, 令人惋惜.
(III) 身後殊榮:
摩西雖干神怒, 但神仍恩待衪的忠僕, 在他臨終前與他同登尼波, 親自向他展示
迦南流奶與蜜之地, 使祂的忠僕雖不得進入應許之地, 但仍得親眼目睹, 聊慰忠心; 尤其
摩西歿於山上, 耶和華親接上天, 直至今日, 無人知道他的墓地何在, 實係莫大榮幸.
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感謝主, 讚美主,
哈利路亞, 阿們!
2018年4月12日 於台北 / 2019年2月16日 佈樂格 台北
2022年2月8日終校 台北