第二部 審判列國預言(25-32章)
第二章 審判埃及(29:1-32:32)
I. 賜地巴王(29:1-21):
第十年十月十二日, 耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要面向埃及王法老, 說預言攻擊他和埃及全地說,
3 埃及王法老啊! 我要打擊 "'I am against you, Pharaoh king of Egypt,
你這躺臥在河中的大怪 you great monster lying among your streams.
你說: '尼羅河是我的, You say, 'The Nile is mine;
是我為自己造的.' I made it for myself.'
4 但我必把釣鉤鉤住你的下顎, But I will put hooks in your jaws
使河中的魚都黏在你的鱗上. and made the fish of your streams stick to your scales.
我要從河中把你連 I will pull you out from among your streams,
鱗上黏著的魚拉出; with all the fish sticking to your scales.
5 你和河中魚置曠野, I will leave you in the desert, you and all the fish of your streams.
躺在露天無人撿拾, You will fall on the open field and not be gathered or picked up.
供走獸飛鳥作食物. I will give you as food to the beasts of the earth and the birds of the air.
這樣所有住在埃及的人, 才知道我是耶和華.
你曾是以色列家的蘆葦杖, 他們用手抓你, 你就裂開, 扭斷他們的肩; 他們依靠你, 你就折斷, 扭傷
他們的背. 所以, 主耶和華這樣說: 我要用刀誅殺你, 殺你的人畜. 埃及將成荒涼廢墟; 到那時, 他們就知道
因你說: '尼羅河是我的, 我造的.' 所以我要打擊你和你的河川, 使埃及地自密奪至阿斯萬直達古實
邊境一片荒涼成廢墟, 人獸足跡不至, 四十年之久無人居住. 我也必使埃及地成為荒地中的荒地, 她的城邑在
四十年間, 成為廢城中的廢城; 同時, 把埃及人分散列國, 四散各地.
主耶和華又這樣說: 四十年期滿, 我將招聚分散列國的埃及人, 使他們從被擄之地回歸故土巴忒羅,
在那裏淪為卑微之國, 在列國地位最低微, 永難抬頭; 而且我要使她國力衰弱到再也無力統治他國. 此外, 埃及
再也不是以色列人信靠之國, 而是以色列人向她求時, 不禁會想起自己的罪惡; 這樣, 他們就知道我是耶和華.
二十七年正月初一日, 耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒出兵攻打推羅, 陷入苦戰,
打得頭破肩裂; 推羅一役並末讓他的大軍得到預期戰果. 所以, 主耶和華這樣說: 我將把埃及地賜給巴比倫王
尼布甲尼撒, 讓他帶走埃及的財富, 掠奪全地, 以支應其出兵軍費; 我把埃及賜給他作出兵報償, 因他們軍隊是
為我而戰, 主耶和華這樣說.
到那日, 我必使以色列家長角, 並在他們中間張開你以西結的口; 主耶和華這樣說.'"
II. 埃及哀歌(30:1-19):
耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要對埃及說預言作哀歌, 主耶和華這樣說:
(I) 懲罰埃及(30:1-19):
2 "你們哀哭呼喊: "Wail and say,
哀哉那日!' Alas for that day!'
3 因那日近了, For the day is near,
耶和華的日子近了, the day of the Lord is near -
那是烏雲密佈之日, a day of clouds,
也是列國末日之時. a time of doom for the nations.
4 刀劍將臨誅殺埃及, A sword will come against Egypt,
古實感到萬分痛苦. and anguish will come upon Cush.
被殺者倒在埃及時, When the slain fall in Egypt,
財富被劫根基搗毀. her wealth will be carried away and her foundation torn down.
古實人、弗人、路德人、亞拉伯人、呂底亞人和立約之地的人, 都與埃及人一同倒在刀下."
6 "埃及所有盟邦必傾覆, "The allies of Egypt will fall
她誇耀的國力必衰微. and her proud strength will fail.
從密奪一直至亞斯萬, From Migdol to Aswan
他們必在埃及倒刀下. they will fall by the sword within her,
主耶和華這樣說. declares the Sovereign Lord.
7 他們必成荒地中的荒地, They will be desolate among desolate lands,
城邑必成廢城中的廢城. and their cities will lie among ruined cities.
8 當我放火焚燒整個埃及, Then they will know that I am the Lord,
和救援她的盟友粉碎時, when I set fire to Egypt
他們就知道我是耶和華. and all her helpers are crushed.
在那日, 必有使者坐船從我處出去, 使自滿無憂的古實人驚惶失色; 埃及敗亡之日, 他們必痛苦萬分,
10 "我必藉巴比倫王 "I will put an end to the hordes of Egypt
尼布甲尼撒之手, by the hand of
消滅埃及大群人. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
11 他率領最殘暴的大軍, He and his army - the most ruthless of nations -
入侵此地並毀滅此地. will be brought in to destroy the land.
他們拔刀屠殺全埃及, They will draw their swords against Egypt
被屠殺之人屍橫遍野. and fill the land with the slain.
12 我還要使尼羅河乾涸, I will dry up the streams of the Nile
並把這地岀賣給惡人; and sell the land to evil men;
此外我要藉外人之手, by the hand of foreigners
使這地和其-切荒涼. I will lay waste the land and everything in it.
我耶和華這樣說." I the Lord have spoken."
13 "我必毀滅偶像, "I will destroy the idols
掃除挪弗神像. and put an end to the images in Memphis.
埃及不再有君王, No longer will there be a prince in Egypt,
全地都充滿恐懼. and I will spread fear throught out the land.
14 我必使巴忒羅荒涼, I will lay waste upper Egypt,
並且放火焚燒瑣安, set fire to Zoan
還要嚴厲懲罰挪城. and inflict punishment on Thebes.
15 向埃及堡壘訓發怒, I will pour out my wrath on Pelusium, the stronghold of Egypt,
並剪除挪城大群人. and cut off the hordes of Thebes.
16 我必放火焚燒埃及; I will set fire to Egypt;
訓城陷入痛苦煎熬, Pelusium will writhe in agony.
挪城強風暴雨擊打, Thebes will be taken by strom;
挪弗災難頻仍不斷. Memphis will be in constant distress.
17 亞文和比伯實青年, The young men of Heliopolis and Babastis
都必慘死在刀劍下; will fall by the aword,
城邑的百姓必被擄. and the cities themselves will go into captivity.
18 我折斷埃及之軛時, Dark will be the day at Tahpanhes
答比匿竟白晝漆黑; when I break the yoke of Egypt;
傲視全地國力式微. there her proud strength will come to an end.
全城都被烏雲遮蓋, She will be covered with clouds,
鄉鎮淪陷居民被擄, and her villages will go into capyivity.
19 因此我必嚴懲埃及, So I will inflict punishment on Egypt,
他們就知道我是耶和華'" and they will know that I am the Lord."
(II) 折法老臂(30:20-23):
十一年正月初七日, 耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 我已打斷埃及王法老的膀臂, 沒人為他裹傷醫治,
沒人為他夾板固定, 使他有力持刀; 所以, 主耶和華這樣說: 我要打擊埃及王法老, 打斷他已打斷完好的雙臂,
使他的刀從手中掉地上; 我還要把埃及人分散列國, 四散各地."
(III) 強巴王臂(30:24-26):
"我必加強巴比倫王的膀臂, 讓他手持我的刀, 並打斷法老的臂, 使他像受傷世人一樣, 在巴比倫王
面前痛苦呻吟. 我要加強巴比倫王的臂, 卻使法老的臂下垂無力; 當我把刀放在巴比倫王手中, 讓他舉刀攻擊
埃及; 那時,他們就知道我是耶和華. 我要把埃及人分散列國, 四散各地; 那時,他們就知道我是耶和華."
IV. 懲罰比喻(31:1-18):
(I) 砍香柏樹(31:1-9):
十一年三月初一日, 耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要對埃及王法老及其群眾說:
3 "'誰能與你比威嚴偉大呢? "'Who can be compared with you in majesty?
看看亞述, Consider Assyria,
曾經是棵黎巴嫩香柏樹, once a cedar in Lebanon,
枝葉榮美, 影掩全 with beautiful branches overshadowing the forest;
樹高魁梧, 頂蓋群林. it towered on high, its top above the thick foliage.
4 清水滋養這柏樹, The waters nourished it,
深泉使樹長高大; deep springs made it grow tall;
河川環繞樹根流, their streams flowed all around its base
水道流向田野樹. and sent their channels to all the trees of the field.
5 因此比田野樹高, So it towered higher than all the trees of the field;
樹枝增多又長長, its boughs increased and branches grow long,
四面蔓延因水足. spreading because of abundant waters.
6 飛鳥枝頭築愛巢, All the birds of the air nested in its boughs,
群獸枝下生幼子, all the beasts of the field gave birth under its brances;
列國居住其蔭下. all the great nations live in its shade.
7 因樹根深入水中, It was majestic in beauty with its spreading boughs,
枝幹茂密顯榮美. for its roots went down to abundant waters.
8 神園香柏無能比, The cedars in the garden of God could not rival it.
松樹比不上其幹, nor could the pine trees equal its boughs,
楓樹不及其枝條, nor could the plane trees compare with its branches -
神園無樹能比美. no tree in the garden of God could match its beauty.
9 我以多枝顯其美, I made it beautiful with abundant branches,
神園伊甸全樹妒. the envy of all trees of Eden in the garden of God.
(II) 驕狂必亡(31:10-18)
所以, 主耶和華這樣說: 因這香柏樹樹高魁梧, 頂蓋群林.又因高大自傲, 我必把牠交給列國的統治者,
按其罪惡, 加以懲治. 我把牠丟棄一旁, 讓最殘酷外邦把牠砍伐倒地, 牠的樹幹橫倒山頭, 遍佈山谷; 樹枝折斷,
落在這地山溪. 地上所有寄居蔭下列國, 紛紛走離; 樹上築巢飛鳥和枝下棲息群獸相繼飛離走避. 因此, 水旁再
也沒有高大自傲, 頂蓋群林的樹, 也沒有水份充足, 灌溉出來像牠一樣高的樹; 全都像世人, 走向死亡, 下到
主耶和華這樣說: 當牠下陰間之日, 我以哀傷掩蓋深泉, 阻斷河川, 大水停流. 因此, 我將使黎巴嫩
披上末日陰影, 全地樹木枯死. 我使大樹倒下, 下到陰間, 發出傾倒之聲時, 我必使列國震撼. 那時, 伊甸所有
樹木, 就是灌溉良好, 最佳美的黎巴嫩樹木, 在陰間-同得到安慰; 那些住在樹蔭下及其結盟列國, 也同時下到
陰間, 加入死於刀下的亡魂.
伊甸樹木中有那棵能比得上你的榮耀威嚴? 然而, 你跟伊甸所有樹木-樣, 都要下陰間, 與未行割禮
及死於刀下的為伍. 這樹就是法老及其民眾, 主耶和華這樣說.
V. 法老哀歌(32:1-21):
十一年十二月初一日, 耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要為埃及王法老作哀歌, 並對他說:
2 "'你像列國中一頭獅子; "'You are like a lion among the nations;
又像大海中一個海怪, you are like a monster in the seas
在你海流中滾動翻騰, threshing about in your streams,
並腳攪海流使之混濁. churning the water with your feet and muddying the streams.
"'帶著一大群民眾, "'With a great throng of people
我必向你撒開網, I will cast my net over you,
讓他們把你拉起. and they will haul you up in my net.
4 我必把你摔地上, I will throw you on the land
丟棄在露天田野. and hurl you on the open field.
使空中飛鳥棲你身, I will let all the birds of the air settle on you
地上的野獸吃你飽. and all the beasts of the earth gorge themselves on you.
5 並把你的肉灑山頭, I will spread your flesh on the mountains
讓你的屍體滿山谷. and fill the valley with your remains.
6 使你的血流遍全地, I will drench the land with your flowing blood
直至山麓屍橫山溪. all the way to the mountains, and the ravines will be filled with your flesh.
7 當我要消滅你之時, When I snuff you out,
我必遮天眾星昏暗; I will cover the heavens and darken their stars;
並以雲掩日月無光. I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light.
8 又要使你頭上天空, All the shinning lights in the heavens
不再明亮一片漆黑; I will darken over you;
使你全地黑暗無光. I will bring darkness over your land,
主耶和華這樣說. declares the Sovereign Lord.
9 當我要把你在列國之中, I will trouble the hearts of many peoples
在你不知之地毀滅之時, when I bring about your destruction among the nations,
必使各族人民心驚膽戰. among lands you have not known.
10 當我在他們面前揮刀劍, I will cause many peoples to be appalled at you,
各族人民必因你而驚駭, and their kings will shudder with horror because of you
他們的君王因你而恐慌. when I branish my sword before them.
在你傾覆滅亡之日到來, On the day of your down fall
他們必時刻為己命戰抖. each of them will tremble every moment for his life."
11 "'巴比倫王的刀劍 "'The sword of the king of Babylon
必然會來攻擊你. will come against you.
12 我必使你的百姓, I will cause your hordes to fall
都倒在列國之中, by the swords of mighty men -
最殘忍強人刀下; the most ruthless of all nations.
粉碎埃及的高傲, They will shatter the pride of Egypt,
他的百姓都覆亡. and all her hordes will be overthrown.
13 我必在滾滾大河畔, I will destroy all her cattle
滅絕她的牛羊牲畜; from beside abundant waters
人腳不再攪動河水, no longer to be stirred by the foot of man
牲蹄不再把水攪濁. or muddled by the hoofs of cattle.
14 然後我才使河澄清, Then I will let her waters settle
讓河水如油緩緩流. and make her streams flow like oil,
主耶和華這樣說. declares the Sovereign Lord.
15 當我使埃及地荒涼, When I make Egypt desolate
摧毀地上面的一切; and strip the land of everything in it,
當我擊倒其上居民, when I strike down all who live there,
他們就知道我是主.'" then they will know that I am the Lord.'"
這就是他們為她唱的哀歌, 也是列國女子為她唱的哀歌, 他們都為埃及和她的民眾唱的哀歌; 這是
十二年二月十五日, 耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要為埃及民眾哀哭, 並把埃及和強國女子與
下坑的人-同送入陰間; 且要對他們說: '你們比誰更優越呢? 下陰間與未受割禮的人同眠.' 他們倒在死於刀下
中未受割禮的人間; 刀既拔出, 就讓她與百姓一起拖走. 在墳墓中, 強國領袖論到埃及和其盟邦時會說: '他們
下來與未受割禮和死在刀下的人, 一起長眠.'
VI. 列國遭報(32:22-32):
(I) 亞述遭報(32:22-23):
亞述和她的大軍在那裏, 他們被遇害者及倒在刀下者的墳墓包圍, 他們的墳墓在深坑; 亞述大軍躺在
墳墓四周, 所有在活人之地散佈恐怖的都被殺, 一-倒在刀下.
(II) 以攔遭報(32:24-25):
以攔也在那裏, 與她的民眾卻都在墳墓四周, 他們全都被殺, 倒在刀下. 所有在活人之地散佈恐怖的
都未受割禮下陰間, 他們與下陰間的人同蒙羞辱, 在被殺之人中間和她墳墓周圍她的所有民眾中, 為她設陵寢;
他們全未受割禮, 都死於刀下. 因他們在活人之地散佈恐怖, 故與下陰間之人同蒙羞辱, 與被殺者同眠.
(III) 米土遭報(32:26-28):
米設和土巴也在那裏, 與他們的民眾卻都在墳墓四周, 因在活人之地散佈恐怖, 他們都全未受割禮,
死於刀下. 他們豈非與倒下未受割禮帶著武器下陰間, 刀置頭下的戰士嗎? 罪的懲罰落在他們白骨上, 雖這些
法老啊! 你也-樣, 必被粉碎, 躺在未受割禮者中間, 與死於刀下者同眠.
(IV) 以東遭報(32:29):
以東也在那裏, 她的君王與權貴, 縱使曾權傾-時, 也和死於刀下者躺在一起, 與未受割禮者和下到
(V) 其他遭報(32:30-32):
北方眾首領和所有西頓人在那裏, 他們雖縱權橫行, 世人恐怖, 亦與被殺之人蒙羞下陰間; 與未受
割禮和死於刀下者同眠, 與下坑者一同承擔羞辱.
法老及其大軍目睹他們下場, 必為他死於刀下百姓, 得到安慰, 主耶和華這樣說. 我雖讓他們在活人之地
散佈恐怖, 法老及其百姓必與未受割禮和死於刀下者同眠, 主耶和華這樣說.