第二部 審判列國預言(25-32章)
第一章 周圍列國(25:1-28:24)
I. 審判亞捫(25:1-7):
耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要面對亞捫人說預言攻擊他們: '你們當聽主耶和華的話, 主耶和華
這樣說: 當我的聖所被褻瀆, 以色列地變荒涼, 猶大百姓被擄時, 你們竟說: '阿哈!' 所以, 我必把你們交在
東方人手裏. 他們會在你們中間紮營搭帳, 吃你們的果子, 喝你們的奶. 我且要使拉巴成駱駝草場, 亞捫地
成群羊安歇之地; 那時, 你們就知道我是耶和華. 所以主耶和華這樣說: 因你們手舞足蹈, 心懷惡意, 見以色列
地遭殃而歡欣;所以我必伸手打擊你們, 讓列國掠奪你們, 從列邦中剪除你們, 從萬民中消滅你們, 我必毀滅
你們; 你們就知道我是耶和華.'"
II. 審判摩押(25:8-11):
"主耶和華這樣說: 因摩押和西珥人說: '看哪! 猶大家與列國一樣無異.' 所以我要打破摩押的側翼, 從他們
視為榮耀之地的邊境城邑伯耶西末、巴力免和基列亭開始, 我要把摩押連同亞捫人交在東方人手裏, 使亞捫人
在列國中無人紀念, 並懲罰摩押, 那時, 他們就知道我是耶和華.'"
III. 審判以東(25:12-14):
"主耶和華這樣說: 因以東對猶大家報仇雪恨, 犯下大罪, 所以主耶和華這樣說: 我必伸手打擊以東, 誅殺
人畜, 使地荒涼, 從提幔至底但的人都倒在刀下; 我必藉我子民以色列之手, 報復以東, 按我的忿怒烈怒去對付
以東人, 他們就知道那是我的報復; 主耶和華這樣宣示."
IV. 審判非利士(25:15-17):
"主耶和華這樣說: 因非利士人對猶大報仇雪恨, 心存惡意, 不忘歷史恩仇, -心要毀滅猶大, 所以主耶和華
這樣說: 我即將伸手打擊非利士, 剪除基利提人和毀滅沿海剩下的人, 我必對他們大施報復, 在烈怒中嚴懲
他們. 我報復他們時, 他們就知道我是耶和華."
V. 審判推羅(26:1-28:19):
(I) 推羅遭報(26:1-21):
1. 預言傾覆(26:1-6):
第十一年某月一日, 耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 因推羅談到耶路撒冷時曾說: '阿哈! 通往
列國之門已破, 並且向我敞開, 現耶路撒冷-片荒涼, 我們卻要繁榮昌盛.'"
所以主耶和華這樣說: 我要對付你; 推羅啊! 我要號召多國攻擊你, 如洶湧海浪沖擊你. 他們會
摧毀推羅城牆, 拆毀城樓; 我還要刮淨城中瓦礫, 使成光凈岩石, 作海中曬網之地; 因我這樣說過, 主耶和華
這樣宣示. 她將成列國掠奪之地, 陸地居住的推羅人必慘死刀下; 那時, 他們就知道我是耶和華.
2. 攻擊推羅(26:7-14):
因主耶和華這樣說: 我必使王中之王, 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒從北方出動騎兵戰車以及精銳大軍
攻擊推羅, 他將以刀劍殺戮陸地居民, 構築圍城工事, 建高疊, 舉盾牌攻擊你; 並以攻城大槌衝撞城牆, 並以
武器摧毀城樓, 因大群戰馬馳騁, 塵土飛揚蔽天日. 在戰馬嘶鳴, 武器戰車隆隆嘈雜聲中, 你的城牆震動欲塌,
一如士兵從城的破口衝入城中; 馬蹄踏遍大街小巷, 刀劍殺盡你的人民, 堅固的柱子倒在地上; 他們掠奪你的
財富, 洗劫你的商賈, 推倒你的城牆, 摧毀你的豪宅, 並把你的石頭、木材及瓦礫全都投入大海. 我還要使唱歌
的歌聲止息, 琴聲不再成絕響; 你的全地成禿石, 成為曬網之地, 永不重建, 因我耶和華這樣說過, 主耶和華 這樣宣示.
3. 沿岸震驚(26:15-18):
主耶和華對推羅這樣說: 當你遭屠殺, 傷者痛苦呻吟之時, 沿海各地不會因你傾覆之聲而驚惶
失措嗎? 那時, 所有沿海諸王都必由王座下來, 除去王袍, 脫下華服, 滿心戰兢, 坐在地上, 不住顫抖, 對你驚畏
萬分, 為你作哀歌說:
17 "'航海出名的名城啊! "'How you are destroyed, O city of renown,
你是如何被毀滅的! peopled by men of the sea!
你是海上強權; You were a power on the seas,
你和你的子民, you and your citizens,
使所有居住那裏的人驚恐. you put your terror on all who lived there.
18 在你傾覆之日, Now the coastlands tremble
沿岸震驚戰抖; on the day of your fall;
那在海中諸島, the islands in the sea
為你傾覆驚惶.' are terrified at your collapse.'
4. 悲慘結局(26:19-21):
主耶和華這樣說: 我使你成荒涼之地, 無人居住之城, 又使漫天海洋大水淹沒你; 然後, 趕你下
陰府, 與古時的人在一起; 讓你在如遠古廢墟的地底深處, 與下陰府的人同住, 永遠不能回來原先活人居住
之地. 你的結局可怕, 絕跡人寰, 縱使搜尋, 也永尋不見. 主耶和華這樣宣示."
(II) 推羅哀歌(27:1-36):
耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要為推羅作哀歌, 並對位於出海口, 萬商雲集的推羅說:
3 "'推羅啊! 你說: "'You say, O Tyre,
我十分艷麗!' I am perfect in beauty.'
4 你的疆域就在大海洋, Your domain was on the high seas;
建造者使你十分美麗. your builder brought your beauty to perfection.
5 以示尼珥松作你的建材, They made all your timbers of pine trees from Senir;
黎巴嫩柏樹作你的桅桿, they took a cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you.
6 巴珊的橡樹作你的船槳, Of oaks from Bashan they made your oars;
基提的楊樹作你的甲板, of cypress wood from the coasts of Cyprus
並以象牙作船艙內裝飾. they made you your deck, inland with ivory.
7 同時以埃及精繡麻布 Fine embroidered linen from Egypt was your sail
製作你的風帆和旗幟; and served as your banner;
用來自以利沙海岸的 your awnings were of blue and purple
藍紫帆布作你的船蓬. form the coasts of Elishah.
8 西頓和亞發壯丁為你搖櫓; Men of Siden and Arvad were your oarsmen;
推羅啊! 你的精壯成船上水手, your skilled men, O Tyre, were aboard as your seamen.
9 迦巴勒老練技工 Veteran craftsmen of Gebal were on board
為你造船補船縫; as shipwrights to caulk your seams.
所有海船和船員, All the ships of the sea and their sailors
都為你銷貨貿易. came alongside to trade for your wares.
10 波斯人路德人和弗人, Men of Persia, Lydia and Put
都在你的軍中作戰士. served as soldiers in your army.
他們把盾盔掛你牆上, They hung their shields and helmets on your walls,
好對世彰顯你的榮耀. bring you splendor.
11 亞發人以及希勒人 Men of Arved and Helech
在你城牆四圍佈署; manned your walls on every side;
迦默人在城樓站崗. men of Gammed were in your towers.
他們把盾牌掛牆上, They hung their shields around your walls;
使你光鮮艷麗十足. they brought your beauty to perfection.
12 他施人因你物產豐饒與你貿易, 以他們的銀鐵錫鉛交換你的商品;
13 希臘人、土巴人和米設人也與你交易, 用他們的奴隸和銅器交換你的貨物;
14 陀迦瑪人以家馬、戰馬和騾子交換你的貨物;
15 羅底人也與你有貿易往來, 和許多海岸人民都是你的客戶, 他們以象牙和烏木支付貨款;
16 亞蘭人因你物產繁多與你交易, 以他們的綠寶石、紫布、刺繡、細麻布、珊瑚和紅寶石交換你的商品.
17 猶大和以色列也與你通商, 他們以米匿的小麥、糖果、蜂蜜、油和乳香交換你的貨物;
18 大馬士革因你物產繁多, 財物豐裕與你往來, 他們以黑本的酒和沙巴的羊毛與你交易;
19 威但人和希臘人從烏薩以的鍛鐵、桂皮和菖蒲交換你的貨物;
20 底但人以馬鞍毯子與你交易;
21 亞拉伯人和吉達王公貴人都是你的客戶, 他們以羔羊、綿羊和山羊與你交易;
22 示巴和拉瑪商人以各種上好香料、寶石和黃金與你交易;
23-24 亞蘭人、干尼人和伊甸人, 以及示巴、亞速和基抹商人都與你有往來, 他們在市場上以華麗衣服、
25 "他施商船裝載你的貨物, "The ships of Tarshish serve as carriers for your wares,
在大海中滿載貨物航行. You are filled with heavy cargo in the heart of the sea.
26 你的水手乘風帶你航向大洋, Your oarsmen take you out to the high seas,
而東風在海中把你打得粉碎. But the east wind will break you to pieces in the heart of the sea.
27 在你遭遇船難之日, Your wealth, merchandise and wares,
你在船上的財富、商品和貨物, your mariners, seamen, and shipwrights,
船員、 水手和維修人員, your merchants and all your soldiers,
商人和士兵, and everyone else on board
以及所有在船上的人, will sink into the heart of the sea
都慘在汪洋大海沉沒. on the day of your shipwreck.
28 你的水手呼叫時, The shorelands will quake
整個海岸大震動. when your seamen cry out.
29 搖櫓之人棄船逃, All who handle the oars will abandon their ships;
船員水手站岸上. The mariners and all the seamen will stand on the shore.
30 全向你痛苦呼求; They will raise their voice and cry bitterly over you;
頭灑灰塵土中滾. they will sprinkle dust on their heads and roll in ashes.
31 因你剃頭穿麻衣, They will shave their heads because of you and will put on sackcloth.
為你痛哭苦哀傷. They will weep over you with anguish of soul and will bitter mourning.
32 他們為你哀哭時, As they wail and mourn over you;
同聲為你唱哀歌: they will take up a lament concerning you:
"誰像推羅環四海, Who was ever silenced like tyre,
寂靜無言不出聲?" surrounded by the sea?'
33 你的貨物海上運, When your merchandise went out on the seas,
滿足多國無匱乏; you satified many nations;
你的財富與貨物, with your great wealth and your wares
使地上君王豐足. you enriched the kings of the earth.
34 現你被海猛沖擊, Now you are shattered by the sea
沉入水中困深海; in the depth of the waters;
你的貨物與人員, your wares and all your company
與你-同沉海底. have gone down with you.
35 岸居民感驚奇, All who live in the coastlands are appalled at you;
他們君王也驚惶, their kings shudder with horror
面帶愁容心恐慌. and their faces are distorted with fear.
36 列國商人發噓聲, The merchants among the nations hiss at you;
你面臨悲慘結局, you havecome to a horrible end
永不存在於世上!'" and will be no more.'"
(III) 對推羅王(28:1-19):
耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你對推羅王說: 主耶和華這樣說:
2 "'你心中高傲說: "'In the pride of your heart
我是神, you say: 'I am a god;
在大海中坐上神的寶座. I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas.'
你自認與神一樣有智慧. But you are a man and not a god,
然而你終究是人不是神, though you think you are as wise as a god.
3 你比但以理更有智慧嗎? Are you wiser than Daniel?
沒任何秘密向你隱藏嗎? Is no secret hidden from you?
4 你藉著自己的智慧聰明, By your wisdom and understanding
為自己得到很多的財富, you have gained wealth for yourself
在財庫中積攢無數金銀. and amassed gold and silver in your treasuries.
5 你精於貿易使財富大增, By your great skill in trading you have increased your wealth,
因財富多以致心高氣傲. and because of your wealth your heart has grown proud.
6 你自認自己聰慧, Because you think you are wise,
與神一樣有智慧. as wise as a god,
7 必令最殘暴的外邦攻擊你, I am to bring foreigners against you, the most ruthless of nations,
他們拔刀擊殺你的美麗智慧, they will draw their swords against your beauty and wisdom
並且用刀刺透你的瑰麗榮耀. and pierce your shinning splendor.
8 他們會把你打入深坑, They will bring you down to the pit,
你必暴斃在大海之中. and you will die a violent death in the heart of the seas.
9 你還會在誅殺你的人 Will then say: 'I am a god,'
面前說: '我是神.' 嗎? in the presence of those who kill you?
你在誅殺你的人手中, You will be but a man, not a god,
終究不過是人不是神, in the hands of those who slay you.
10 你必死在外邦人手中, You will die the death of the uncircumcised
跟未受割禮的人一樣. at the hands of foreigners.
我曾這樣說過, 主耶和華這樣說.'" I have spoken, declares the Sovereign Lord.'"
耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要為推羅王作哀歌, 並對他說: '主耶和華這樣說:
12 "'你曾是完美的典範, "'You were the model of perfection,
充滿智慧, 全然美麗. full of wisdom and perfect in in beauty.
13 你在伊甸神的園中, You were in Eden, the garden of God;
佩戴各種名貴寶石: every precious stone adorned you:
紅寶石、黃玉、金剛石、 ruby, topaz and emerald,
水蒼玉、紅瑪瑙、碧玉 chrysolite, onyx and jasper,
藍寶石、綠寶石、紅玉. sapphire, turquoise and beryl.
寶石全用黃金鑲嵌架座, our settings and mountings were made of gold;
在你受造之日完全齊備. on the day you were created they were prepared.
14 你是受膏守護寶座基路伯, You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you.
我把你安置在神的聖山上, You were on the holy mount of God;
讓你在火燄熊熊石上行走. you walked among the fiery stones.
15 自受造之日你的行為完美, You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created
直至在你裏面發現邪惡止. till wickedness was found in you.
16 你的貿易雖廣通四海, Through your widespread trade
但充滿了暴力和罪惡 you were filled with violence, and you sinned.
我因之在羞辱中把你趕下神山, So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
並在火燄熊熊的石中把你驅逐, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub,
守護寶座的基路伯啊! from among the fiery stones.
17 由於你全然美麗故高傲自大, Your heart became proud on account of your beauty,
由於你異常光彩故敗壞智慧. and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.
因此我把你摔在地上, So I threw you to the earth;
讓世上君王親眼目睹. I made a spectacle of you before kings.
18 你犯罪疊疊交易詐欺, By your many sins and dishonest trade
因之玷污了你的聖所. you have desecrated your sanctuaries.
所以我讓你引火自焚, So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you,
在眾目睽睽注視之下, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground
把你燒成灰燼散大地. in the sight of all who were watching.
19 知你的列國見狀驚駭, All the nations who knew you are appalled at you,
你就此悲慘下場絕跡.'" you have come to a horrible end and will be no more.'"
(IV) 對西頓言(28:20-24):
耶和華的話臨到我說: "人子啊! 你要面向西頓說預言攻擊她說, 主耶和華這樣說:
22 西頓啊! 我要打擊你, "'I am against you, O Sidon,
並在你們中得榮耀. and I will gain glory within you.
當我對她施行懲罰, They will know that I am the Lord,
在她中間顯神聖時, when I inflict punishment on her
他們就知我是耶和華, and show myself holy within her.
23 我要在她中間降瘟疫, I will send a plague upon her
使鮮血在她街上流竄. and make blood flow in her streets.
當刀劍從四面殺過來, The slain will fall within her,
被誅者倒在她中間時; with the sword against her on every side.
他們就知我是耶和華. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
以色列百姓不再有惡鄰, 就是那使他們痛苦的蒺藜, 和刺傷他們的尖銳荊棘; 那時, 他們就知道我是
耶和華. 主耶和華這樣說: 當我把分散列國的以色列子民招聚回來之時, 我將在列國眼前在他們中間神聖顯現.
然後, 他們將居住在自己的土地上, 即我賜給我僕雅各之地; 在那裏他們可安然居住, 建造房舍, 栽植葡萄. 當我
懲罰欺壓他們的惡鄰時, 他們居住平安; 那時, 他們就知道我是耶和華.