第一部 神的審判(1:1-39:8)
第四章 審判與應許(I)
I. 因罪受審(24:1-23):
(I) 背約懲罰(24:1-13):
1 看哪! 耶和華要使大地荒涼, See, the Lord is going to lay waste the earth
使之毀滅. and devastate it;
衪要毀損其表面, he will ruin its face
驅散其上的居民. and scater its inhabitants -
2 無論是祭司抑平民, It will be the same
主人抑奴僕, for priest as for people,
主母抑婢女, for master as for servant,
賣家抑買家, for mistress as for maid,
借方抑貸方, for sellor as for buyer,
欠債抑放債, for borrower as for lender,
同樣被驅散. for debtor as for creditor,
3 大地完全荒涼, The earth will be completely laid waste
財富掠奪殆盡. and totally plundered
這是耶和華說的話. The Lord has spoken this word.
4 大地乾涸凋零. The earth dries up and withers,
世界悲慘衰殘, the world languishes and withers,
居高位者衰敗. the exalted of the earth languish.
5 居民玷污大地, The earth is defiled by its people;
他們違法犯例, they have disobeyed the laws, violeted the statutes.
違背永遠的約. and broken the everlasting covenant.
6 故大地受咒詛, Therefore curse consumes the earth;
百姓承擔己罪. its people must bear their guilt.
地上住民燒盡, Therefore earth's inhabitnats are burned up,
倖存的人無幾. and very few are left.
7 新酒飲盡葡樹殘, The new wine dries up and the wine withers;
歡樂之人轉悲吟. all the merrymakers groan.
8 手鼓歡聲趨沉靜, The gaiety of the tambourines is stilled,
歡樂嘈雜戞然止, the noise of the revelers has stopped,
悠揚琴音寂無聲. the joyful harp is silent.
9 不再飲酒又高歌, No longer do they drink wine with a song,
濃酒苦口飲者苦. the beer is bitter to its drinkers.
10 殘破城垣顯荒涼, The ruined city lies desolate;
房屋大門均封鎖. the entrance to every house is barred.
11 街頭為酒高聲喊, In the streets they cry out for wine;
歡喜快樂轉憂傷, all joy turns to gloom,
從此歡樂無影蹤. all gaiety is banished from the earth.
12 全城荒涼如廢墟, The city is left in ruins,
城門擊打成碎片. its gate is battered to pieces.
13 如擊打過橄欖樹, So will it be on the earth and among the nations,
和收摘過葡萄園, As when an olive tree is beaten,
地上萬民餘無多.0r as when gleanings are left after the grape harvest.
(II) 餘民頌主(24:14-23):
14 餘民高聲齊歡呼, They raise their voices, they shout for joy;
西方讚揚耶和華. from the west they acclaim the Lord's majesty.
15 東方榮耀耶和華. Therefore in the east give glory to the Lord,
要在海中諸島上, exalt the name of the Lord, the God of Isreal,
尊崇以色列神名. in the islands of the sea.
16 從地極傳來歌聲: From the ends of the earth we hear singing:
"榮耀歸給公義神." "Glory to the Righteous One."
我卻說: "我耗盡了! 我耗盡了! But I said, "I waste away, I waste away!
我有禍了! Woe to me!
奸詐之徒都背叛! The treacherous betray!
以奸詐手段背叛! With treachery the treacherous betray!"
17 地上之民啊, Terror and pit and snare await you,
恐怖坑網等著你! O people of the earth.
18 恐怖聲中逃跑者, Whoever flees at the sound of terror
都會掉入深坑中, will fall into a pit;
從深坑爬出來的, whoever climbs out of the pit
必被羅網捕捉住. will be caught in a snare.
天上水門大開放, The floodgates of the heavens are opened,
地的根基在動搖. the foundations of the earth shake.
19 大地破壞, The earth is broken up,
崩塌破裂, the earth is split asunder,
大大震動. the earth is thoroughly shaken.
20 大地歪倒如醉漢, The earth reels like a drunkard,
風中搖擺像茅屋; it sways like a hut in the wind;
背叛罪孳太沉重, so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion
一旦跌倒難翻身. that it falls - never to rise again.
21 到那日, 耶和華必懲罰: In that day the Lord will punish
高天之上的眾軍, the powers in the heavens above
地上行惡的列王. and the kings on the earth below.
22 他們同關在一處, They will be herded together
如囚徒監禁獄中; like prisoners bound in a dungeon;
他們禁錮在牢裏, they will be shut up in prison
多日之後受刑罰. and be punished after many days.
23 月亮蒙羞日慚愧, The moon will be abashed, the sun ashamed;
因萬軍之耶和華必在 for the Lord Almighty will reign
錫安山耶路撒冷作王, on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem,
會眾長老面前顯榮耀. and before its elders gloriously.
II. 得救與蒙福(25:1-12):
(I) 頌主詩歌(25:1-5):
1 耶和華啊, 你是我的神! O Lord, you are my God;
我尊崇你, 讚美你的名, I will exalt you and praise your name,
因你完全信實, for in perfect faithfulness
行過奇妙的事, you have done marvelous things,
即古時定意事. things planned long ago.
2 你使城邑成亂堆, You have made the city a heap of rubble,
堅固堡壘變廢墟. the fortified town a ruin,
外族碉堡不存在, the foreigners' stronghold a city no more;
永遠不會再重建. it will never be rebuilt.
3 因此, 剛強之民榮耀你, Therefore strong peoples will honor you;
殘暴之國敬畏你. cities of ruthless nations will revere you.
4 你是窮人的保障, You have been a refuge for the poor,
是貧困的避難所, a refuge for the needy in his distress,
狂風暴雨躲避處, a shelter from the strom
酷暑陰涼避暑地. and a shade from the heat.
殘暴強徒一口氣, For the breath of the ruthless
有如暴風吹城牆. is like a strom driving against a wall.
又像曠野熱逼人. and like the heat of the desert.
5 你使外邦人吼叫沉寂, You silence the uproar of foreigners;
暴徒歌聲消音無人聞, as heat is reduced by the shadow of a cloud,
如熱氣在雲影下消散. so the song of the ruthless is stilled.
(II) 聖山筵席(25:6-8):
6 我萬軍之耶和華 On this mountainn the Lord Almighty will prepare
要為萬民擺盛筵, a feast of rich food for all people,
陳年美酒上筵席, a banquet of aged wine -
美肉醇酒饗嘉賓. the best of meats and the finest of wine.
7 祂要在這山除去: On this mountainn he will destroy
包裹萬民的壽衣, the shroud that enfolds all people,
遮蓋列國的白布; the sheet that covers all nations;
8 把死亡永遠吞滅, he will swallow up death forever
主必擦去萬民淚 The sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces;
地上子民不蒙羞. he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth.
這是耶和華說的. The Lord has spoken.
(III) 懲罰敵人(25:9-12):
9 到那日, 他們會說: In that day they will say,
"看哪, 這是我們的神! "Surely this is our God;
我們信靠祂, 衪就救我們. we trusted in him, and he saved us.
這是我們信靠的耶和華, This is the Lord, we trusted in him;
讓我們為衪的救恩歡樂 let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation."
10 耶和華的手按住此山, The hand of the Lord will rest on the mountain;
摩押必踐踏在衪腳下, but Moab will be trampled under him
像稻草踐踏在馬糞中. as straw is trampled down in the mamure.
11 他們必在其中張雙手, They will spread out their hands in it,
有如泳者張手泳水中. as a swimmer spread out his hands to swim.
儘管他們的雙手奸巧, God will bring down their pride
神必打擊他們的驕傲. despite the cleverness of their hands.
12 祂必使堅固高牆倒塌, He will bring down your high fortified walls and lay them low;
完全倒塌在地塵土上. he will bring them down to the ground, to the very dust.
III. 讚美神眷顧(26:1-21):
(I) 靠主之歌(26:1-19):
到那日, 這首歌必在猶大地高唱:
1 我們有座堅固所城, We have a strong city;
耶和華以救恩 God makes salvation
作城牆和外廓. its walls and ramparts.
2 打開城門吧! Open the gates
讓公義之國可以進入, that the righteous nation may enter,
守信之邦可以進來. the nation that keeps faith.
3 因為他一心信靠你, You will keep in perfect peace
你必使他信心堅定, him whose mind is steadfast,
並且保他一切平安. because he trusts in you.
4 要永遠信靠耶和華, Trust in the Lord forever,
因主耶和華是永久磬石. for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.
5 衪使高傲者謙卑, He humbles those who dwell on high,
讓高聳之城降低, he lays the lofty city low,
夷為平地, he levels it to the ground
化作塵土. and casts it down to the dust.
6 用受壓者的腳, Feet trample it down -
及貧困者之足; the feet of the oppressed,
把城踩倒踐踏. the footsteps of the poor.
7 義人的路平坦, The path of the righteous is level;
正直的主啊! O upright One,
你使義人的路平坦. you make the way of the righteous smooth.
8 耶和華啊! 行走在你律法路上, Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws,
我們等候你; we wait for you;
我們心中仰慕你的名和名聲. your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.
9 夜晚我心渴望你, My soul yearns for you to the night;
早晨我靈切求你. in the morning my spirit longs for you.
當你的審判臨地上, When your judgment come upon the earth,
世人才會學習公義. the people of the world learn righteousness.
10 縱使惡人蒙受恩惠, Though grace is shown to the wicked,
他們也不學習公義. they do not learn righteousness;
在公義之地也行惡, even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil
不理耶和華的威嚴. and regard not the majesty of the Lord.
11 耶和華啊! 你的手雖高舉, O Lord, your hand is lifted high,
他們卻視而不見. but they do not see it.
願他們見你對子民熱心而羞愧,let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame;
讓烈火留給你的敵人燒滅他們. let the fire reserved for your enimies consume them.
12 耶和華啊! 你賜給我們平安, Lord, you establish peace for us;
我們所作的你全都成就. all that we have accomplished you have done for us.
13 耶和華, 我們的神啊! O Lord, our God, other lords besides you
你以外的別神竟管轄我們, have ruled over us,
但是我們只尊崇你的聖名. but your name alone do we honor.
14 現他們都死了, 不再存在; They are now dead, they live no more;
離世靈魂不再起, those departed spirits do not rise.
受你懲罰全毀滅, You punished them and brought them to ruin;
所有記憶都塗抹. you wiped out all memory of them.
15 耶和華啊! 你擴大列國, You have enlar ged the nation, O Lord;
你把列國擴大了. You have enlarged the nation.
你自己得了榮耀, You have gained glory for youself;
拓展了地的疆界. you have extended all the borders of the land.
16 耶和華啊! 他們在患難中尋你, Lord, they came to you in their distress;
當你嚴厲管教他們時, when you disciplined them,
他們幾乎說不出禱告. they could hardly whisper a prayer.
17 正如孕婦生產時, As a woman with child and about to give birth
痛苦難忍大喊叫, writhes and cries out in her pain,
耶和華啊! 我們在你面前也如是. so were we in your presence, O Lord.
18 我們像在懷孕痛難忍, We were with child, we writhed in pain,
但我們生的竟然是風. but we gave birth to wind.
我們在地上從未施行拯救, We have not brought salvation to the earth;
我們也從未生過世上的人. we have not given birth to people of the world.
19 然而, 屬你的死人要復活, But your dead will live;
他們的屍體會起來. their bodies will rise.
住在塵土中的 You who dwell in the dust,
必會醒起歡呼. wake up and shout for joy.
你的甘露如晨露, Your dew is like the dew of the morning;
地要交出死人來. the earth will give birth to her dead.
(II) 避主忿怒(26:20-21):
20 我的民啊, 去吧! Go, my people, enter your rooms
進入室內, 把門關上, and slut the doors behind you;
躲藏片刻, hide yourself for a little while
直至神的怒氣過去. until the wrath has passed by.
21 看哪! 耶和華正從衪的居所出來, See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
衪要懲罰地上居民的罪, to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
大地顯露流在地上的血, The earth will disclose the blood shed upon her;
不再遮蓋地上被殺的人. she will conceal her slain no longer.
IV. 餘民重建(27:1-13):
(I) 葡萄園之歌(27:1-6):
1 到那日, In that day,
耶和華要用祂的劍施行懲罰, the Lord will punish with his sword,
此劍剛硬鋒利凶猛; his fierce, great and powerful sword.
衪用這劍誅殺 Leviathan the gliding serpent,
海上大怪物 Leviathan the coiling serpent;
蜷曲滑行的大蛇. he will slay the monster of the sea.
2 到那日, In that day,
為結實纍纍的葡萄園歌唱: Sing about a fruitful vineyard:
"我耶和華看守葡萄園, "I, the Lord, watch over it;
不住灌溉, I water it continually.
日夜守護, I guard it day and night
無人能破壞這園. so that no one may harm it.
4 我不再發怒, I am not angry,
若荊棘蒺藜 if only there were briers and throns
還與我對抗! confronting me!
我就如上戰場猛力踐踏, I would march against them in battle;
並且放火燒盡荊棘蒺藜. I would set them all on fire.
5 除非他們求我庇護, Or else let them come to me for refuge;
與我和好 let them make peace with me,
就讓他們與我和好吧!" yes, let them make peace with me."
6 將來雅各定要扎根, In days to come Jacob will take root,
以色列要發芽開花, Isreal will bud and blossom
果實纍纍遍滿全地. ] and fill all the world with fruit.
(II) 選民受罰(27:7-10):
7 耶和華擊打以色列, Has the Lord struck her
豈像擊打那些擊打他們的呢? as he struck down those who struck her?
主要誅殺以色列人, Has she been killed
豈像誅殺那些誅殺他們的呢? as those were killed who killed her?
8 你只用戰爭和俘擄跟他們較量, By warfare and exile you contend with her -
並且要用強烈暴風把他們吹跑, with his fierce blast he drives her out,
有如東風颳起之日. as on a day the east wind blows.
9 藉此雅各的罪才得赦免, By this, then, will Jacob's guilt be atoned for,
成為除去他罪孽的成果 and this will be the full fruitage of the removal of his sin.
衪使所有祭壇的石頭, When he makes all the altar stones
成為打得粉碎的灰石. to be like chalk stones crushed to pieces,
亞舍拉的石柱和香壇 no Asherah poles or incense altars
不再屹立. will be left standing.
10 堅固城堡變荒涼, The fortified city stands desolate,
廢棄無人如曠野; an abandoned settlement, forsaken like the desert;
牛羊在吃草, there the calves graze,
牲畜在躺臥, there they lie down;
吃盡枯草殘枝. they strip its branches bare.
(III) 選民回歸(27:11-13):
11 樹枝枯乾而折斷, When its twigs are dry, they are broken off
婦人撿拾當柴火. and women come and make fires with them.
他們盡是無知民, For this is a people without understanding;
造物之主不憐憫, so their Maker has no compassion on them,
創造之主不施恩. and their Creator shows them no favor.
12 到那日, 以色列人啊! In that day the Lord will thresh
耶和華要從大河直至埃及小河 from the flowing of Euphrates to the Wadi of Egypt,
把你們一個個收集起來. and you, O Isrealites, will be gathered up one by one.
13 當那日, 大號角吹響, And in that day a great trumpet will sound.
那些在亞述瀕臨滅亡的 Those who were perishing in Assyria
及所有在埃及被放逐的 and those who were exiled in Egypt will come
都會來耶路撒冷聖山敬拜耶和華. and worship the Lord on the holy mountain in Jerusalem.