第一部 神的審判(1:1-39:8)
第三章 審判列國(13:1-23:18)
I. 論巴比倫(13:1-14:23):
阿摩司之子以賽亞得默示, 論巴比倫:
(I) 巴比倫傾覆(13:1-22):
2 你們要在光禿山頂, Raise a banner on a bare hilltop,
高舉旌旗齊聲吶喊; shout to them;
招他們入權貴之門. beckon to them to enter the gates of the nobles.
3 我己命令我的聖者, I have commanded my holy ones;
呼召為我得勝歡欣的勇士,I have summoned my warriors to carry out my wrath -
為我去執行我發出的烈怒. those who rejoice in my triump.
4 聽哪! 山上像有一大群人, Listen, a noise on the mountains,
喧囂動天! like that of a great multitude!
聽哪! 列國像是成群集結, Listen, an uproar among the kingdoms,
眾聲嘈雜! like nations massing together!
萬軍之耶和華正集合大軍, The Lord Almighty is mustering
準備作戰. an army for war.
5 他們來自遠方, They come from faraway lands,
出自天邊. from the ends of the heavens -
耶和華和祂的武器 the Lord and the weapons of his wrath -
要毀滅全地. to destroy the whole country.
6 哀哉! 耶和華的日子近了, Wail, for the day of the Lord is near;
像從全能者來的毀滅. it will come like destruction from the Almighty.
7 因此, 人人手軟無力, Because of this, all hands will go limp,
心驚膽戰. every man's heart will melt.
8 恐怖莫名, Terror will srize them,
痛楚難忍; pain and anguish will grip them;
如婦產痛, they will writhe like a woman in labor.
視若魑魅, They will look aghast at each other,
臉如燎火. their faces aflame.
9 看哪! 耶和華的日子來了, See, the day of the Lord is coming -
那是帶著烈怒殘酷的日子. a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger -
使地荒涼, to make the land desolate
毀滅罪人. and destroy the sinners within it.
10 天上群星眾宿 The stars of heaven and their constellations
黯然無光. will not show their light.
旭日漆黑, The rising sun will be darkened
明月暗淡. and the moon will not give its light.
11 我要刑罰世界邪惡, I will punish the world for its evil,
還要懲處惡人罪孽. the wicked for their sins.
我要終結自高者傲慢, I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty
也要挫折殘暴者驕傲. and will humble the pride of the ruthless.
12 我使世人比純金更少, I will make man scarcer than pure gold,
比俄斐精金更加稀少. more rare than the gold of Ophir.
13 在萬軍之耶和華怒火中燒之日, Therefore I will make the heavens tremble;
祂大發烈怒之時, and the earth will shake from its place
我必使諸天震動, at the wrath of the Lord Almighty,
大地動搖全崩裂. in the day of his burning anger.
14 像被追獵的羚羊, Like a hunted gazelle,
失去牧人的羊群, like sheep without a shepherd,
各自歸回本族, each will return to his own people,
各自逃回故土. each will flee to his native land.
15 被擄的必被刺殺, Whoever is captured will be thrust through;
被抓的必死刀下. all who are caught will fall by the sword.
16 嬰孩摔死在他們眼前, Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
房屋遭劫妻子被姦淫. their houses will be looted and their wives ravished.
17 看哪! 我要激動 See, I will stir up against them the Medes,
不愛白銀也不喜黃金的瑪代 who do not care for silver
攻擊他們. and have no delight in gold.
18 他們的箭射殺壯丁, Their bows will strike down the young men;
對嬰兒絲毫不憐惜, they will have no mercy on infants
對孩童也沒點同情. nor will they look with compassion on children
19 巴比倫是列國之珠, Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms,
和巴比倫人的驕傲; the glory of the Babylonians' pride,
必像所多瑪和蛾摩拉, will be overthrown by God
被神徹底推翻必覆亡. like Sodom and Gomorrah.
20 他們的地永無人居, She will never be inhabited
世世代代無人居住; or lived in through all generations;
阿拉伯人不在那裏搭帳棚, no Arab will pitch his tent there,
牧人也不在那裏放牧歇息. no shephard will rest his flocks there.
21 只有沙漠生物活躍其中, But desert creatures will be there,
胡狼滿住屋, jackals will fill her houses;
貓頭鷹棲息, there the owls will dwell,
野山羊四處跳躍; and there the wild goats will leap about.
22 土狼巢穴中 吼叫, Hyenas will howl in her strongholds,
胡狼住豪華洞穴. jackals in her luxurious palaces.
巴比倫死期在即, Her time is at hand,
日子也不會長久. and her days will not be prolonged.
(II) 選民歸故土(14:1-2):
1 耶和華憐憫雅各, The Lord will have compassion on Jacob;
再次揀選以色列, once again he will choose Isreal
把他們安置在自己土地上. and will settle them in their own land.
外族加入他們, Aliens will join them
2 與雅各家聯合. and unite with the house of Jacob.
並且接受他們, Nations will take them
帶他們歸故土. and bring them to their own place.
以色列家擁有的列國, And the house of Isreal will possess the nations
如耶和華的男僕女婢. as menservants and maidservants in the Lord's land.
並使擄掠者成被擄人, They will make captives of their captors
統治欺壓過他們的人. and rule over their oppressors.
(III) 諷巴比倫(14:3-23):
耶和華使你們從痛苦、混亂和殘酷桎梏中解救出來之日, 你們可以下述詩歌, 諷巴比倫王:
4 欺壓人的竟然收手! How the oppressor has come to an end!
他的烈怒竟然止息! How his fury has ended!
5 耶和華已折斷惡人的杖, The Lord has broken the rod of the wicked,
並折斷了統治者的權杖. the scepter of the rulers,
6 他們在忿怒中, which in anger struck down peoples
不斷擊打百姓; with unceasing blows,
他們在烈怒中, and in fury subdued nations
殘酷征服列國. with relentless aggression.
7 現全地安息平靜, All the hands are at rest and at peace;
爆發出歡唱高歌. they break into singing.
8 即使黎巴嫩松柏, Even the pine trees and the cedars of Lebanon
也為你歡騰開口: exult over you and say,
"現你已倒下臥低, "Now that you have been laid low,
伐木工不再砍伐." no woodman comes to cut us down."
9 地下陰間騷動, The grave below is all astir
迎接你的到來; to meet you at your coming;
喚起世上離世君王 it rouses the spirits of the departed to greet you -
的陰魂前來迎接你; all those who were leaders in the world;
使他們從王座站起, it makes them rise from their thrones -
10 與你對話並對你說: They will all respond, they will say to you,
"你竟像我們一樣衰弱; "Y ou also have become weak, as we are;
跟我們沒有甚麼差異." you have become like us."
11 你強大興盛的國力, All your pomp has been brought down to the grave,
在你的琴聲中衰微, along with the noise of your harps;
你身體下面全是蛆, maggots are spread out bemeath you
身體的上面爬滿蟲. and worms cover you.
12 明亮之星, 黎明之子啊; How you have fallen from heaven,
你何以竟從天上墜落! O morning star, son of the dawn!
你這曾使列國屈服的, You have been cast down to the earth,
何以竟被摔落在地上! you who once laid low the nations!
13 你的心中在說: You said in your heart,
"我要升上高天, "I will ascend to heaven;
把我王座升至 I will raise my throne
神的眾星之上; above the stars of God;
我要在大會聚集的山上, I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
即聖山的高處登上王座. on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
14 我要升至雲頂上, I wil ascend above the tops of the clouds;
與至高者一樣高." I will make myself like the Most High."
15 然而你卻被打落陰間, But you are bought down to the grave,
打入深淵. to the depths of the pit.
16 看見你的盯著你看, Those who see you stare at you,
他們在想你的命運: they ponder your fate:
"那使大地震動, "Is this the man who shook the earth
列國戰抖, and made kingdom tremble,
17 世界荒涼, 城邑倒塌, the man who made the world a desert,
不讓被擄者歸回的, who overthrew its cities
就是這人嗎?" and would not let his captives go home?"
18 列國君王肅穆躺下, All the kings of the nations lie in state,
各臥自己的陵墓中. each in his own tomb.
19 但你像丟棄的樹枝, But you are cast out of your tomb
從自己的墓中逐出; like a rejected branch;
你被遭刀劍殺害, you are covered with the slain,
拋入坑中石頭上 with those pierced by the sword,
的無辜屍體掩蓋. those who descend to the stones of the pit.
像踐踏腳下死屍, Like a corpse trampled underfoot,
20 不會與他們同葬, you will not join them in burial,
因你毀滅你的國, for you have destroyed your land
殺害了你的人民. and killed your people.
惡人的後裔, The offspring of the wicked
永無人提起. will never be mentioned again.
21 因他們祖先的罪孽, Prepare a place to slaughter his sons
找好屠殺子孫地方; for the sins of their forefathers;
勿讓他們興起繼承地土, they are not to rise to inherit the land
他們的城邑佈滿全地. and cover the earth with their cities.
22 萬軍之耶和華宣示: "I will rise up against them,"
"我要起來攻擊他們!" declares the Lord Almighty.
耶和華又鄭重宣示: "I will cut off from Babylon her name and survivors,
"把巴比倫的名和倖存者, her offspring and descendants."
以及子孫後裔全都剪除." declares the Lord.
23 萬軍之耶和華再宣示: "I will turn her into a place for owls
"我必使巴比倫成為 and into swampland;
鳥獸巢穴荒涼沼澤; I will sweep her with the broom of destruction,"
以毀滅之帚掃乾淨." declares the Lord Almighty
II. 預言興亡(14:24 - 23:18):
(I) 亞述(14:24-27):
24 萬軍之耶和華誓言:
"我怎樣計劃, 就怎樣成就, "Surely as I have planned, so it will be,
怎樣定意, 就怎樣立定. and as I have purposed, so it will stand.
25 我要在我手中粉碎亞述人, I will crush the Assyrian in my hand;
在我山上把他踐踏在腳下. on my mountains I will trample him down.
他的軛從我的百姓身上除去, His yoke will be taken from my people,
他的重擔從我百姓肩上卸下." and his burden removed from their shoulders."
26 這是對普世所決定的計劃, This is the plan determinded for the whole world;
同時也是向萬國伸出的手. this is the hand stretched out over all nations.
27 因萬軍之耶和華決定之事, For the Lord Almighty has purposed.
誰能攔阻呢? and who can thwart him?
祂伸出的手, 誰能擋回呢? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?
(II) 非利士(14:28-32):
亞哈斯駕崩那年, 有默示如下:
29 非利士全地啊! Do not rejoice, all Philistines,
不必因打你們的杖斷了歡喜; that the rod that struck you is broken;
因從蛇的根會生出毒蛇, from the root of that snake will spring up a viper,
結出來的果是毒蠎的刺. its fruit will be a darting, venomous serpent.
30 窮人中最窮的會找到牧場, The poorest of the poor will find pasture,
貧困的會得安然棲身之所. and the needy will be down in safety.
然而, 我要用饑荒毀壞你的根, But your root I will destroy by famine;
誅殺你的倖存者. it will slay your survivors.
31 哀哉, 城門啊! 哀嚎吧, 城邑啊! Wail, O gate! Howl, O city!
熔化吧, 非利士全地啊! Melt away, all you Philistines!
北方煙雲密佈, cloud of smoke comes from the north,
行伍無人脫逃. and there is not a straggler in its ranks.
32 對那國使者要如何回答? What answer shall be given to the envoys of that nation?
"耶和華早已建立了錫安, "The Lord has his established Zion,
困苦子民可在那裏避難." and in her his afflicted people will find refuge."
(III) 摩押(15:1-16:14):
1. 摩押傾覆(15:1-9):
1 一夜之間, Ar in Moab is ruined,
摩押的亞珥毀滅成廢墟! destroyed in a night!
一夜之間, Kir in Moab is ruined,
摩押的基珥毀滅成廢墟! destroyed in a night!
2 底本人上神廟, Dibon goes up to its temple,
並在高處哭泣; to its high places to weep;
摩押人為尼波和米底巴哀號. Moab wails over Nebo and Medeba.
每人都剃光頭, Every head is shaved
並且刮淨鬍鬚. and every beard cut off.
3 他們在街上都穿麻衣, In the streest they wear sackcloth;
在屋頂上, 在廣場上, on the roofs and in the public squares
人人哀號, they all wail,
痛哭流涕. prostrate with weeping.
4 希實本和以利亞利大聲呼喊, Heshbon and Elealeh cry out,
聲音遠達雅雜. their voices are heard all the way to Jahaz.
因此, 摩押戰士喊叫, Therefore the armed men of Moab cry out,
心中失去勇氣. and their hearts are faint.
我心為摩押哀哭, My heart cries out over Moab;
難民都遠逃瑣珥, Her fugitives flee as far as Zoar,
直至伊基拉 施利施亞. as far as Eglath Shelishiyah.
在上魯希坡路上, They go up the way to Luhith,
他們都邊走邊哭; weeping as they go;
在去何羅念路上, on the road to Horonaim
為毀滅災難哀號. they lament their destruction.
6 寧林河川乾涸, The waters of Niare dried up
青草枯萎, and the grass is withered;
菜蔬不生, the vegetation is gone
青翠絕跡. and nothing freen is left.
7 所以, 他們將積聚財物, So the wealth they have acquired and stored up
帶往柳樹河谷. they carry away over the Ravine of the Poplars.
8 他們的呼喊傳遍摩押邊境, Their outcry echoes along the border of Moab;
哀號遠達以基蓮, their wailing reaches as far as Eglaim,
悲哭達比珥以琳. their lamentation as far as Beer Elim.
9 底們河川滿是血, Dimon's waters are full of blood,
我還要加增災禍, but I will bring still more upon Dimon -
獅入摩押逃民及 a lion upon the fugitives of Moab
地上留下的人中. and upon those who remain in the land.
2. 摩押絕望(16:1-7):
1 把羔羊獻給那地統治者, Send lambs as tribute to the ruler of the land,
從西拉越過曠野, from Sala, across the desert,
直至錫安山. to the mount of the Daughter of Zion.
2 摩押婦人在亞嫩渡口, Like fluttering birds pushed from the nest,
像逐出鳥巢振翅飛鳥. so are the women of Moab at the fords of Arnon.
3 "求你出計謀助決策. "Give us counsel, render a decision.
使你的影子在響午如黑夜. Make your shadow like night at high noon.
要掩護逃民, Hide the fugitives,
勿出賣難民. do not betray the refugees.
4 讓摩押逃民與你同住, Let the Moabite fugitives stay with you;
作他們避難所以擺脫毀滅者. be their shelter from the destroyer."
壓者將住手, The oppressor will come to an end,
毀滅也將終止; and destruction will cease;
侵略者將在地上消失. the aggressor will vanish from the land.
5 寶座在愛中建立, in love a throne will be established;
信實者將坐其上, in faithfulness a man will sit on it -
祂是出自大衛家. one from the house of David -
審判者追求公正, one who in judging seeks justice
並加速施行公義. and speeds the cause of righteousness.
6 我們聽說過摩押的驕傲, We have heard of Moab's pride -
極端高傲自負; her overweening pride and conceit,
儘管驕傲狂妄, her pride and her insolence -
吹誇盡是空言. but her boast are enpty.
7 故摩押人哀號, Therefore the Moabites wail,
為摩押同聲一哭. they will together for Moab.
為吉珥哈列設人 Lament and grieve
哀傷萬分心愁煩. for the men of Kir Hareseth.
3. 先知哀歎(16:8-14):
8 希實本的田地枯乾, The fields of Hesbon wither,
西比瑪葡萄樹凋萎. the vines of Sibmah also.
世上列國的君王 The ruler of the nations
踐踏最佳葡萄樹, have trampled down the choicest vines,
曾一度直至雅謝, which once reached Jazer
擴展延伸到曠野. and spread toward the desert.
嫩枝蔓延伸展至鹽海. Their shoots spread out and went as far as the sea.
9 因此我也要與雅謝人 So I weep, as Jazer weeps,
同為西比瑪葡萄哀哭. for the vines of Sibmah.
希實本啊! 以利亞利啊! O Heshbon , O Elealeh,
我要以淚澆灌你們! I drench you with tears!
你們為成熟的果子 The shouts of joy over your ripened fruit
及豐收的歡呼停息. and over your harvests have been stilled.
10 果園中失去歡喜快樂, Joy and gladness are taken away from the orchards;
葡萄園無人歡呼歌唱, no one sings or shouts in the vineyards;
搾酒池無人踹葡取酒, no one treads out wine at the presses,
因我已停止所有歡呼. for I have put an end to the shouting.
11 我心如琴為摩押哀鳴, My heart laments for Moab like a harp,
也為吉珥哈利設悲傷. my inmost being for Lir Hareseth.
12 當摩押人出現在邱壇, When Moab appears at her high place,
個個都顯得精疲力竭, she only wears herself out;
即使來到神廟去祈求, when she goes to her shrine to pray,
再三卜問也不會靈驗. it is to no avial.
這是耶和華從前論摩押說的話, 現耶和華要說: "三年之內, 依合約雇工計算, 摩押人的榮耀和
他的眾民將黯然失色, 倖存者所餘無幾, 且衰弱不堪."
(IV) 大馬士革(17:1-14):
1. 大城沒落(17:1-8):
1 "看哪! 大馬士革將不再是座城邑 "See, Damascus will no longer be a city
很快就會成為廢墟. but will become a heap of ruins.
2 亞羅珥的城邑將廢棄荒涼, The cities of Aroer will be deserted
不久淪為放牧之地, and left to flocks, which will be down,
牛羊悠哉躺臥無人驚擾. with no one to make them afraid.
3 以法蓮的城堡消失, The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim,
大馬士革王權消逝, and royal power from Damascus,
那亞蘭可憐的餘民, the remnant of Aram will be
消失如以色列榮耀," like the glory of the Israelites,"
這是萬軍之耶和華說的. declares the Lord Almighty.
4 "那日雅各榮耀消退, "In that day the glory of Jacob
肥胖身體日漸消瘦. the fat of his body will waste away.
5 像收割者收割麥子, It will be as when a reaper gathers the standing grain
只是用手收取麥穗; and harvests the grain with its arm -
又像在利乏音谷中, as when a man gleans heads of grain
只是拾取地上落穗. in the Valley of Rephaim.
6 縱然如此仍有餘穗, yet some gleanings will remain,
就像擊打橄欖樹般, as when an olive tree is beaten,
樹頂枝頭剩下橄欖二三顆, leaving two or three olives on the topmost branches,
多結果枝子則留下四五粒." four or five on the fruitful bough,"
這是耶和華以色列的神說的. declares the Lord, the God of Isreal.
7 到那日, 人必仰望他們的創造主, In that day men will look to their Maker
轉眼望以色列的聖者. and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Isreal.
8 他們不會再仰望 They will not look to the altars,
他們手造的邱壇; the work of their hands,
不再關切亞舍拉神柱, and they will have no regard for the Asherah poles
和他們手指造的香壇. and the incense altars their fingers have made.
2. 忘神結果(17:9-11):
到那日, 他們因以色列人撇棄的堅固城邑, 將像林間草叢棄置之地, 益顯荒涼.
10 你忘了拯救你的神, You have forgotten God your Savior;
忘了你的城堡磬石. you have not remembered the Rock, your fortress.
因此, 你雖種下最佳樹苗, Therefore, though you set out the finest plants
栽上外來葡萄; and plant imported vines,
11 在你栽植之日, though on the day you set them out,
使之順利生長; you make them grow,
早晨栽種下去, and on the morning when you plant them,
使之發芽開枝; you bring them to bud,
然而在疫病蹂躪之日 yet the harvest will be as nothing
你所栽植的毫無收成. in the day of disease and incurable pain.
3. 仇敵受罰(17:12-14):
12 啊, 列國大發烈怒, Oh, the raging of many nations -
烈怒如澎湃怒海! they rage like raging sea!
啊, 萬族大肆咆哮, Oh, the uproar of the peoples -
咆哮如吼叫大川! they roar like the roaring of great waters!
13 萬族咆哮雖如洶湧河川, Although the peoples roar like the roar of surging waters,
但神一斥責便急速遠逃; when he rebukes them they flee far away,
如山上被風吹逐的糠秕, driven before the wind like chaff on the hills,
如猛烈狂風吹散的細草. like tumbleweed before a gale.
14 傍晚恐怖突襲! In the evening, sudden terror!
清晨消失無蹤! Before the morning, they are gone!
這就是擄掠我們者的下場, This is the portion of those who loot us,
也就是掠奪我們者的報應. the lot of those who plunder us.
(V) 古實(18:1-7):
1 沿古實河翅膀拍動有聲之地, Woe to the land of whirring wings
有禍了! along the river of Cush,
2 那裏差遣使者 which sends envoys by sea
乘蒲草船渡海. in papyrus boats over the water.
去吧! 速行的使者, Go, swift messengers,
到身材高大皮膚光滑, to a people tall and smooth-skinned,
遠近畏懼的人那裏去, to a people feared far and wide,
這國言詞怪異好侵略, an aggressive nation of strange speech,
她的國土被江河分隔. whose land is divided by rivers.
3 所有居住在地上, All you people of the world,
和世上所有人啊! you who live on the earth,
當大旗在山上升起, when a banner is raised on the mountains,
你會看見; you will see it,
當號角響起, and when a trumpet sounds,
你會聽見. you will hear it.
4 這是耶和華對我說的話: This is what the Lord says to me:
"我仍然保持緘默, "I will remain quiet
從我的居所觀看, and will look on from my dwelling place,
像陽光中閃爍熱氣, like shimmering heat in the sunshine,
收割熱氣中的露雲." like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest."
5 因收割之前花蕊開盡, For before the harvest, when the blossom is gone
花朵轉成將熟葡萄時, and the flower becomes a ripening grape,
衪就用鐮刀削去嫩枝, he will cut off the shoots with pruning knives,
砍掉並拿走四散枝 and cut down and take away the spreadinng branches.
6 留下給山上獵鷹, They will all be left to the mountain birds of prey
以及地上的野獸; and to the wild animals;
獵鷹得食過夏, the birds will feed on them all summer,
野獸得飽渡冬. the wild animals all winter.
7 到那時, At that time gifts will be brought
身材高大, 皮膚光滑, to the Lord Almighty,
遠近畏懼, 言詞怪異, from a people tall and smooth-skinned,
性好侵略, from a people feared far and wide,
土被江河分隔之民, an aggressive nation of strange speech,
必獻禮物給萬軍耶和華; whose land is divided by rivers -
並親把禮物送至錫安山, The gifts will be brought to Mount Zion,
萬軍之耶和華立名之地. the place of the Name of the Lord Almighty.
(VI) 埃及(19:1-25):
1 看哪! 耶和華駕快速彩雲 See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud
來到埃及. and is coming to Eygpt.
埃及偶像在祂面前戰抖, The idols of Egypt tremble before him,
埃及人心中驚惶. and the hearts of Egyptians melt within them.
2 "我要挑動埃及人攻擊埃及人, "I will stir up Egyptians against Egyptians -
兄弟攻擊兄弟, brother will fight against brother,
鄰居攻擊鄰居, neighbor against neighbor,
城邑攻擊城邑, city against city,
邦國攻擊邦國. kingdom against knigdom.
3 埃及人全都失去信心, The Egyptians will lose heart,
我要破壞他們的計謀, and I will bring their plans to nothing;
他們求問偶像鬼魂, they will consult the idols and the spirits of the dead,
以及靈媒巫師. the mediums and the spiritists.
4 我要將埃及人 I will hand the Egyptians over
交給殘暴主人, to the power of a cruel master,
讓暴君統治他們." and a fierce king will rule over them,"
這是主萬軍之耶和華說的. declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty.
5 河川之水必乾涸, The waters of the river will dry up,
河床枯乾無滴水. and the riverbed will be parched and dry.
6 運河之水發惡臭, The canals will stink;
埃及河川縮小枯乾. the streams of Egypt will dwindle and dry up.
蘆葦荻草全凋萎, The reed and rushes will wither,
7 沿尼羅河及河口 also the plants along the Nile,
植物作物全枯死. at the mouth of the river.
尼羅河兩岸沃土, Every sown field along the Nile
枯乾難耕全廢棄. will become parched, will blow away and be no more.
8 河中釣魚老漁夫, The fishmen will groan and lament,
莫不呻吟同悲歎; all who cast hooks into the Nile;
河中撒網無所獲, those who throw nets on the river will pine away.
9 梳麻紡織都絕望, Those who work with combed flax will despair,
紡織細布更失望. the weavers of fine linen will lose hope.
10 布疋工人都沮喪, The workers in cloth will be dejected,
賺工資者心憂煩. and all the wage earners will be sick at heart.
11 瑣安首領皆愚昧, The officials of Zoan are nothing but fools;
法老策士獻餿策. the wise counselors of Pharaoh give senseless advice.
你怎能向法老說: How can you say to Pharaoh,
"我是智者之一, "I am one of the wise men,
古代君王高徒."? a disciple of the ancient kings?"
12 你的智者在何方? Where are your wise men now?
好讓他們告訴你, Let them show you and make known
主萬軍之耶和華, what the Lord Almighty
如何計劃攻埃及. has planned against Egypt.
13 瑣安首領變愚昧, The officials of Zoan have become fools,
挪弗領袖被迷惑; the leaders of Memphis are deceived;
百姓的中流砥柱, the cornerstone of her people
使埃及茫然迷途. have led Egypt astray.
14 耶和華向他們傾倒, The Lord has poured into them
令人昏沉的烈酒. a spirit of dizziness;
埃及人凡事糊塗, they make Egypt stagger in all that she does,
如醉漢跌撞嘔吐. as a drunkard staggers around in his vomit.
15 埃及如棕蘆頭尾, There is nothing Egypt can do -
一籌莫展難有成. head or tail palm branch or reed.
到那日, 埃及人像婦人, 在耶和華舉手要打擊他們時, 驚惶戰抖. 猶大地使埃及人恐慌, 無論何人
只要提到猶大, 就會使他驚惶失措, 因這是萬軍之耶和華所定擊打埃及的旨意.
到那日, 埃及必有五城的人說迦南的方言, 並宣誓向萬軍之耶和華效忠, 五城之中有一城名叫
到那日, 在埃及中心, 必有一獻給耶和華的祭壇; 邊界上, 必有一獻給耶和華的紀念碑, 作為
萬軍之耶和華的表徵和見神的見證. 當埃及人受欺壓向耶和華呼求時, 衪立即派拯救者和保護者前去
拯救他們. 因此, 耶和華讓埃及人認識衪; 到那日, 人人認識祂, 並以祭物和供物敬拜祂, 且向耶和華
起願還願. 耶和華降瘟疫懲埃及人, 但也醫治他們; 故他們歸向耶和華, 只要他們祈求, 就得醫治.
到那日, 必有一大道從埃及通往亞述, 方便埃及人到亞述, 亞述人到埃及, 讓埃及人和亞述人
一同敬拜耶和華. 到那日, 以色列居三, 與埃及和亞述同時在地上得福, 因此, 耶和華賜福他們, 並說:
"埃及我的子民, 亞述我的手工, 和以色列我的產業, 都一同得福."
(VII) 埃及與古實(20:1-6):
亞述王撒珥根命大帥岀征及攻佔亞實突那一年, 耶和華對阿摩司之子以賽亞說: "脫下身穿
的麻衣, 和腳上的草鞋." 以賽亞遵命, 露體赤足行走. 接著耶和華說: "我僕以賽亞露體赤足行走三年,
乃是埃及和古實受攻擊的凶兆. 亞述王必照樣把埃及俘虜和古實難民帶走, 無論老少, 都露體赤足,
暴露下體, 以羞辱埃及; 信靠古實和誇耀埃及者驚惶蒙羞. 到那日, 沿海居民說: '看哪! 我們依靠的和
我們逃避求亞述王救助的, 下場不過如此, 我們怎樣才能逃脫呢?'"
(VIII) 巴比倫(21:1-10):
1 侵略者從曠野 Like whirlwind sweeping through the southland,
恐怖之地上來, an invader comes from the desert,
如旋風掃南地. from a land of terror.
2 我見慘酷異象: A dire vision has been shown to me:
反叛者反叛, 掠奪者掠奪. The traitor betrays, the looter takes loot.
以攔啊, 進攻! 瑪代啊, 圍攻! Elan, attack! Media, lay seige!
我要終止哀傷呻吟. I will bring to an end all the groaning she caused.
3 我周身疼痛難忍, At this my body is racked with pain,
劇痛如產難婦人, pangs seize me, like those of woman in labor;
所見的使我蹣跚, I am staggered by what I see.
4 我的心怯懦惶恐, My heart falters,
恐懼使我身戰抖; fear makes me tremble;
期盼曙光早顯現, the twilight I longed for
竟成恐怖襲我來. has become a horror to me.
5 他們擺設筵席, They set the tables,
鋪開紅氈, they spread the rugs,
大吃大喝! they eat, they drink!
官員啊, 起來吧! Get up, you officers,
用油擦盾! oil the shields!
6 主對我如此說: This is what the Lord says to me:
"快去! 設立崗哨, "Go, post a lookout
令他報告所見, and have him report what he sees.
7 看到馬拉戰車, When he sees chariots with teams of horses,
驢子騎士, riders on donkeys
駱駝騎士, or riders on camels,
就要警醒, let him be alert,
全然警醒." fully alert."
8 哨兵高喊: And the lookout shouted,
"主啊! "Day after day, my Lord,
我日日站崗, I stand on the watchtower;
夜夜在守望. every night I stay at my post.
9 看哪! 來了一輛馬拉戰車, Look, here comes a man in a chariot with a team of horses.
回答盤問說: And he gives back the answer:
巴比倫傾倒了! 傾倒了! Babylon has fallen, has fallen!
他們所有神的偶像, All the images of its gods
全都粉碎倒在地上!'" lie shattered on the ground!'"
10 我的子民啊! 你們毀在打穀場上, O my people, crushed on the thresting floor,
我現要把從萬軍之耶和華, I tell you what I have heard
和以色列的神那裏聽見的, from the Lord Almighty,
全都告訴你們. from the God of Isreal.
(IX) 度瑪(以東)(21:11-12):
11 有人從西珥向我呼叫, Someone calls to me from Seir,
"哨兵啊! 黑夜還有多長? "Watchman, what is left of the night?
哨兵啊! 黑夜還有多長?" Watchman, what is left of the night?"
12 哨兵回答: The watchman replies,
"早晨要來, 黑夜也會來. "Morning is coming , but also the night.
若要問, 儘管問, If you would ask, then ask;
回來再問." and come back yet again."
(X) 亞拉伯(21:13-17):
13 底但的商隊啊! You caravans of Dedanites,
你們要在阿拉伯叢林紮營, who camp in the thickets Arabia,
14 提瑪的居民啊! bring water for the thirsty;
你們要拿水給人解渴, you who live in Tema,
同時拿糧給難民充饑. bring food for the fugitives.
15 他們逃避刀劍和出鞘利刃 They flee from the sword, from the drawn sword,
及上弦的弓和戰鬥的烈火. from the bent bow and from the heat of battle.
主對我這樣說: "照雇工合約年數, 一年之內, 基達的強盛告終, 基達的勇士弓箭手, 倖存無幾."
(XI) 耶路撒冷(22:1-25):
1. 異象谷(22:1-14):
1 充滿動亂的邑啊! What troubles you now,
騷動狂亂的城啊! that you have all gone up on the roofs.
2 究竟發生甚麼事, O town full of commotion,
你們都爬上屋頂? O city of tumnult and revelry?
你們被殺的非死於刀劍, Your slain were not killed by the sword,
也非死於戰鬥. nor did they die in battle.
3 你們的首領集體逃亡, All your leaders have fled together;
他們不戰而投降被擄; they have been captured without using the bow.
敵人猶在遠方即棄逃; All you who were caught were taken prisoner together,
全都被俘囚禁集 having fled while the enemy was still far away.
4 因此我說: "走開遠離我, Therefore I said, "Turn away from me;
讓我盡情痛哭; let me weep bitterly.
不要為我子民的毀滅 Do not try to console me
設法來安慰我." over the destruction of my people."
5 主萬軍之耶和華 The Lord, the Lord Almighty, has a day
在異象谷陷入 of tumnult and trampling and terror
騷亂踐踏和恐怖的日子, in the Valley of Vision,
城牆拆毀, 哀聲遍山. a day of battering down walls and of crying out to the mountains.
6 以攔帶箭袋, Elam takes up the quiver,
吉珥亮盾牌, with her charioteers and horses;
戰車騎兵長驅直入; Kir uncovers the shield.
7 肥美山谷戰車密佈, Your choicest valleys and full of chariots,
敵人騎兵遍佈城門, and horsemen are posted at the city gates;
8 猶大防衛完全瓦解. the defenses of Judah are stripped away.
那日, 你們去看看 And you looked in that day
林宮存放武器, to the weapons in the Palace of the Forest;
9 你們都會看見 you saw that the city of David
大衛城許多防衛缺失; had many breaches in its defenses;
你們要儲滿下池的水. you stored up water in the Lower Pool.
10 你們要點數耶路撒冷建築, You counted the buildings in Jerusalem
並且要拆掉房屋鞏固城牆. and tore down houses to strengthen the wall.
11 在牆中間建蓄水池, You built a reservoir between the two walls
以便收納老池之水, for the water of the Old Pool,
但你們不會仰望作這事的主, but you did not look to the One who made it,
並顧念古時就策劃這事的神 .or have regard for the One who planned it long ago.
12 主萬軍之耶和華 The Lord, the Lord Almighty,
在那日呼喚你們, called you on that day
放聲痛哭哀號, to weep and to wail,
剃光頭髮, 穿上麻衣. to tear out your hair and put on sackcloth.
13 但看哪! 人們還是欣喜狂歡, But see, there is joy and revelry,
殺牛宰羊, slaughtering of cattle and killing of sheep,
吃肉喝酒! eating of meat and drinking of wine!
"讓我們吃喝吧!" 你們說, "Let us eat and drink," you say,
"因明天我們就要死了!" "for tomorrow we die!"
萬軍之耶和華親自啓示我說:"直到你們死時, 這罪也不得赦免." 這是主萬軍之耶和華說的.
2. 舍伯那(22:15-25):
15 "你去對管理王宮的 "Go, say this steward,
舍伯那總管說 : to Shebna, who is in charge of the palace:
16 你在這裏幹嗎? What are you doing here and who gave you permission
誰准許你在這裏為自己修墓, to cut out a grave for yourself here,
而且把墓修在高處並 hewing your grave on the height
在岩石開鑿安息之地? and chiseling your resting place in the rock?
17 小心! 耶和華要緊緊抓住你, Beware, the Lord is about to take firm hold of you
並把你拋棄, 有權勢的人啊! and hurl you away, O you mighty man.
18 祂把你捲緊像皮球, He will roll you up tightly like a ball
竭力拋在空廣之地. and throw you into a large country.
讓你死在那裏, There you will die
你的華麗馬車留在那裏, and there your splendid chariots will remain -
羞辱你主人的家! you disgrace to your master's house!
19 我要把你革職, I will depose you from your office,
拉下你的職位. you will be ousted from your position.
到那日, 我要召我僕希勒家之子以利亞敬來, 將你的外袍給他穿, 腰帶給他綁, 權柄交給他;
他要作耶路撒冷居民和猶大家之父. 我必把大衛家之鑰放他肩上: 他開了, 沒人能開; 他關了, 沒人能關.
我必使他地位堅穩, 如楔子插入穩固之處. 他必作父家榮耀的寶座, 他父家所有的榮耀繫他一身, 他的
後裔子孫, 以及精細器皿, 從碗到罐, 都繫他身上.
萬軍之耶和華說: "到那日, 那插入穩固之處的楔子, 必被砍斷落地, 所有掛在上面物品隨之
掉落." 這是耶和華說的.
(XII) 推羅(23:1-18):
1. 推羅敗亡(23:1-14):
1 哀哉, 他施的船隻啊! Wail, O ships of Tarshish!
因推羅毀滅, For Tyre is destroyed
房屋港口盡毀無存. and left without house or harbor.
這是從基提傳給他們的信息. From the land of Cyprus word has come to them.
2 島上居民 Be silent, you people of the island
及航海致富的西頓商人啊, and you merchants of Siden,
你們要靜默! whom the seafarers have enriched.
3 西曷的穀物, On the great waters
從大海道運來; came the grain of the Shihor,
尼羅河收成乃推羅收益, the harvest of the Nile was the revenue of Tyre,
使推羅成為列國的市場. and she became the marketplace of the nations.
4 海上堡壘西頓啊, 你們要慚愧! Be ashamed, O Siden, and you, O fortress of the sea,
因大海說: for the sea has spoken:
"我沒受過產痛, 也沒生過孩子; "I have neither been in labor nor given birth;
更沒養兒育女." I have neither reared sons nor brought up daughters."
5 當話傳到埃及, When word comes to Egypt,
他們就為推羅報告傷痛. they will be in anguish at the report from Tyre.
6 越過他施去, Cross over to Tarshish;
哀哉, 島上居民啊! wail, you people of the island.
7 這是你們很老很老城邑, Is this your city of revelry,
用腳把她帶往遠方定居, the old, old city, whose feet have taken her
因而成為狂歡之城嗎? to settle in far-off lands?
8 推羅本是賜冠冕之城, Who planned this against Tyre,
商人在世上聲譽卓著, the bestower of crowns,
誰在策劃攻擊推羅呢? whose traders are renowned in the earth?
9 這是萬軍耶和華旨意, The Lord Almighty planned it,
降卑他們的驕傲榮耀, to bring low the pride of all glory
使世上有名聲的謙卑. and to humble all who are renowned on the earth.
10 他施百姓啊! Till your land as along the Nile,
你們沿尼羅河的地, O Daughter of Tarshish,
今後不會再有港口. for you no longer have a harbor.
11 耶和華已向海伸手, The Lord has stretched out his hand over the sea
列國莫不為之戰抖. and made its kingdoms tremble.
衪又發出有關非尼基命令, He has given an order concerning Phoenicia
要摧毀那地的堡壘. that her fortresses be destroyed.
12 祂說: "西頓百姓啊! He said, " No more of your reveling,
毀滅在即, 勿再狂歡!" O Virgin Daughter of Siden now crushed!
起來, 到基提去! Up, cross over Cyprus,
即使在那裏也找不到安息." even there you will find no rest."
13 看哪! 迦勒底之地, Look at the land of the Babylonians,
其民現已無足輕重, this people that is now of no account!
亞述人使之 The Assyrians have made it
成為曠野生物出沒之地; a place for desert creatures;
他們築起圍城高塔, they raised up their siege towers,
拆毀城堡使成廢墟. they stripped its fortresses bare and turned it into a ruin.
14 哀哉, 他施的船隻啊! Wail, you ship of Tarshish;
你們的城堡全都毀滅! your fortress is destroyed!
2. 推羅復興(23:15-18):
到那日, 推羅必被遺忘七十年, 即君王一生的年日; 七十年告終時, 推羅的景況,
16 "被遺忘的妓女啊! "Take up a harp, walk through the city.
拿起琴來, 走遍全城吧! O prostitute forgotten;
好好彈奏, 多多歌唱; play the harp well, sing many a song,
好讓人再想起妳們." so that you will be remembered."
七十年結束, 耶和華必再眷顧推羅, 使推羅恢復繁榮, 再度與地上萬國貿易往來, 惟營商
獲利收益要分別為聖, 歸給耶和華, 不得私藏屯積; 貿易收益應給住在耶和華面前的人, 以支應豐盛的食物