箴 言 新 譯
請對照和合本原譯, 點閱本書, 賜教指正,
使神的話語更通順雅達, 以榮神益人.
I. 前言
每讀聖經箴言, 只覺字字珠磯, 充滿智慧, 砥礪德行, 激盪靈命, 益發愛神敬神. 惟中譯經文, 用字
措辭, 有欠簡潔通順, 工整對稱, 且有謬誤之處; 尤其箴言, 用字不宜鬆散, 不似箴言, 詰屈聱牙, 不易
朗朗上口, 難以深入人心, 激動靈命, 不無遺憾.
返台安養, 眨眼五載, 閒來無事, 讀經至樂, 並勤在 "佈樂格" 作文字服事, 完成 "詩篇潤飾" 後,
再仔細精讀箴言, 中英對照, 益覺原譯尚有潤飾修正餘地, 乃祈求聖靈帶領, 著手 "箴言新譯" 陸續
在 "佈樂格" 披露, 祈我屬靈先進, 比照和合本和新譯本經文, 逐節比較, 對新譯經文多多賜教指正,
使神的話語, 更通順流暢, 深入人心, 變化氣質, 促人悔改歸主, 榮神益人.
II. 追求智慧(I)
I. 序言(1:1-7) - 目的與主題:
新 譯 英 文
2 為得智慧教訓, For attaining wisdom and discipline;
了解通達言語; for understanding words of insight;
3 生活克己慎行; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life,
行事正直公正, doing what is right and just and fair;
4 使愚人變精明, for giving prudence in the simple,
少年得智明理; knowledge and descretion to the young -
5 智者增加學問, let the wise listen and add to their learning,
明理人得指引; and let the discerning get guidance -
6 以明白箴言寓言, for understanding proverbs and parables,
智者格言和謎語. the sayings and riddles of the wise.
7 敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
愚人無知藐視智慧和教訓. but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
2 原譯尚佳, 惟欠工整, 應修正改譯.
understand 原譯 "分辨" 改譯 "了解" 較合原意.
3 原譯有違原意, 應改譯 "生活克己慎行, 行事正直公正,"
非 "使人處事領受智慧、仁義、公平、正直的訓誨."
4 prudence 原譯 "靈明" 改譯 "精明" 較合原意.
descretion 譯 "得智明理" 較 "謀略" 切合原意.
5 guidance 譯 "指引" 較 "智謀" 切合原意.
6 parables 譯 "寓言" 較 "譬喻" 恰切.
sayings 譯 "格言" 較 "言詞" 恰切.
II. 追求智慧(1:8-9:18):
(I) 警告少年(1:8-33):
1. 勿受引誘(1:8-19):
新 譯 英 文
8 我兒啊! 要聽你父教訓, Listen, my son, to your father's instruction
勿違你母教導. and do not forsake your mother's teaching.
9 這教訓教導要作你 They will be a garland to grace your head
頭上華冠, 頸上金鍊. and a chain to adorn your neck.
10 我兒啊! 若壞人引誘你, My son. If sinners entice you,
切勿跟從他們. do not give in to them.
11 他們若說, "跟我們來吧! If they say, "Come along with us;
去埋伏流人的血, let's lie in wait for someone's blood,
去攔劫無辜的人; let's waylay some harmless soul;
12 像墳墓活吞他們, let's swallow them alive, like the grave,
如陰間整個吞下; and whole, like those who go down to the pit;
13 好得到各樣財寶, We will get all sorts of valuable things
讓家中堆滿贓物; and fill our houses with plunder;
14 加入我們同享福, throw in your lot with us,
共用一個大荷包." and we will share a common purse " -
15 我兒啊, 千萬別跟他們混! my son, do not go along with them,
萬勿走上他們路! do not set foot on their paths
16 因他們奔向罪惡, for their foot rush into sin,
急欲流他人的血. they are swift to shed blood.
17 飛鳥眼前張羅網, How useless to spread a net
定必是徒勞無功! in full view of all the birds!
18 他們埋伏流己血, These men lie in wait for their own blood;
攔劫只是害己命! they waylay only themselves!
19 追不義財下場慘; Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gains;
雖得財寶命不保. it takes away the lives of those who get it.
8 teaching 譯 "教導" 較 "法則" 切合原意.
9 原譯欠工整, 應整句改譯.
11 Come along with us 譯 "跟我們來吧!" 較 "你與我們同去" 切合原意.
waylay 原譯 "蹲伏" 不妥, 應改譯 "攔劫"
12 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
13 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
plunder 譯 "贓物" 較 "擄來的" 雅達.
14 throw in your lot with us 原譯欠通順, 應改譯 "加入我們同享福"
share a common purse 譯 "共用一個大荷包" 較 "共用一個囊袋" 通俗恰切.
15 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
16 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
17 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
18 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
19 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
2. 勿拒智慧(1:20-33):
新 譯 英 文
20 智慧在街上高聲喊叫, Wisdom calls aloud in the street,
在廣場提嗓揚聲; she raises her voice in the public squares;
21 在鬧市街頭呼叫, at the head of the noisy streets she cried out,
在城門面前開講. in the gateways of the city she makes her speech:
22 "愚人愛愚昧要到幾時? "How long will you simple ones love your simple ways?
譏笑者喜愛譏笑, How long will
愚昧人恨惡知識 mockers delight in mockery
要到幾時? and fools hate knowledge?
23 你們若領受我的責備, If you had responded to my rebuke,
我就向你們傾吐心意, I would have poured out my heart to you
讓你們知道我的用心. and made my thoughts known to you.
24 然而, 我呼喚你們拒絕; But since you rejected me when I called
我伸手你們不理. and no one gave heed when I stretched out my hand,
25 你們既不聽從我的勸告, since you ignored all my advice
也不領受我的責備; and would not accept my rebuke,
26 所以你們遭災難我發笑; I in turn will laugh at your disaster;
你們逢災禍我竊喜. I will mocked when calamity overtakes you -
27 於是, 災禍如暴風吹襲, when calamity overtakes you like a storm,
災難如旋風橫掃, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind,
患難困苦紛紛來. when disaster and trouble overwhelm you.
28 那時, 他們呼求我, 我不回應; Then they will call to me but I will not answer;
尋找我, 找不到我. they will look for me but will not find me.
29 因為他們恨惡知識, Since they hated knowledge
不選擇敬畏耶和華. and did not choose to fear the Lord.
30 因不接受我的勸告, since they would not accept my advice
也不在乎我的責備, and spurned my rebuke,
31 他們必自食惡果 they will eat the fruit of their ways
飽嚐自栽的苦果. and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.
32 愚人頑梗害死自己, For the waywardness of the simple will kill them,
庸人自滿毀滅自己; and the complacency of fools will destroy them,
33 唯有聽從我的, 必得安居, but whoever listens to me will live in safety
得享安寧, 不怕傷害." and be at ease, without fear of harm."
20 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
public squares 譯 "廣場" 較 "寬闊處" 雅達.
21 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
make speech: 譯 "開講" 較 "發出言語" 雅達.
22 mockers, mockery 譯 "譏笑者, 譏笑" 較 "褻慢人, 褻慢" 切合原意.
23 responded to my rebuke 譯 "領受我的責備" 較 "我的責備回轉" 切合原意.
poured out my heart 譯 "傾吐心意" 較 "靈澆灌" 切合原意.
made my thoughts known 譯 "知道我的用心" 較 "將我的話指示你們" 切合原意.
24 rejected 譯 "拒絕" 較 "不肯聽從" 切合原意.
25 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
26 calamity 譯 "災禍" 較 "驚恐" 切合原意.
27 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
28 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
29 did not choose to 譯 "不選擇" 較 "不喜愛" 切合原意.
30 spurned 譯 "不在乎" 較 "藐視" 切合原意.
31 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
the fruit of their schemes 譯 "自栽的苦果" 較 "自設的計謀" 切合原意.
32 waywardness 譯 "頑梗" 較 "背道" 切合原意.
complacency 譯 "自滿" 較 "安逸" 切合原意.
33 harm 譯 "傷害" 較 "災禍" 切合原意.
(II) 讚揚智慧(2:1-4:27):
1. 智慧與福份(I)(2:1-22):
新 譯 英 文
(1) 認識真神(2:1-9):
1 我兒啊! 你若接受我的話, My son, if you accept my words
心存我的誡命, and store up my commands within you,
2 側耳傾聽智慧, turning your ear to wisdom
留心明白事理. and applying your heart to understanding,
3 你若呼求真知, and if you call out for insight
高聲呼喊明理; and cry aloud for understanding;
4 如同追求白銀, and if you look for it as for silver
好像搜尋藏寶; and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 你就知道敬畏耶和華, then you will understand the fear of the Lord
真正認識神. and find the knowledge of God.
6 因耶和華賜人智慧, For the Lord gives wisdom,
口說出知識和事理. and from the mouth came knowledge and understanding.
7 衪為正直者謀得勝, He holds victory in store for the upright,
又為完美者作盾牌. he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
8 因衪護衛公正者的理想, for he guards the causes of the just
也保護衪敬虔者的道路. and protects the way of his faithful ones.
9 這樣, 你就會明白公義公正和公平, Then you will understand what is right and just
了解一切善道. and fair - every good path.
(2) 行走義路 (2:10-22): 10 智慧必入你心, For wisdom will enter your heart,
知識必悅你靈. and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 明辨必保護你, Discretion will protect you,
明理必護衛你. and understanding will guard you.
12 智慧救你遠離惡人路, Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men;
還有說話乖謬邪惡人. from men whose words are perverse,
13 那些人離棄正道, who have the straight paths
行走在黑暗路上, to walk in dark ways,
14 他們都喜歡行惡, who delight in doing wrong
也喜愛惡人詭詐, and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,
15 他們的道路彎曲, whose paths are crookedand
偏離正道入岐途. and who are devious in their ways.
16 智慧救你遠離淫婦, It will save you also from the adulteress,
和邪淫誘人的娼妓, from the wayward wife with her seductive words,
17 她離棄年青時配偶, who have left her partner of her youth
不守神前立的盟約. and ignored the covenant she made before God.
18 因她的家走向死亡, For her house leads down to death
而她的路奔向陰間. and for paths to the spirits of the dead.
19 凡親近她的, None who go to her return
無一生還, 走回生路. or attain the paths of life.
20 所以, 你要行善人的道, Thus you will walk in the ways of good men
守義人的路. and keep to the paths of the righteous.
21 因正直者必活在地上, For the upright will live in the land,
完美者也必安留世上; and the blameless will remain in it;
22 而惡人必從地上消滅, but the wicked will be out off from the land,
不虔者必從世上拔除. and the unfaithful will be torn from it.
1 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
2 understanding 譯 "事理" 較 "聰明" 切合原意. "留心明白事理" 對應 "側耳傾聽智慧"
3 原譯有違原意, 應改譯 "你若呼求真知, 高聲呼喊明理;"
4 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
hidden treasure 譯 "藏寶" 較 "隱藏的珍寶" 簡潔雅達.
5 稍加修改, 較通順.
6 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯. Understanding 仍應譯 "事理"
7 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
holds victory in store for the upright 應改譯 "為正直者謀得勝"
those whose walk is blameless 譯 "完美者" 較 "行為純正的人" 簡明恰切.
8 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
causes 譯 "理想" 較 "路" 切合原意.
9 稍加修改, 較通順.
10 笫二句應譯 "知識必悅你靈" 非 "你的靈要以知識為美" v
11 Discretion 譯 "明辨" 較 "謀略" 切合原意.
understanding 仍譯 "明理" 較 "聰明" 切合原意.
12 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
13 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
14 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
15 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
16 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
17 youth 譯 "年青" 較 "幼年" 切合原意.
ignored 譯 "不守" 較 "忘了" 切合原意.
18 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
19 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
20 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
21 the blameless 譯 "完美者" 較 "完全人" 切合原意, 因除主耶穌外, 無人完全.
22 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
2. 智慧與福份(II)(3:1-20):
(1) 仰賴真神(3:1-12):
1 我兒啊! 勿忘我的教訓, My son, do not forget my teaching,
要心守我的誡命; but keep my commands in your heart,
2 因可延長你壽命, for they will prolong your life many years
帶給你昌盛繁榮. and bring you prosperity.
3 別讓慈愛誠實永離你, Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
反要綁在你的頸項上, bind them around your neck.
好好刻在你的心版裏. write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 這樣你在神人的眼前, Then you will win favor and a good name
必定會蒙恩惠得美名. in the sight of God and man.
5 你要全心信靠耶和華, Trust in the Lord with all your heart
不可倚靠自己的聰明; and lean not on your own understanding;
6 凡你所行都要認定衪, in all your ways acknowledge him,
衪必使你前路平又直. and he will make your paths straight.
7 千萬別以為自己有智慧, Do not be wise in your own eyes;
要敬畏耶和華遠離罪惡. fear the Lord and shun evil.
8 這樣必然使你身康體泰, This will bring health to your body
全身骨頭都能得到滋補. and nourishment to your bones.
9 你要以財寶和初熟作物 Honor the Lord with your wealth,
在耶和華面前虔敬奉獻; with the firstfruits of all your crops;
10 這樣你的倉廩必然充實, then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
酒桶裏必葡萄新酒滿溢. and your vats will brim over with new vine.
11 我兒啊! 不可藐視耶和華的管教, My son, do not despise the Lord's discipine
更不可恨惡衪的責備, and do not resent his rebuke,
12 因耶和華所愛的祂必管教, because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
正如父親管教他喜愛兒子. as a father the son he delights in.
1 teaching 譯 "教訓" 較 "法則" 切合原意.
2 原譯有誤且欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
prosperity 譯 "昌盛繁榮" 較 "平安" 切合原意.
3 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
4 win favor and a good name 譯 "蒙恩惠得美名" 較 "蒙恩寵, 有聰明" 切合原意.
5 原譯有誤且欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
6 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
make your paths straight 應譯 "使你前路平又直" 非 "必指引你的路"
7 原譯欠工整, 應整句改譯.
8 bring health to your body 應譯 "必然使你身康體泰" 非 "醫治你的肚臍"
9 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
10 your barns will be filled to overflowing 譯 "你的倉廩必然充實" 較 "你的倉房必充滿有餘" 雅潔達意.
your vats will brim over with new vine譯"酒桶裏必葡萄新酒滿溢"較"你的酒醡有新酒盈溢"雅潔達意.
11 despise 譯 "藐視" 較 "輕看" 雅達.
resent 譯 "恨惡" 較 "厭煩" 雅達.
12 discipine 譯 "管教" 較 "責備" 切合原意.
(2) 智慧勝金(3:13-20):
新 譯 英 文
13 得智慧明事理的人 Blessed is the man who finds wisdom,
有福了! the man who gains understanding,
14 因智慧益處勝過白銀, for she is more profitable than silver
報酬好過黃金. and yields better returns than gold.
15 比寶石更珍貴, She is more precious than rubies;
你喜愛的無一能比. nothing you desire can compare with her.
16 智慧的右手保你長壽, Long life is in her right hand;
左手賜給你富貴尊榮. in her left hand are riches and honor.
17 智慧之路愉悅, Her ways are pleasant ways,
智慧之途安寧. and all her paths are peace.
18 擁抱智慧者如得生命樹, She is a tree of life to those who embrace her;
緊抓智慧者必終生蒙福. those who lay hold of her will be blessed.
19 耶和華以智慧立大地根基, By wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundation,
以道理安定諸天. by understanding he set the heavens in place;
20 以知識分隔深淵, by his knowledge the deeps were divided,
使雲霓普降甘露. and the clouds let drop the dew.
13 "gains understanding" 譯 "明事理" 較 "得聰明" 切合原意.
14 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
15 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
rubies 應譯 "寶石" 非 "珍珠"
16 原譯應整句改譯, 較對稱達意.
17 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
pleasant 譯 "愉悅" 較 "安樂" 切合原意.
peace 譯 "安寧" 較 "平安" 切合原意.
18 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
19 原譯尚佳, 稍加修飭即可.
20 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
the deeps were divided 譯 "分隔深淵" 較 "深淵裂開" 切合原意.
3. 智慧得尊榮(3:21-35):
新 譯 英 文
21 我兒啊! 你要持守良好判斷與明辨, My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment,
別讓二者遠離你眼目. do not let them out of your sight;
22 二者將成你的生命, They will be life for you,
作你頸項上的華飾. an ornanment to grace your neck.
23 這樣你才能安然前行, Then you will go on your way in safety,
你的腳步才不會跌撞; and your foot will not stumble;
24 你才能心安躺下不懼, when you lie down, you will not be afraid;
且安然躺下睡得香甜. when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
25 不怕災禍的突然來臨, Have no fear of sudden disaster
不懼毀滅惡人的廢墟, or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
26 因耶和華是你的信心, for the Lord will be your confidence
必使你的腳不陷羅網. and will keep your foot from being snarled.
27 當你仍有能力作為時, Do not withhold good from those who deserve it,
應向值得幫助者行善. when it is in your power to act.
28 當你還有現成之物時, Do not say to your neighbor
就不要對你的鄰居說: "Come back later, I'll give it tomorrow" -
"停回再來, 明天我再給你." when you now have it with you.
29 對可信靠好鄰居, Do not plot harm against your neighbor,
切勿設計陷害他; who lives trustfully near you.
30 對不會害你的人, Do not accuse a man for no reason -
切勿無理指責他. when he has done you no harm.
31 不可羨慕暴虐之徒, Do not envy an violent man
也不可選行他的路, or choose any of his ways,
32 因耶和華憎惡暴徒, for the Lord detests a perverse man
信任行為正直的人. but takes the upright into his confidence.
33 耶和華咒詛惡人居所, The Lord's curse is on the house of the wicked,
卻施恩賜福義人之家. but he blesses the home of the righteous.
34 衪譏笑驕傲的譏笑者, He mocks proud mockers
卻施恩典給謙卑的人. but gives grace to the humble.
35 智者承受尊榮, The wise inherit honor
愚人蒙受羞辱. but fools he holds up to shame.
21 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
sound judgement and discernment 譯 "良好判斷與明辨" 較 "真智慧和謀略" 切合原意
22 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
23 stumble 譯 "跌撞" 較 "碰腳" 雅潔達意.
24 整句改譯較通順達意.
25 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
of the ruin that overtakes the wicked 應譯 "不懼毀滅惡人的廢墟" 非 "惡人遭毀滅, 也不要恐懼"
26 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
27 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
28 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
29 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
30 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
accuse for no reason 應譯 "無理指責" 非 "乖僻人"
31 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
32 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
a perverse man 應譯 "暴徒" 非 "不可無故與他相爭"
confidence 譯 "信任" 較 "親密" 雅潔達意.
33 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
34 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
35 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
4. 智慧至高(4:1-27):
(1) 篤守教誨(4:1-9):
新 譯 英 文
1 孩子們! 要聽父親的教訓, Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction;
用心去明白事理. pay attention and gain understanding.
2 我給你們良好的學習, I give you sound learning,
千萬勿離棄我的教導. so do not forsake my teaching.
3 當我在父前還是小兒, When I was a boy in my father's house,
在母前是獨一嬌子時, still tender, and an only child of my mother,
4 父親教導我並對我說: he taught me and said,
"你要全心記住我的話, "Lay hold of my words with all your heart;
守住我的誡命一生安. keep my commands and you will live.
5 既得智慧又能明事理; Get wisdom, get understanding;
勿忘記毋偏離我教言. do not forget my words or swerve from them.
6 也勿忘保護你的智慧; Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
更要愛看顧你的智慧; love her, and she will watch over you.
7 要去求取至高的智慧. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.
即使傾家也要明事理. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
8 尊崇智慧, 智慧會提升你; Esteem her, and she will exalt you;
擁抱智慧, 智慧會尊崇你; embrace her, and she will honor you.
9 智慧會賜給你榮冕, She will set a garland of grace on your head
並把華冠戴你頭上." and present you with a crown of splender."
1 gain understanding 譯 "去明白事理" 較 "得知聰明" 切合原意.
2 teaching 譯 "教導" 較 "法則" 切合原意.
3 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
boy 譯 "小兒" 較 "孝子" 切合原意.
4 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
you will live 譯 "一生安" 較 "便得存活" 雅潔達意.
5 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
get understanding 譯 "明事理" 較 "得聰明" 切合原意.
6 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
7 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
Wisdom is supreme 譯 "至高的智慧" 較 "智慧為首" 切合原意.
Though it cost all you have 應譯 "即使傾家" 非 "在你一切所得之內"
get understanding 譯 "明事理" 較 "得聰明" 切合原意.
8 原譯欠簡潔工整通順, 應整句改譯.
0 原譯欠簡潔工整通順, 應整句改譯.
(2) 遠離奸惡(4:10-17):
新 譯 英 文
10 我兒啊! 要聽受我說的, Listen, my son, accept what I say,
你必延年益壽. and the years of your life will be many.
11 我引導你走智慧之道, I guide you in the way of wisdom
也帶領你行正直之路. and lead you along straight paths.
12 你行走腳步不受阻礙; When you walk, your steps will not be hampered;
你奔跑步伐不會蹣跚. when you run, you will not stumble.
13 你要堅守教訓不放鬆, Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
因那教訓是你的生命; guard it well, for it is your life;
14 千萬不可行惡人的路, Do not set foot on the path of the wicked
更加不可走壞人的道. or walk in the way of evil men.
15 要避開不可在上行走, Avoid it, do not travel on it;
要轉身回到自己正道. turn from it and go on your way.
16 他們不作惡睡不著, For they cannot sleep till they do evil;
不使人跌倒難合眼. they are robbed of slumber till they make someone fall.
17 他們都吃奸惡的飯, They eat the bread of wickedness
大伙痛飲強暴的酒. and drink the wine of violence.
10 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
11 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
12 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
hampered 應譯 "阻礙" 非 "狹窄"
stumble 譯 "蹣跚" 較 "跌倒" 達意.
13 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
14 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
15 原譯不完整, 應改譯.
turn from it and go on your way 應譯 "要轉身回到自己正道" 非 "轉身而去"
16 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
cannot sleep 譯 "睡不著" 較 "不得睡覺" 雅潔達意.
robbed of slumber 譯 "難合眼" 較 "睡臥不安" 雅潔達意.
17 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
eat the bread of wickedness 譯 "吃奸惡的飯" 較 "以奸惡吃餅" 雅達.
(3) 聽話有益(4:18-27):
新 譯 英 文
18 義人之道像黎明曙光, The path of righteous is like the first glean of dawn,
越來赴亮直至天大亮; shinning ever brighter till the full light of day.
19 惡人之路像深夜黑暗, But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness;
他們不知道為何跌倒. they do not know what makes them stumble.
20 我兒啊! 要留心聽我說, My son, pay attention to what I say;
側耳聽我言. listen closely to my words.
21 勿讓我的話離你眼目, Do not let them out of your sight,
要牢記心頭. keep them within your heart;
22 因得我話者得生命, for they are life to those who find them
使人的全身得醫治. and health to a man's whole body.
23 最重要是保守你心, Above all else, guard your heart,
因你心是生命泉源. for it is the wellspring of life.
24 要除去口中的邪惡, Put away perversity from your mouth;
祛除嘴唇上的敗壞. keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
25 讓雙目向前面直看, Let your eyes look straight ahead,
目光要向前方正視. fix your gaze directly before you.
26 讓你雙腳走平坦路, Let level paths for your feet
只行穩固堅實大道. and take only ways that are firm.
27 你們不要偏左離右, Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
雙腳必需遠離罪惡. keep your foot from evil.
18 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
the first glean of dawn 譯 "黎明曙光" 較 "黎明的光" 切合原意.
till the full light of day 應譯 "直至天大亮" 非 "直至日午"
19 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
like deep darkness 譯 "像深夜黑暗" 較 "像幽暗" 切合原意.
20 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
21 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
22 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
23 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
Above all else "最重要是" 未譯出.
for it is the wellspring of life 應譯 "因你心是生命泉源" 非 "因為一生的果效, 是由心發出"
24 Put away perversity from your mouth 譯 "要除去口中的邪惡" 較 "除掉邪僻的口" 雅潔達意.
keep corrupt talk far from your lips 譯 "祛除嘴唇上的敗壞" 較 "棄絕乖謬的嘴" 雅潔達意.
25 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
26 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
take only ways that are firm 應譯 "只行穩固堅實大道" 非 "堅定你一切的道"
27 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.