I. 追求智慧(II)
16 她從不想生命之路, She gives no thought to the way of life;
不知其路曲折歪邪. her paths are crooked, but she knows it not.
7 孩子們! 現要聽我言, Now then, my sons, listen to me;
切勿離棄我的話. do not turn aside from what I say.
8 要遠離她的道路, Keep to a path far from her,
不可走近她家門, do not go near the door of her house,
9 免得你的精力給了別人, lest you give your best strenght to others
你的壽命交給寡情的人; and your years to one who is cruel,
10 也免得外人吞吃你財富, lest strangers feast on your wealth
你的辛勞肥了別人的家. and you toil enrich another man's house.
11 在你生命終結, 肉體耗竭時, At the end of your life you will groan,
你會痛苦呻吟. when your flesh and body are spent.
12 你會說, "我多麼憎恨管教! You will say, "I hated discipline!
我的心多麼拒絕責備! How my heart spurned corretion!
13 我沒遵從老師教訓, I would not obey my teachers
更沒聽從教師教導. or listen to my instructors.
14 終於在全體聖會中, I have come to the brink of utter ruin
落在萬劫不復之境. in the midst of the whole assembly."
1: words of insight 譯 "通透的言語" 較 "聰明的言詞" 切合原意.
2: 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
maintain discretion 應譯 "使你能明辦是非" 非 "為要使你謹守謀略"
3: 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
新譯 "因淫婦櫻唇滴甜蜜, 花言巧語滑過油;"
較原譯 "因淫婦的嘴滴下蜂蜜, 她的口比油更滑" 對稱雅達.
4: gall 譯 "苦澀如膽汁" 較 "苦似茵陳" 切合原意.
sharp as a double-edged sword 譯 "鋒利如兩刃利劍" 較 "快如兩刃的刀" 雅達.
5: 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
6: 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
She gives no thought to 應譯 "她從不想" 非 "她找不著"
the way of life 應譯 "生命之路" 非 "生命平坦的道"
her paths are crooked 應譯 "其路曲折歪邪" 非 "她的路變遷不定"
7: 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
8: 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
9: 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
best strenght 應譯 "精力" 非 "尊榮"
one who is cruel 說到男女之情, 譯 "寡情" 較 直譯 "殘忍" 切合原意.
10: 原譯有誤且欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
strangers feast on your wealth 應譯 "外人吞吃你財富" 非 "外人滿得你的力量"
第二句應譯 "你的辛勞肥了別人的家" 較原譯簡潔達意.
11: 原譯有誤且欠雅達, 應整句改譯.
At the end of your life 應譯 "在你生命終結 " 非 "終久"
flesh and body are spent 譯 "肉體耗竭" 較 "皮肉和身體消毀" 雅潔達意.
groan 譯 "痛苦呻吟" 較 "悲歎" 切合原意.
12: 原譯未將感嘆語氣譯出.
spurned corretion 譯 "拒絕責備" 較 "藐視責備" 切合原意.
13: 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
14: 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
I have come to the brink of utter ruin
應譯 "落在萬劫不復之境" 非 "幾乎落在諸般惡中"
(2) 疼愛髮妻(5:15-23)
新 譯 英 文
15 你要喝自己池中水, Drink water from your own cistern,
飲自己井裏的活水. running water from your own well.
16 你的泉水豈可溢出街頭, Should your springs overflow in the street,
你的河水豈可泛濫廣場? your streams of water in the public squares?
17 泉水應獨歸你一人, Let them be yours alone,
永不與外人同分享. never to be shared with strangers.
18 願你的泉水得祝福, May your fountain be blessed,
你疼愛年青結髮妻. and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
19 她是可愛的雌鹿, 可親的母羊; A loving doe, a graceful deer -
願她雙乳使你滿足, may her breasts satisfy you always,
她的愛情使你著迷. may you ever be captivated by her love.
20 我兒啊! 你為何迷戀淫婦? Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress?
為何擁抱他人之妻的酥胸? why embrace the bosom of another man's wife?
21 因人的行為神一清二楚, For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord,
祂也鑒察他的一切行徑. and he examines all his paths.
22 惡人必被自己惡行網住, The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him;
罪惡之繩把他綁得緊緊. the cords of his sin hold him fast.
23 不受管教他定必死亡; He will die for lack of discipline,
過份愚昧他必入歧途. led astray by his own great folly.
16 overflow in the stree 譯 "溢出街頭" 較 "漲溢在外" 切合原意.
in the public squares 譯 "泛濫廣場" 較 "流在街上" 切合原意.
17 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
18 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
youth 譯 "年青" 較 "幼年" 切合原意.
19 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
breasts 譯 "雙乳" 較 "胸懷" 切合原意.
captivated 譯 "著迷, 迷戀" 較 "戀慕" 切合原意.
20 another man's wife 譯 "他人之妻" 較 "外女" 切合原意.
bosom 譯 "酥胸" 較 "胸懷" 切合原意.
21 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
in full view of the Lord 譯 "神一清二楚" 較 "都耶和華眼前" 切合原意.
examines all his paths 應譯 "鑒察他的一切行徑" 非 "修平人一切的路"
22 ensnare 譯 "網住" 較 "捉住" 切合原意.
hold him fast 譯 "把他綁得緊緊" 較 "如繩索纏繞" 切合原意.
23 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
led astray 譯 "入歧途" 較 "走差了路" 雅潔達意.
(II) 勿行邪路(6:1-19):
1. 謹慎作保(6:1-11):
新 譯 英 文
1 我兒啊! 你若為鄰舍作保, My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor,
替他人擊掌擔保, if you have struck hands in pledge for another,
2 被自己說過的話困住, if you have been trapped by what you said,
被自己口中言語纏累. ensnared by the words of your mouth.
3 我兒啊! 你既落入鄰舍手中, then do this, my son, to free yourself,
要這樣做才能脫困: since you have fallen into your neighbor's hands:
4 首先要謙卑自己, Go and humble yourself;
好好跟鄰舍商量, press your plea with your neighbor!
眼睛不睡覺, Allow no sleep to your eyes,
眼瞼不打盹. no slumber to your eyelids.
5 你定要自救, Free yourself,
像羚羊擺脫打獵人之手, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,
像雀鳥脫離捕鳥人羅網. like a bird from the snare of the fowler.
1 原譯欠完整, 應整句改譯.
neighbor 譯 "鄰舍" 較 "朋友" 切合原意.
2 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
trapped by 譯 "困住" 較 "纏住" 切合原意.
ensnared by 譯 "纏累" 較 "捉住" 切合原意.
3 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
neighbor 譯 "鄰舍" 較 "朋友" 切合原意.
free yourself 譯 "脫困" 較 "可救自己" 切合原意.
4 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯, 較對稱可讀.
press your plea with your neighbor! 譯 "好好跟鄰舍商量" 較 "去懇求你的朋友" 切合原意.
5 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
snare 應譯 "羅網" 非 "的手"
2. 不可懶惰(6:6-11):
新 譯 英 文
6 懶蟲啊! 去看看螞蟻, Go to the ant, you sluggard;
牠們的勤奮可使你得智慧! consder its ways and be wise!
7 螞蟻無統帥, It has no commander,
無官長也無君王, no overseer or ruler,
8 然而, 牠們夏日儲備食物, yet it stores its provisions in summer
收割時積聚糧食. and gathers its food at harvest.
9 懶蟲啊! 你要睡到幾時? How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
何時才睡醒起來? when will you get up from your sleep?
10 只要再睡些時, 小睡片刻, A little sleep, little slumber,
抱手再歇一會, a little folding of the hands to rest -
11 貧窮就會像強盜光顧你, and poverty will come on you like the bandit
貧乏像武裝暴徒掠奪你. and scarcity like an armed man.
6 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
its ways 譯 "勤奮" 形容螞蟻較 "動作" 恰切
7 原譯甚佳.
8 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
9 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
10 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
11 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
armed man 譯 "武裝暴徒" 較 "拿兵器的人" 簡明達意.
3. 主憎惡事(6:12-19):
新 譯 英 文
12 無賴惡徒帶著敗壞的口, A scoundrel and vilian,
到處行走, who goes about with a corrupt mouth,
13 眨眼傳情, who winks with his eyes,
用腳示意, signal with his feet
指頭指點, and motions with his fingers,
14 心謀詭詐, who plots evil with deceit in his heart -
煽動紛爭, he always stirs up dissension.
15 因此, 災難必然立即臨到他, Therefore disaster will overtake him in an instant;
他必突然毀滅, 無法挽救. he will suddenly be destroyed - without remedy.
16 耶和華恨惡六樣事, There are six things the Lord hates,
連深惡痛絕的共七樣: seven that are detestable to him:
17 高傲的眼目, haughty eyes,
撒慌的唇舌, a lying tongues,
流人血的手, hands that shed innocent blood,
18 謀惡事的心, a heart that devises wicked schemes,
奔向惡的腳, feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 撒謊作假見證者, a false witness who pours out lies
挑撥爭兄弟鬥者. and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
12 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
who goes about with a corrupt mouth
譯 "帶著敗壞的口, 到處行走" 非 "行動就用乖僻的口"
13-14 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯, 尤其第14節欠通, 應完全改譯.
15 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
16 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
17 原譯甚佳.
18 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
19 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
stirs up 譯 "挑撥" 較 "布散" 切合原意.
(III) 姦淫惹禍(6:20-35):
新 譯 英 文
20 我兒啊! 要守你父的誡命, My son, keep your father's commands
勿違你母的教導. and do not forsake your mother's teaching.
21 永遠牢記心頭 Bind them upon your heart forever;
緊繫在你頸項. fasten them around your neck.
22 行走時指引你, When you walk, they will guide you;
睡覺時看顧你, when you sleep, they will watch over you;
醒起時教訓你. when you awake, they will speak to you.
23 因誡命是明燈, For those commands are a lamp,
教導就是亮光. this teaching is a light,
糾正管教乃生命之道. and the corrections of discipline are the way to life,
24 使你遠離淫蕩的婦人, keeping you from the immoral woman,
和甜言蜜語路邊野花. from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife.
25 心中勿迷戀她的美色, Do not lust in your heart after her beauty
不要被她的媚眼勾引. or let her captivate you with her eyes,
26 因妓女使你只剩一餅, for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread,
淫婦會取你寶貴生命. and the adulteress preys upon your very life.
27 一團火球落在人身上, Can a man scoop fire into his lap
他的衣服怎能不燒著? without his clothes being burned?
28 人在火炭之上行走, Can a man walk on hot coals
他的腳怎能不燒傷? without his feet being scorched?
29 淫人之妻的也如此; So is he who sleeps with another man's wife;
勾搭她的無不受罰. no one who touches her will go unpunished.
30 飢寒偷竊的盜賊 Man do not despise a thief if he steals
人們不會鄙視他. to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
31 若被捉住就要七倍償還, Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold,
把家中財物全部都交出. though it costs him all the wealth of his house.
32 與婦人通姦的色迷心竅; But a man who commits adultery lacks judgement;
絲毫不知那是自我毀滅, whoever does so destroys himself.
33 他定必遭受擊打和凌辱, Blows and disgrace are his lot,
他的恥辱永遠磨滅不了; and his shame will never be wiped away;
34 因嫉妒必激起丈夫烈怒, for jealousy arouses a husband's fury,
使他亳不留情斷然報復. and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge.
35 他不會接受任何的補償, He will not accept any compensation;
賠禮再豐厚都拒絕接受. he will refuse the bride, however great he is.
20 teaching 譯 "教導" 較 "法則" 切合原意.
21 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
Bind them upon your heart forever 譯 "永遠牢記心頭" 較 "要常繫在你心上" 恰切合意.
22-23 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
teaching 仍應譯 "教導" 較 "法則" 切合原意.
the corrections of discipline 譯 "糾正管教" 較 "訓誨的責備" 切合原意.
24 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
the immoral woman 應譯 "淫蕩婦人" 非 "惡婦"
smooth tongue 譯 "甜言蜜語" 較 "諂媚的舌" 切合原意.
wayward wife 譯 "路邊野花" 較 "外女" 雅達切合.
25 captivate you with her eyes 譯 "媚眼勾引" 較 "眼皮勾引" 達意.
26 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
27 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
scoop fire 譯 "一團火球" 較 "搋火" 通俗達意.
28 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
scorched 譯 "燒傷" 較 "燙" 切合原意.
29 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
sleeps with another man's wife 譯 "淫人之妻" 較 "親近鄰舍之妻" 雅達恰切.
30 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
31 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
32 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
lacks judgemen 譯 "色迷心竅" 較 "便是無知" 雅達恰切.
destroys himself 譯 "自我毀滅" 較 "必喪掉生命" 恰切.
33 Blows 譯 "遭受擊打" 較 "受傷損" 恰切.
第二句 譯 "他的恥辱永遠磨滅不了" 較 "他的羞恥不得塗抹" 恰切.
34 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
35 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
(IV) 淫婦引誘(7:1-27):
新 譯 英 文
1 我兒啊! 要遵守我的話, My son, keep my words
把我的誡命牢記心頭. and store up my commands within you.
2 守我的誡命才能存活, Keep my commands and you will live;
守訓如守護眼中瞳人. guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
3 要緊緊繫在你的指頭, Bind them on your fingers;
深深刻在你的心版上. write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 要對智慧說, "妳是我的姊妹." Say to wisdom, "You are my sister,"
還要稱明理辨事為至親; and call understanding your kinsman;
5 智慧明理使你遠離淫婦, they will keep you from the adulteress,
和甜言誘人的路邊野花. from the wayward wife with her seductive words.
6 從我家窗戶的 At the window of my house
格子向外觀望, I looked out through the lattice.
7 我在芸芸眾生青年中, I saw among the simple. I noticed among the young men,
發現一個無知的少年. a youth who lacked judgement.
8 沿街行漸近淫婦巷口, He was going down the street near her corner,
正朝著她家方向走去, walking along in the direction of her house
9 那時正是黃昏近傍晚, at twilight, as the day was fading,
黑夜行將降臨的時候. as the dark of night set in.
10 就有一婦人出來迎他, Then out came a woman to meet him,
妓女艷麗打扮頻勾引. dressed like a prostitue and with crafty intent.
11 她高聲挑逗, She is loud and defiant,
雙腳不留家, her feet never stay at home;
12 時在街頭, 時在廣場, now in the street, now in the squares,
在各處巷口出沒. at every corner she lurks.
13 終於抓住那少年, She took hold of him and kissed him
親吻他並厚顏說: and with a brazen face she said:
14 "今天我正要還願, "I have fellowship offerings at house;
家中獻著平安祭, today I fulfilled my vows.
15 故我特來迎接你; So I came out to meet you;
我在找你終找到! I looked for you and have found you!
16 我用埃及花布床單 I have covred my bed
鋪好我閨房的牙床, with colored linens from Eygpt.
17 用沒葯沉香和肉桂 I have perfumed my bed
把我的床薰得香香. with myrrh, aloes and cinnanon.
18 來吧! Come!
讓我們通宵暢飲愛酒到天明, let's drink deep of love till morning;
沉浸愛中盡情歡樂! let's enjoy ourselves with love!
19 我的丈夫不在家, My husband is not at home;
出門在外遠行去. he has gone on a long journey.
20 少年荷包錢滿滿, He took his purse filled with money
玩到月圓始還家." and will not be home till full moon."
21 淫婦花言誘他走歧途, With persuative words she led him astray;
甜言蜜語不住勾引他. she seduced him with her smooth talk.
22 他立即上當跟隨她, All at once he followed her
像頭公牛送上屠場, like an ox going to the slaughter,
又像愚人落入圈套, like a fool stepping into a noose
23 直至利箭穿透心肝, till an arrow pierces his liver,
就像雀鳥撞入羅網, like a bird darting into a
絲毫不知會送老命. little knowing it will cost him his life.
24 孩兒們! 細聽我言, Now then, my sons, listen to me;
要留心我說的話. pay attention to what I say.
25 勿讓你心偏她道, Do not let your heart turn to her ways
痴心迷戀她的路. or stray into her paths.
26 她曾害死很多人, Many are the victims she has brought down;
一大群人遭毒手. her slain are a mighty throng.
27 她家通陰間大道, Her house is a highway to the grave,
走向死亡的廳堂. leading down to the chambers of death.
1 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
commands 譯 "誡命" 較 "命令" 前後一致.
2 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
teachings 譯 "守訓" 較 "法則" 切合原意.
3 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
4 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
understanding 譯 "明理辨事" 較 "聰明" 切合原意.
kinsman 譯 "至親" 較 "親人" 切合原意.
5 原譯久通順, 稍加修正即可.
wayward wife 譯 "路邊野花" 較 "外女" 雅達恰切.
seductive words 譯 "甜言誘人的" 較 "說諂媚話的" 切合原意.
6 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯 "從我家窗戶的格子向外觀望." 簡明通順.
7 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句改譯 "我在芸芸眾生青年中" 較原譯簡明通順.
第二句改譯 "一個無知的少年" 較 "有一個無知的少年人" 簡明.
8 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
9 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯 "那時正是黃昏近傍晚, 黑夜行將降臨的時候."
10 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
crafty intent 應譯 "頻勾引" 非 "有詭詐的心思"
11 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯 "她高聲挑逗, 雙腳不留家."
12 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
squares 應譯 "廣場" 非 "寬闊處"
lurks 譯 "出沒" 較 "蹲伏" 切合原意.
13 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
brazen face 譯 "厚顏" 較 "臉無羞恥" 切合原意.
14 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
15 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
I looked for you 譯 "我在找你" 較 "懇切求見你的面" 簡明達意.
16 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
colored linens from Eygpt 譯 "埃及花布床單" 較原譯簡明達意.
17 原譯甚佳.
18 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句改譯 "讓我們通宵暢飲愛酒到天明" 較原譯通順達意.
第二句改譯 "沉浸愛中盡情歡樂" 較原譯通順達意.
19 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯 "我的丈夫不在家, 出門在外遠行去."
20 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯 "少年荷包錢滿滿, 玩到月圓始還家."
21 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
astray 應譯 "歧途" 非 "隨從"
seduced 應譯 "勾引" 非 "逼他"
22 原譯有誤且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
to the slaughter 譯 "上屠場" 較 "往宰殺之地" 簡明達意.
into a noose 應譯 "入圈套" 非 "帶鎖鏈去受刑罰"
23 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一,二兩句改譯 "直至利箭穿透心肝, 就像雀鳥撞入羅網," 較原譯通順達意.
第三句改譯 "絲毫不知會送老命" 較原譯 "卻不知是自喪己命" 通順達意.
24 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
25 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
26 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯. ,
27 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯. .
chambers 譯 "廳堂" 較 "宮" 切合原意.
(IV) 呼籲少年(8:1-9:18):
1. 智慧呼喚(8:1-36):
(1) 智慧教訓(8:1-11):
新 譯 英 文
1 智慧不是在呼喚嗎? Does not wisdom call out?
明理不是在高喊嗎? Does not understanding raise her voice?
2 智慧站在沿途高處, On the heights along the way,
城中通衢十字路口; where the paths meet, she takes her stand;
3 進城大道城門旁邊, besides the gates leading into the city,
在城門口大聲呼喊: at the entrances, she cries aloud:
4 "世人啊! 我向你們呼喚, "To you, O men, I call out;
我大聲向全民訴說: I raise my voice to all mankind.
5 常人啊! 你們要學習精明, You who are simple, gain prudence;
愚人啊! 你們要明白事埋. you who are foolish, gain understanding.
6 聽啊! 我有寶貴的話要說: Listen, for I have worthy things to say;
我開口要講說正直, I open my lips to speak what is right.
7 我張嘴要論述真理; My mouth speaks what is true,
因我的唇厭惡邪惡. for my lips detest wickedness.
8 我口所說盡符公義, All the words of my mouth are just;
絲毫沒有歪曲荒謬. none of them is crooked or perverse.
9 對明理者全都正確, To the discerning all of them are right;
對有識者全無瑕疵. they are faultless to those who have knowledge.
10 選我教訓勿選銀子; Choose my instruction instead of silver,
寧要知識不要精金. knowledge rather than choice gold,
11 因智慧比寶石珍貴, for wisdom is more precious than rubies,
你想要的無一能比. and nothing you desire can compare with her.
1 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
understanding 譯 "事理" 較 "聰明" 切合原意.
raise her voice 譯 "高喊" 較 "發聲" 切合原意.
2 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
On the heights along the way 譯 "站在沿途高處" 較 "在道旁高處的頂上" 恰切.
3 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
besides the gates leading into the city 譯 "進城大道城門旁邊" 較切合原意.
at the entrances, she cries aloud 譯 "在城門口大聲呼喊" 恰切雅達.
4 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
I raise my voice to all mankind 譯 "我大聲向全民訴說" 較 "我向世人發聲" 恰切.
5 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
(the) simple, (the) foolish 譯 "常人, 愚人" 較 "愚蒙人, 愚昧人" 恰切.
gain prudence 譯 "學習精明" 較 "會悟靈明" 淺白易明.
gain understanding 譯 "明白事埋" 較 "心裏明白" 切合原意.
6 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
I have worthy things to say 應譯 "我有寶貴的話要說" 非 "我要說極美的話"
I open my lips to speak what is right 譯 "我開口要講說正直" 較簡明.
7 My mouth speaks what is true 譯 "我張嘴要論述真理" 較雅達對稱.
8 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
All the words of my mouth are just 譯 "我口所說盡符公義" 較 雅達.
none of them is crooked or perverse 譯 "絲毫沒有歪曲荒謬" 較 雅達.
9 原譯有誤, 欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
To the discerning all of them are right 譯 "對明理者全都正確" 較 雅達.
they are faultless to those who have knowledge 譯 "對有識者全無瑕疵" 較 雅達.
faultless 應譯 "瑕疵" 非 "正直"
10 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
Choose my instruction instead of silver 譯 "選我教訓勿選銀子" 較原譯雅達.
knowledge rather than choice gold 譯 "寧要知識不要精金" 較原譯雅達.
11 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
for wisdom is more precious than rubies 譯 "因智慧比寶石珍貴" 較原譯雅達.
and nothing you desire can compare with her 譯 "你想要的無一能比" 較原譯雅達.
(2) 尊榮公義(8:12-21):
新 譯 英 文
12 我智慧與慎思同住, I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence,
我擁有知識和明辨. I possess knowledge and discretion.
13 敬畏耶和華恨罪惡; To fear the Lord is to hate evil;
我心恨惡驕傲狂妄, I hate pride and arrogance,
邪惡行為乖謬言論. evil behavior and perverse speech.
14 才智和真知皆屬我. Counsel and sound judgement are mine;
又明事理滿有能力. I have understanding and power.
15 君王要靠我治國家, By me kings reign
統治者藉我制法律; and rulers make laws that are just;
16 文臣武將靠我管治, by me princes govern,
公侯貴族藉我冶世. and all nobles who rule on earth.
17 愛我的我也必愛他; I love those who love me,
尋求我的必定尋見. and those who seek me find me.
18 富貴和尊榮都屬我, With me are riches and honor,
恆財和興旺是我的. enduring wealth and prosperity.
19 我的果實勝過精金, My fruit is better than fine gold;
我的產物勝過純銀. what I yield surpasses choice silver.
20 我行在公義的道上, I walk in the way of righteousness,
也走在公正的路上, along the paths of justice,
21 賜財富給愛我的人, bestowing wealth on those who love me
令他們的府庫豐滿. and making their treasures full.
12 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
dwell together with prudence 譯 "與慎思同住" 較 "以靈明為居所" 通順達意.
I possess knowledge and discretion 譯 "我擁有知識和明辨" 較 "又尋得知識和謀略" 通順達意.
13 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
evil behavior 譯 "邪惡行為" 較 "惡道" 雅達.
perverse speech 譯 "乖謬言論" 較 "乖謬的口" 切合原意.
14 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
sound judgement 譯 "才智" 較 "謀略" 切合原意.
have understanding 譯 "明事理" 較 "我乃聰明" 雅達.
15 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
kings, reign 譯 "君王, 治國" 較 "帝王, 坐國位" 切合原意.
and rulers make laws that are just 譯 "統治者藉我制法律" 較 "君王, 定公平" 切合原意.
16 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
princes, nobles 譯 "公侯貴族" 較 "王子, 首領, 審判官" 切合原意.
govern, rule on earth 譯 "管治, 冶世" 較 "掌權" 切合原意.
17 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
18 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
riches 譯 "富貴" 較 "豐富" 切合原意.
enduring wealth 譯 "恆財" 較 "恆久的財" 簡明恰切.
prosperity 應譯 "興旺" 非 "公義"
19 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
fine gold, choice silver 譯 "精金, 純銀" 較 "黃金, 高銀" 雅達.
20 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
21 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
wealth 譯 "財富" 較 "貨財" 切合原意.
(3) 智慧早有(8:22-31):
新 譯 英 文
22 在耶和華造化之初, The Lord brought me forth
太初創造萬物之先, as the first of his works,
就有了我; before his deeds of old;
23 從亙古, 在太初, I was appointed from eternity,
未有世界之前, from the beginning,
我已被立. before the world began.
24 沒有海洋, When there were no oceans,
沒有泉源滿是水時, when there were no springs abounding with water;
我已出生; I was given birth,
25-26 大山未形成, 小山未出現, before the mountains were settled in place,
耶和華在原野造大地, before the hills, I was given birth,
在世上造塵土之前, before he made the earth on its fields
我已生出; or any of the dust of the world.
27 當衪立定諸天, I was there when he set the heavens in place,
劃定淵面水平, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep,
28 在天空造雲彩, when the established the clouds above
穩定深淵泉源, and fixed securely the fountains of the deep,
29 劃定大海彊界, when he gave the sea its boundary
水遵命不逾越, so the waters would not overstep his command,
大地定根基時, and when he marked out
我都在那裏. the foundation of the earth.
30 那時, 我在祂身邊作工匠. Then I was the craftsman at his side.
日日滿心喜樂, I was filled with delight day after day,
在祂面前歡欣, rejoicing always in his presence,
31 在全地中雀躍, rejoicing in his whole world
在世人中鼓舞. and delighting in mankind.
22 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
23 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
24 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
oceans 譯 "海洋" 較 "深淵" 切合原意.
25-26 原譯欠簡潔通順, 二節應合併改譯.
第25節 譯 "大山未形成, 小山未出現," 較 "大山未曾奠定, 小山未有" 簡潔對稱.
made the earth on its fields 譯 "原野造大地" 較 "創造大地和田野" 切合原意.
the dust of the world 譯 "世上造塵土" 較 "世上的土質" 切合原意.
27-29 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順, 三節應合併改譯.
第27節應譯 "當衪立定諸天, 劃定淵面水平," 非 "他立高天, 他在淵面的周圍出圓圈,"
第28節應譯 "在天空造雲彩, 穩定深淵泉源," 非 "上使穹蒼堅硬, 下使淵源穩固,"
第29節譯 "劃定大海彊界, 水遵命不逾越, " 較 "為滄海定出界限, 使水不越過他的命令," 切合原意.
30-31 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順, 二節應合併改譯.
craftsman 譯 "工匠" 較 "工師" 切合原意.
filled with delight day after day 應譯 "日日滿心喜樂" 非 "日日為他所喜愛"
rejoicing in his whole world 應譯 "在全地中雀躍" 非 "踊躍在他為人預備可住之地"
delighting in mankind 譯 "在世人中鼓舞" 較 "喜悅住在世人之間" 切合原意.
(4) 智慧得福(8:32-36):
新 譯 英 文
32 我兒啊! 現你們聽我言, Now then, my sons, listen to me;
謹守我道的有福了! blessed are those who keep my ways.
33 聽我教訓必得智慧, Listen to my instruction and be wise;
千萬不要忽視智慧. do not ignore it.
34 天天在我門口仰望, Blessed is the man who listens to me,
又在我的門前等候, watching daily at my doors,
更聽我話的有福了! waiting at my doorway.
35 因找到我的就找到生命, For whoever finds me finds life
並可得到耶和華的恩惠. and receives favor from the Lord.
36 至找不到我的就會害己, But whoever fails to find me harms himself;
凡是恨我的定必愛死亡. all who hate me love death.
32 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
33 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
do not ignore it 譯 "不要忽視" 較 "不可棄絕" 切合原意.
34 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
35 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
36 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
whoever fails to find me harms himself
應譯 "至找不到我的就會害己" 非 "得罪我的, 卻害了自己的性命"
all who hate me love death 譯 "凡是恨我的定必愛死亡" 較 "恨惡我的, 都喜愛死亡" 切合原意.
2. 智愚邀請(9:1-18):
1 智慧自建房屋, Wisdom has built her house;
砍好七根支柱. she has hewn out its seven pillars.
2 她殺豬宰羊, 調配美酒, She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine;
擺設筵席. she has also set the table.
3 派出使女, She has sent out her maids,
自己在城中高處呼喚: and she calls from the highest point of the city.
4 "平庸的人到我這裏來!" "Let all who are simple come in here!"
又對無知的人說: she says to those who lack judgment.
5 "來吧! 吃我做的佳餚, "come, eat my food
喝我調的美酒. and drink the wine I have mixed.
6 離開平庸小路, Leave your simple ways,
行走明理大道, walk in the way of understanding,
你就可以存活. and you will live.
7 "糾正譏笑者, 常招羞辱; "Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult;
斥責惡人的, 易受欺凌. Whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse.
8 勿責譏笑者, 免他恨你; Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you;
而責備智者, 他必愛你. rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
9 教導智者, 使他更有智慧; instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still;
教誨義人, 使他增加學問. teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.
10 敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
認識至聖者便是明白事理. and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
11 因藉著我你的日子必增多, For through me your days will be many,
你的年歲也必然會再加添. and years will be added to your life.
12 你若是智者智慧使你得益; If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you;
你若是譏笑者必獨承苦果; If you’re a mocker, you alone will suffer."
13 愚昧婦人嗓門大, The woman Folly is loud;
邪淫放蕩又無知. she is undisciplineed and without knowledge.
14 常在自家的門口, She is at the door of her house,
坐在城中至高處, on a seat at the highest point of the city,
15 向直行路人呼叫: calling out to those who pass by, who go straight on their way,
16 "平庸的人啊, 到我這裏來!" "Let all who are simple come in here!"
並對無知的人說: she says to those who lack judgment,
17 "偷來的水清甜, "Stolen water is sweet;
偷吃的物味美." food eaten in secret is delicious!"
18 他們卻不知道陰魂處處, But little do they know that the dead are there,
她的客人全在陰間深處. that her guests are in the depths of the grave.
1 原譯有誤, 且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
has hewn out its seven pillars 應譯 "砍好七根支柱" 形容房屋寬大高敞非 "鑿成七根柱子"
2 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
3 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
4 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
simple 譯 "平庸的人" 較 "愚蒙人" 切合原意.
5 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
"吃我做的佳餚, 喝我調的美酒." 較 "吃我的餅, 喝我調和的酒." 雅達對稱.
6 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
Leave your simple ways 譯 "離開平庸小路" 較 "捨棄愚蒙" 切合原意.
walk in the way of understanding 譯 "行走明理大道" 較 "要走光明的道" 切合原意.
7 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
"糾正譏笑者, 常招羞辱; 斥責惡人的, 易受欺凌." 較原譯雅達對稱.
mocker 譯 譏笑者" 較 "褻慢人" 切合原意.
abuse 譯 "欺凌" 較 "玷污" 切合原意.
8 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
9 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
teach 譯 "教誨" 較 "指示" 切合原意.
10 原譯極佳.
understanding 譯 "明白事理" 較 "聰明" 切合原意, 且前後一致.
11 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
12 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
mocker 譯 "譏笑者" 較 "褻慢" 切合原意.
you alone will suffer 譯 "必獨承苦果" 較 "就必獨自擔當" 切合原意.
13 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
loud 譯 "嗓門大" 較 "喧嚷" 通俗恰切.
undisciplineed 譯 "邪淫放蕩" 較 "愚蒙" 切合原意.
14 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
on a seat at the highest point of the city, 譯 "坐在城中至高處" 較 "坐在城中高處的座位上" 雅達.
15 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
"向直行路人呼叫" 較 "呼叫過路的, 就是直行直道的人" 簡潔雅達.
16 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
"平庸的人啊, 到我這裏來!" 較 "誰是愚蒙人, 可以轉到這裏來!" 簡潔雅達.
17 原譯尚佳, 但不及新譯雅達對稱:
新譯 "偷來的水清甜, 偷吃的物味美." "
18 原譯尚佳, 但不及新譯雅達:
新譯 "他們卻不知道陰魂處處, 她的客人全在陰間深處."