第一部 神的審判(1:1-39:8)
第六章 審判與應許預言
I. 為民申冤(34:1-17):
(I) 懲處列國(34:1-4):
1 列國啊, 你們近前來細聽! Come near, you nations, and listen;
眾民啊, 你們要留心傾聽! pay attention, you peoples!
讓大地和其上所有的, Let the earth hear, and all that is in it,
與世界和其中出來的, 都仔細聽! the world, and all that comes out of it!
2 耶和華向列國大發烈怒, The Lord is angry with all nations;
衪的烈怒針對他們大軍, his wrath is upon all their armies.
祂必徹底把那大軍消滅, He will totally destroy them,
把他們全都送入屠宰場. he will give them over to slaughter.
3 被殺的丟出場外, Then slain will be thrown out,
致屍體臭氣沖天; their dead bodies will send up a stench;
群山染滿鮮紅血. the mountains will be soaked with their blood.
4 天上星宿全融化, All the stars of the heavens will be dissolved
高天捲起如書卷; and the sky rollled up like a scroll;
群星失色紛下墜. all the starry host will fall
如葡籐枯葉落地, like withered leaves from the vine,
無花果樹果掉落. like shriveled figs from the fig tree.
(II) 誅殺以東(34:5-15):
5 我的刀在天上已喝足, My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens;
看哪! 這刀必降下審判以東, see, it descends in judgment on Edom,
這民我巳徹底毀滅. the people I have totally destroyed.
6 耶和華的刀染滿鮮血, The sword of the Lord is bathed in blood,
是脂油和 it is covered with fat -
羔羊公羊的血, the blood of lambs and goats,
及公羊腎脂油. fat from the kidneys of rams.
因耶和華在波斯拉有獻祭, For the Lord has a scrifice in Bozrah
在以東有大屠殺. and a great slaughter in Edom.
7 野牛、小公牛和大公牛 And the wild oxen will fall with them,
隨著他們一同倒地. the bull calves and the great bulls.
他們的地血流成河, Their land will be drenched with blood,
地上塵土吸足脂油. and the dust will be soaked with fat.
8 因耶和華定了復仇日子, For the Lord has a day of vengeance,
也為錫安定了報應之年 a year of retribution, to uphold Zion's cause.
9 以東河水變成柏油, Edom's streams will be turned into pitch,
地上塵土變成硫火; her dust into burning sulfur;
全地柏油都在燃燒! her land will become blazing pitch!
10 日以繼夜不熄滅; It will not be quenched night and day;
濃煙不住向上騰. the smoke will rise forever.
世世代代成廢墟; From generation to generation it will be desolate;
從此再無人經過. no one will ever pass through it again.
11 沙梟鷂鷹來盤據, The desert owl and screech owl will possess it;
大梟烏鴉群作巢. the great owl and the raven will nest there.
耶和華必將 God will stretch out over Edom
混亂線鉈和荒涼量尺 the measuring line of chaos
量遍以東地. and the plumb line desolation.
12 貴族沒落, 群臣消失, Her nobles will have nothing there to be called a kingdom,
國不成國. all the princes will vanish away.
13 宮殿長滿荊棘, Thorns will overrun her citaldels,
城堡遍佈蒺藜. nettles and brambles her strongholds.
野狗出沒之地, She will become a haunt for jackals,
鷂鷹築巢之所. a home for owls.
14 走獸野狼來相會, Desert creatures will meet with hyenas,
野山羊相對鳴叫; and wild goats will bleat to each other;
夜間鳥獸來棲宿, there the night creatures will also repose
各得其所享安息. and find themselves places of rest.
15 鷂鷹築巢生下蛋, The owl will nest there and lay eggs,
全心孵蛋發慈愛, she will hatch them, and care fore her young
翅蔭之下育雛鳥. under the shadow of her wings;
獵鷹紛紛飛來聚, there also the falcons will gather,
]各攜愛侶雙雙來. each with its mate.
(III) 子民得業(34:16-17):
16 你們要查考耶和華的書: Look in the scrol of the Lord and read:
這都無一缺少, None of these will be missing,
一沒有伴偶. not one will lack her mate.
因衪的口已經吩咐, For it is his mouth that has given the order,
衪的靈將他們集合. and his Spirit will gather them together.
17 衪也為他們抽籤, He allots their portions;
為他們丈量分地. his hand distributes them by measure.
使他們永遠擁有, They will possess it forever
世世代代得安居. and dwell there from generation to generation.
II. 錫安得福(35:1-10):
(I) 聖地喜樂(35:1-2):
1 曠野旱地齊歡樂, The desert and the parched land will be glad;
野地歡喜花盛開. the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.
像玫瑰綻開怒放; Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom;
大大歡喜又快樂. it will rejoice greatly and about for joy.
2 黎巴嫩喜得榮耀, The glory of Lebanon will be given to it,
迦密沙崙獲榮美; the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;
必見耶和華榮耀, they will see the glory of the Lord,
即我們神的榮美. the splendor of our God.
(II) 剛強不懼(35:3-4):
3 軟弱的手轉堅強, Strengthen the feeble hands,
無力的膝得穩定; steady the knees that give way;
4 要對膽怯的人說: say to those with fearful hearts,
"你們要剛強, 不要害怕; strong, do not fear;
你們的神快要來, your God will come,
要為你們報深仇, he will come with vengeance;
更為你們雪大恨, with divine retribution,
為的是拯救你們." he will come to save you."
(III) 神蹟奇事(35:5-10):
5 那時, 瞎子的眼睛必睜開, Then will the eyes of the blind be opened
聾子的耳朵必開通. and the ears of the deaf unstopped.
6 那時, 瘸子必跳躍如鹿, Then will the lame leep like a deer,
啞巴舌頭必歡呼. and the mute tongue shout for joy.
曠野湧流水, Water will gush forth in the wilderness
沙漠開江河. and streams in the desert.
7 灼熱沙土變水池, The burning sand will become a pool,
乾渴之地湧泉源. the thirsty ground bubling springs.
野狗出沒躺臥地, In the haunts where jackels once lay,
青草蘆葦蒲草遍地長. grass and reeds and papyrus will grow.
8 那裏必有康莊道, And a highway will be there;
神聖大道乃其名. it will be called the way of Holiness.
不潔之人禁行走, The unclean will not journey on it;
行正道者暢無阻; it will be for those who walk in that Way;
邪惡愚人莫進入. wicked fools will not go about on it.
9 那裏不見獅影蹤, No lion will be there,
凶惡猛獸也絕跡; nor will any ferocious beast get up on it;
連一個也找不到. they will not be found there.
唯蒙贖者得行走, But only the redeemed will walk there,
10 神救贖者必歸回. and the ransomed of the Lord will return.
他們歡唱進錫安; They will enter Zion with singing;
永遠歡喜樂無窮, everlasting joy will overtake them,
憂傷哀嘆全消失. and sorrow and sighing will flee away.