第二章 警告勸勉猶大(II)
III. 違背聖約(11:1-13:27)
(I) 懲罰惡行(11:1-23):
1. 宣告神行(11:1-5):
耶和華有話臨到耶利米說: "你要告訴猶大人和耶路撒冷居民, '你們要聽從這約的話.'
你要對他們說, '耶和華以色列的神這樣說: 若不聽從這約的話, 必受咒詛. 因那約是我把你們列祖
從埃及地, 從熔鐵爐帶出來時, 命令他們遵守的. 我說, '你們要順從我, 並遵守我的命令行事; 你們
就作我的子民, 我也作你們的神, 我就履行對你們列祖起的誓, 賜給你們流奶與蜜之地, 一如今日.'"
於是我回答: "耶和華啊, 阿們!"
2. 背約受罰(11:6-17):
耶和華又對我說: "你要在猶大各城邑和耶路撒冷大街上宣告這些話: '你們要聽從
及遵行這約, 從我領你們列祖出埃及時起, 直至今日, 我-再警告你們, '要順從我.' 但他們既不聽從
也不理會, 反而隨從自己頑梗邪惡的心而行. 所以我使約中咒詛盡都降他們身上, 因我命他們遵守
這約, 他們卻不遵行.'"
耶和華再對我說: "在猶大人和耶路撒冷居民之中, 有人密謀背叛, 他們要回到他們
列祖的罪中, 他們列祖不聽從我的話, 且隨從服事別神. 以色列家和猶大家都違背了我和他們列祖
所立的約. 所以耶和華這樣說: '我要降災在他們身上, 一個也逃不了. 即使他們哀求, 我也充耳不聽.
猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民會去求他們平日燒香供奉的神, 但在他們遭難之時, 這些神卻不能救他們.
猶大啊! 你們的神跟你們的城邑-樣多; 你們建來為可恥的神巴力上香的邱壇, 也跟耶路撒冷大街
不要為這些百姓禱告, 也不要為他們祈求, 因他們遭難向我呼求時, 我不會理他們.
15 我所愛的既淫亂敗壞, "What is my beloved doing in my temple
還有臉進入我的殿嗎? as she works out her evil schemes with many?
你歡欣喜樂行惡事時, Can consecrated meat avert your punishment?
聖肉能免你的懲罰嗎? When you engage in your wickedness, then you rejoice,"
16 耶和華稱你們為 The Lord called you a thriving olive tree
結美果的茂盛橄欖樹. with fruit beautiful in form.
但在暴風怒吼中, But with the roar of a mighty storm
祂還要縱火燒樹, he will set it on fire,
並把枝子全折斷. and its branches will be broken.
那栽種你們的萬軍之耶和華已宣告要降災在你們身上, 因以色列家和猶大家都
3. 謀害先知(11:18-20):
因耶和華向我揭發他們陰謀, 所以我知道; 那時祂把他們的行動全都告訴我. 我像
被牽到屠場的馴羊羔, 一點也不知道他們要謀害我. 他們說:
"讓我們把這樹和果子一併毀滅; "Let us destroy the tree and its fruit;
19 從活人之地完全剪除, let us cut him off from the land of living,
再也沒人記念他的名." that his name be remembered no more."
20 萬軍之耶和華啊! But, O Lord Almighty, you who judge righteously
你公正施審判鑒察人心; and test the heart and mind,
求你顯示對他們的報復, let me see your vengeance upon them,
因為我已向你陳明原委. for to you I have committed my cause.
4. 懲罰惡人(11:21-23):
"所以耶和華談到欲謀害你命的亞拿突人時說: '勿奉耶和華的名說預言, 否則你們
必死在我們手中;' 因此萬軍之耶和華這樣說: "我必懲罰他們, 他們的壯丁必死在刀下, 他們的兒女
死於饑荒, 一口不留; 因在懲罰他們之年, 我必降災禍在亞拿突人身上.'"
(II) 先知預言(12:1-17):
1. 先知埋怨(12:1-4):
1 耶和華啊! You are always righteous, O Lord,
每當我向你投訴時, 你總是有理. when I bring a case before you.
然而我還是要跟你談論公正 Yet I would speak with you about your justice:
惡人道路為何總是亨通? Why does the way of the the wicked prosper?
詭詐之徒為何一生安順? Why do all the faithless live at ease?
2 你栽植他們使生根, You have planted them, and they have taken root;
順利生長又結果子. they grow and bear fruit.
他們口中有你, You are always on their lips
但心中遠離你. but far from their hearts.
3 耶和華啊! 你知我, Yet you know me, O Lord;
你察驗我對你的心意. you see me and test my thoughts about you.
把他們像待宰羊拖走! Drag them off like sheep to be butchered!
分開撥入屠宰日宰殺! Set them apart for the day of slaughter!
4 這地乾焦荒涼到幾時? How long will the land lie parched?
田野青草枯萎到幾時? and the grass in every field be withered?
因為這地居民都邪惡, Because those who live in it are wicked,
野獣和飛鳥全都絕跡. the animals and birds have perished.
尤有甚者這百姓還說: Moreover, the people are saying,
"祂看不見我們將如何." "He will not see what happens to us."
2. 神的回應(12:5-6):
5 "你若與徒步者賽跑, "If you have raced with men on foot
尚且覺得精疲力竭; and they have worn you out,
你怎能跟馬賽跑呢? how can you compete with horses?
"你若在平穩之地跌倒, If you stumble in safe country,
在約但旁叢林該怎辦? how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?
6 你的兄弟家人背叛你, Your brothers, your own family - even they have betrayed you;
他們高聲喊叫反對你; they have raised a loud cry against you.
即使他們都說你好話, Do not trust them,
你千祈不可信靠他們." though they speak well of you."
3. 遍地荒涼(12:7-13):
7 "我離棄我的殿宇, "I will forsake my house,
放棄了我的產業; abandon my inheritance;
把我心愛的子民, I will give the one I love
交他們敵人手中. into the hands of her enemies.
8 我的子民像林中母獅, My inheritance has become to me like a lion in the forest.
她向我吼叫故我恨她. She roars at me; therefore I hate her.
9 我的子民豈不像獵鳥, Has not my inheritance become to me like a speckled bird of prey
正受到其他獵鳥圍攻? that other birds of prey surround and attack?
你們去捕捉所有野獸, Go and gather all the wild beasts;
把這些野獸全都吞吃. bring them to devour.
10 很多牧人毀我葡萄園, Many shepherds will ruin my vineyard
他們又踐踏我的田地; and trample down my field;
把我肥沃良田變荒野. they will turn my pleasant field into a desolate wasteland.
11 在我面前荒涼成焦土; It will be made a wasteland, parched and desolate before me;
因無人關心全地荒蕪. the whole land will be laid waste because there is no one who cares.
12 毀滅者群集光禿高地, Over all the barren heights in the desert destroyer will swarm,
從地的這一端到那端, for the sword of the Lord will devour
耶和華的刀劍顯神威; from one end of the land to the other;
無人能安全逃過此劫. no one will be safe.
13 他們撒麥種卻收荊棘; They will sow wheat but reap thorns;
精疲力竭但毫無收穫. they will wear themselves out but gain nothing.
因為耶和華大發烈怒, So bear the shame of your harvest
只好滿懷羞愧看歉收. because of the Lord's fierce anger."
4. 警告惡鄰(12:14-17):
耶和華這樣宣示: "至於我的所有邪惡鄰國, 他們掠奪我賜給我子民以色列的產業,
我要把他們從他們的地上拔除, 也要把猶大家從他們中間拔出. 我把他們拔出之後, 還要憐憫他們,
領他們回來, 還給他們產業, 重返自己故土. 若那些鄰國學習我民的道, 並指著我名起誓說: 耶和華
確活著!' 即使他們曾教我民向巴力起誓, 這樣他們就可在我民中立足. 任何一國若不聽從, 我就把
這國完全拔起消滅." 耶和華這樣宣示.
(III) 神的比喻(13:1-27):
1. 腰帶比喻(13:1-11):
耶和華對我這樣說: "你去買一條麻布腰帶, 綁在腰間, 但不要碰到水." 我乃遵主命
買了一條腰帶, 綁在腰間.
接著耶和華的話第二次臨到我說: "拿你買的腰帶綁在腰間, 到幼發拉底河去, 把腰帶
藏在岩石穴中." 我乃遵主命把腰帶藏在幼發拉底河.
幾天以後, 耶和華又對我說: "到幼發拉底河去, 把我吩咐你藏在那裏的腰帶取出;
我遵主命前往, 把腰帶從埋藏的地方挖出, 只見腰帶毀滅, 毫無用處.
耶和華的話再次臨到我說: "耶和華對這樣說: '我要用同樣方法敗壞猶大的驕傲和
耶路撒冷的驕狂; 這些不聽我的話, 隨從自己頑梗的心, 又去服事敬拜別神的邪惡百姓, 就會像這
腰帶, 完全變成無用! 正如腰帶綁人腰間, 我也把以色列全家和猶大全家綁在我身; 為使他們成我
子民, 得我名聲、讚美和榮耀, 可惜他們卻不肯聽.
2. 酒囊比喻(13:12-14):
"去對他們說: '耶和華以色列的神這樣說: 把每個酒囊裝滿酒.' 若他們對你說: 難道
我們不知道酒囊都要裝滿酒嗎?' 你就告訴他們: '耶和華這樣說: 我要把此地所有居民醉倒, 包括坐
在大衛王座的君王、祭司、先知及所有住在耶路撒冷的人. 我把他們一個個打倒, 父子也不例外,
耶和華這樣宣示. 我要毀滅他們不再憐憫施恩.
3. 驕傲後果(13:15-27):
15 要留心傾聽, Hear and pay attention,
不要驕傲, do not be arrogant,
這是耶和華說的. for the Lord has spoken.
16 耶和華你們的神把黑暗降下, Give glory to the Lord your God
你們的腳在黑暗山邱跌倒前; before he brings the darkness,
你們要把榮耀歸給祂. before your feet stumble on the darkening hills.
你們盼望光明卻是死蔭, You hope for light, but he will turn it to thick darkness
全都變得一片陰沉漆黑. and change it to deep gloom.
17 你們若再不聽從, But if you do not listen,
我會因你們的驕傲暗中哭泣, I will weep in secret because of your pride;
我的雙目充滿淚水痛哭 my eyes will weep bitterly, overflowing with tears,
因為耶和華的羊群會被擄走. because the Lord's flock will be taken captive.
18 你們去對君王和太后說: Say to the king and to the queen mother:
"快從你們的王座下來吧! "Come down from your thrones,
榮冠將從你們頭上掉落." for your glorious crowns will fall from your heads."
19 南地城邑全被圍困, The cities in the Negev will be shut up,
無人解圍. and there will be no one to open them.
整個猶大全都被擄, All Judah will be carried into exile,
無一倖免. carried completely away.
20 張眼看看北方下來大軍, Lift up your eyes and see
從前交託給你們的羊群, those who are coming from the north.
就是你們引以為榮那群, Where is the flock that was entrusted to you,
如今都在那裏呢? the sheep of which you boasted?
21 耶和華興起你們結交盟友 What will you say when the Lord sets over you
你們還有何話可說? those you cultivated as your special allies?
你們是否感受產婦臨盆痛楚? Will not pain grip you like that of a woman in labor?
22 你們若自問: And if you ask yourself:
"為何不幸發生在我們身上?" "Why has this happened to me?"
那是因為你們罪惡深重, it is because of your many sins
有如衣裙撕破身體受損. that your skirts have been torn off and your body mistreated.
23 古實人能改其膚色, Can the Ethiopian change his skin
花豹能去其斑點嗎? or the leopard its apot?
你們行惡怎能為善 Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.
24 我要使你們 I will scatter you like chaff
像曠野狂 driven by the desert wind.
25 這是你們的宿命, This is your lot,
也是我為你們所定的份." the portion I have decreed for you."
這是耶和華的宣示, declares the Lord.
"因你們忘記我 "because you have forgotten me
去信靠別的神. and trusted in false gods.
26 我要掀你裙子到臉上, I will pull your skirts over your face
使你的醜態畢露無遺. that your shame may be seen -
27 你在山上田野行淫, your adulteries and lustful neighings;
放蕩喊叫淫行可恥, your shameless prostitution!
可憎淫行我都目睹 I have seen your detestable acts on the hills and in the fields.
耶路撒冷啊, 你有禍了! Woe to you, O Jerusalem!
你污穢不潔要到幾時? How long will you be unclean?"
IV. 乾旱信息(14:1-15:21)
(I) 選民蒙災(14:1-22):
1. 預言旱災(14:1-12):
2 猶大哀傷, 各城呻吟; "Judah mourns, her cities languish;
他們為地嚎啕哀哭, they wail for the land,
耶路撒冷哀聲震天. and a cry goes up from Jerusalem.
3 權貴遣僕去打水, The nobles send their servants for water;
到了水池卻無水. they go to the cisterns but find no water.
只得帶著空罐回; They return with their jars unfilled;
慚愧失望抱頭歸. dismayed and despairing, they cover their heads.
4 無雨乾旱地龜裂, The ground is cracked because there is no rain in the land;
農夫驚惶亦抱頭. the farmers are dismayed and cover their heads.
5 母鹿棄子因無草; Even the doe in the field deserts her newborn fawn
野驢站在禿崗上, because there is no grass.
6 有如野狗喘不停, Wild donkeys stand on the barren heights and pant like jackals;
眼目昏花無草吃." their eyesight fails for lack of pasture."
7 我們的罪雖指控我們, Although our sins testify against us,
耶和華啊! 我們大大背道得罪你, O Lord do something for the sake of your name.
還求你以你的名解救. For our backsliding is great; we have sinned against you.
8 以色列的盼望啊! O Hope of Isreal, its Savior in times of distress,
以色列患難時的救主啊! its Savior in times of distress,
你為何在本地像過客, why are you like a stranger in the land,
又像只留一宿的客旅? like a traveler who stays only a night?
9 你為何像受驚嚇的人, Why are you like a man taken by surprise,
又像無力救人的勇士? like a warrior powerless to save?
耶和華啊! 你在我們中間, You are among us, O Lord,
我們是你名下的人, and we bear your name;
求你不要離棄我們! do not forsake us!
10 "他們放任雙腳, they do not restrain their feet.
故耶和華不悅納他們; So the Lord does not accept them;
現祂記起他們的邪惡, he will now remember their wickedness
並要懲罰他們的罪惡." and punish them for their sins."
耶和華又對我說: "不要為這民祈福, 即使他們禁食, 我也不會垂聽他們呼求; 他們
向我獻燔祭和素祭, 我也不會悅納, 反而要用刀劍, 降饑荒和瘟疫滅絕他們."
2. 假先知亡(14:13-16):
我就說: "唉, 主耶和華啊! 可是先知不斷告訴他們: '你們不會有刀劍之災, 也不會有
饑荒之苦, 耶和華會在本地賜你們長久平安.'"
耶和華就對我說: "這些先知假藉我名說假預言, 我沒差遣他們, 委派他們, 也沒有向
他們說話. 他們對你們說的預言都是虛假異象、占卜拜偶和自己幻覺. 因此, 耶和華說: 那些假我名
說預言的先知, 我沒差遣他們, 他們竟敢說: '這地不會有刀劍和饑荒之災.' 他們必被刀劍和饑荒滅絕.
至那些誤信他們預言的百姓, 必因刀劍和饑荒喪命, 棄屍耶路撒冷街頭, 無人收屍; 他們的妻子兒女
也無人埋葬. 我必將他們應得災禍傾倒他們身上."
3. 先知哀痛(14:17-22):
17 "讓我雙目淚汪汪, "Let my eyes overflow with tears
日夜淚水流不停; night and day without ceasing;
因我百姓受重創, for my virgin daughter - my people -
嚴重打擊傷不輕. has suffered a grievous wound, a crushing blow.
18 我若往郊野, 看到刀下魂; If I go into the country, I see those slain by the sword;
我若往城裏, 看到餓死鬼; if I go into the city, I see the ravages of famine.
先知和祭司, 逃往不知地." Both prophet and priest have gone to a land they know not."
19 你真的棄絕猶大嗎? Have you rejected Judah completely?
你真的厭惡錫安嗎? Do you despise Zion?
為何把我們傷得不治? Why have you afflicted us so that we cannot be healed?
我們渴盼和平卻無望, We hope for peace but no good has come,
我們盼醫治卻受驚嚇, for a time of healing but there is only terror.
20 耶和華啊! 我們承認我們的罪惡, O Lord, we acknowledge our wickedness
和我們列祖的罪孽; and the guilt of our fathers;
我們的確得罪了你. we have indeed sinned against you.
21 求你為你的名不厭棄我們; For the sake of your name do not despite us;
不要使你榮耀的寶座蒙羞. do noot dishonor your glorious throne.
記得你與我們立約不違背. Remember your covenant with us and do not break it.
22 外邦敗壞的偶像會降雨嗎? Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain?
不會, 惟耶和華我們的神能. No, it is you, O Lord our God.
所以我們都企首仰望你, Therefore our hipe is in you,
因你是行這一切的那位. for you are the one who does all thiis.
(II) 棄絕選民(15:1-21):
1. 神棄猶大(15:1-9)
耶和華對我說: "即使摩西和撒母耳站在我面前代求, 我的心也不憐憫這百姓. 你把
他們從我面前趕出, 讓他們走吧! 他們若問你: '我們往那裏去?' 你就告訴他們: '耶和華這樣說:
2 該死亡的, 就死亡; Those destined for death, to death;
該刀殺的, 就刀殺; those for the sword, to the sword;
該餓死的, 就餓死; those for the starvation, to the starvation;
該被擄的, 就被擄.' those for captivity, to captivity.'"
耶和華說: "我會以四種刑罰對付他們: 刀劍殺戮、野狗拖走、飛鳥啄食、和野獸
吞噬, 使之毀滅. 此外, 因猶大王希西家之子瑪拿西在耶路撒冷倒行逆施, 我必使他們被萬民憎恨,
5 "耶路撒冷啊! 有誰可憐你們呢? "Who will have pity on you, O Jerusalem?
有誰為你們哀傷呢? Who will mourn for you?
誰會停下問你們好呢?" Who will stop to ask how you are?"
6 耶和華說: "你們離棄了我! "you have rejected me," declares the Lord.
你們一直背棄我. "you keep on backsliding .
因此我要出手毀滅你們; So I will lay hands on you and destroy you;
我再也不同情施恩. I can no longer show compassion.
7 我要在本地城門口, I will winnow them with a winnowing fork
用簸箕篩揀我子民. at the city gates of the land.
使他們喪親又滅亡, I will bring bereavement and destruction on my people,
因為他們不改惡行. for they have not changed their ways.
8 我會使他們的寡婦 I will make their widows more numerous
多過大海中的沙子. than the sand of the sea.
我要在響午遣惡使, At midday I will bring a destroyer
擊殺年青人的母親; against the mothers of their young men;
痛苦驚恐突襲他們. suddenly I will bring down on them anguish and terror.
9 七子之母昏倒氣絕. The mother of seven will grow faint and breathe her last.
白晝她的日已西沉; Her sun will set while it is still day;
令她萬分慚愧蒙羞. she will be disgraced and humiliated.
倖存者將置敵刀下. I will put the survivors to the sword before their enemies."
這是耶和華的宣示. declares the Lord.
2. 神慰先知(15:10-21):
10 母親啊, 我有禍了! Alas, my mother, that you gave me birth,
妳生了我這與全地爭鬥的人! a man with whom the whole land strives and contends!
我不貸也不借, I have neither lent nor borrowed,
但人人咒詛我. yet everyone curses me.
11 "我要為你好拯救你; "Surely I will deliver you for a good purpose;
在遭遇災禍患難時, "Surely I will make your enemies plead with you
使你的仇敵哀求你. in times of disaster and times of distress.
12 有誰人能夠去折斷 Can a man break iron -
來自北方的鐵或銅? iron from the north - or bronze?
13 因你在全國犯罪; Your wealth and your treasures
我要把你的財寶, I will give as plunder, without charge,
白送敵人作擄物. because of all your sins throughout your country.
14 我要使你在異地, I will enslave you to your enemies
作你仇敵的奴役; in a land you do not know,
因我怒氣如火起, for my anger will kindle a fire
要把你焚燒毀滅." that will burn against you."
15 耶和華啊! 你心知肚明; You understand, O Lord;
你記念我眷顧我. remember me and care for me.
對逼害我的為我復仇, Avenger me on my persecutors.
求你忍怒勿把我剪除; You are long-suffering - do not take me away;
想想為了你我受責難. think of how I suffer reproach for your sake.
16 我一得到你話就吃下; When your words came, I ate them;
你的話使我心喜靈樂, they were my joy and my heart's delight,
耶和華萬軍之神啊! for I bear your name,
因我是你名下的人. O Lord God Almighty.
17 我沒與宴樂之人同坐, I never sat in the company of revelers,
也不與他們-起狂歡; never made merry with them;
因為你的手在我身上, I sat alone because your hand was on me
令我怒氣填膺而獨坐. and you had filled me with indignation.
18 我的痛楚為何無止境, Why is my pain unending
我的創傷為何難癒合? and my wound grievious and incurable?
你對我一定要像 Will you be to me like a deceptive brook,
乾河斷泉一樣嗎? like a spring that fails?
19 "你若悔改我會重新接受你, "If you repent, I will restore you
讓你回來服事我; that you may serve me,
你若說寶貴不說無益的話, if you utter worthy, not worthless, words,
你就可作我的發言人. you will be my spokesman.
讓這些百姓轉向你, let this people turn to you,
但你不可附從他們. but you must not turn to them.
20 我要使你成堅固銅牆, I will make you a wall to this people,
好讓你對付這些百姓; a fortified wall of bronze;
他們反抗你但不能勝, they will fight against you but will not overcome you,
因我與你同在拯救你," for I am with you to rescue and save you,"
這是耶和華的宣示. declares the Lord.
21 "我必救你脫離惡人的手, "I will save you from the hands of the wicked
救贖你擺脫殘暴人掌控." and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel."
V. 災禍與安慰(16:1-17:18)
(I) 災禍降臨(16:1-13):
1. 猶大必滅(16:1-13):
耶和華又對我說: "你在此地不可娶妻, 生兒育女." 因說到這地出生的兒女和他們
的父母, 耶和華這樣說: "他們會死於致命瘟疫, 無人為他們哀哭, 也無人把他們埋葬, 全都躺在
地上如糞土. 他們死於刀劍和饑荒, 屍體被空中飛鳥啄食, 和地上野獸吞噬.
因為耶和華這樣說: "勿進喪家, 不可弔唁哀哭, 因為我已不再賜福愛護和憐憫
百姓," 耶和華這樣宣示. "不分尊卑都要死在這地, 無人埋葬他們, 無人為他們哀哭, 也無人為
他們割身剃頭, 更無人送食物安慰喪家, 無論喪父或喪母, 都無人給他們喝杯安慰的酒.
你們也不可進入歡宴之家, 與他們共席, 一同吃喝, 因為萬軍之耶和華以色列的
神這樣說: '我必在你們有生之年, 在你們眼前, 使歡笑和快樂聲音和新郎新娘歡聲從這地消失.'
當你向這百姓傳講這些時, 他們若問: '耶和華為何宣示如此巨大的災禍對付我們?
我們做錯了甚麼, 犯了甚麼罪得罪了耶和華我們的神呢?' 你就告訴他們: '因你們列祖離棄我,'
耶和華這樣說: '而且隨從別神, 服事膜拜他們. 你們列祖非但離棄我, 且不守我的律法. 你們
的惡行比你們列祖更壞, 你們都隨從自己頑梗惡心行事, 不順從我. 因此, 我要把你們從這地
趕出, 到你們和你們列祖都不知道的地方去, 你們就續日夜服事別神吧, 因我不再向你們施恩.'"
2. 選民回歸(16:14-18):
耶和華這樣說: "看哪, 日子快來! 人們不再說: '帶領以色列人出埃及的耶和華
確活著,' 但他們會說: ''帶領以色列人從北方之地和從他們被放逐各國出來的耶和華確活著,'
因為我要領他們回到自己的土地, 就是我從前賜給他們列祖的地土."
耶和華又說: "我要召很多漁夫來, 把他們都捕上來; 接著, 我要召很多獵人來,
把他們從大山小邱和岩穴中, 獵取他們. 我的眼目, 明察秋毫, 他們在我面前無法隱藏, 他們
的罪惡在我眼前也無法遮蓋, 對他們的邪惡和罪孽我必加倍報應, 因為他們用毫無生氣之像
玷污我的土地, 並以可憎偶像充滿我的產業."
3. 主是真神(16:19-21):
19 耶和華我的力量, 我的堡壘, O Lord, my strength and my fortress,
我患難時的避難所啊! my refuge in time of distress,
萬國要從地極來朝拜說: to you the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say,
"我們列祖除假神外, 一無所有, "Our fathers possessed nothing but false gods,
敗壞偶像對他們毫無益處. worthless idols that did them no good.
20 人豈能為自己造神呢? Do men make their own gods?
能, 但造出來的不是神!" Yes, but they are not gods!"
21 "因此我要教導他們, "Therefore I will teach them -
這次我要讓他們認識 this time I will teach them
我的力量和大能. my power and might.
使他們都知道 Then they will know
我的名是耶和華." that my name is the Lord."
(II) 安慰選民(17:1-18):
1. 干犯神怒(17:1-4):
1 猶大的罪用鐵筆鑽刀 " Judah's sin is engraved with an iron tool,
鐫刻在他們的心版上, inscribed with a flint point, on the tablets of their hearts
和他們祭壇的四角上. and on the horns of their altars.
2 甚至他們的兒女記得 Even their children remember
散佈在高崗上茂樹旁 their altars and Asherah poles
的邱壇和亞舍拉柱像. beside the spreading trees and on the high hills.
3 由於罪惡遍佈在全國, My mountain in the land
我要把地上的大山崗, and your wealth and all your treasures
以及你們的財富珠寶, I will give away as plunder, together with your high places,
還有高地作擄物送出. because of sin throughout your country.
4 因你們的錯會失產業. Through your own fault you will lose the inheritance I gave you.
我要使你們在不知地, I will enslave you to your enemies
淪為你們仇敵的奴役; in a land you do not know,
因你們點燃我不熄怒火." for you have kindled my anger, and it will burn forever."
2. 靠主得福(17:5-8):
5 "倚靠世人憑肉體力量, "Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
且心偏離耶和華的人, who depends on flesh for his strength
都是應受咒詛的. and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
6 他像沙漠中的灌木, He will be like a bush in the wastelands;
福樂臨身也看不見. he will not see prosperity when it comes.
他住曠野焦乾旱地, He will dwell in the parched places of the desert,
無人蹤跡的鹽土上. in a salt land where no one lives.
7 "但信靠耶和華的人, "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
充份信賴祂便有福. whose confidence is in him.
8 他像種水旁一棵樹, He will be like a tree planted by the water
溪流使他四處扎根, that sends out its roots by the stream.
酷熱來襲也不害怕; It does not fear when heat comes;
樹上葉子四季常青. its leaves are always green.
乾旱荒年也不耽憂, It has no worries in a year of drought
長年結纍纍美果實." and never fails to bear fruit."
3. 鑒察人心(17:9-18):
9 人心比詭詐難治. The heart is deceiful above all things and beyond cure.
有誰能夠識透呢? Who can understand it?
10 "我耶和華, "I the Lord search the heart
察人心思, 驗人肺腑; and examine the mind,
依其行為報償他, to reward a man according to his conduct,
依其行事報應他." according to what his deeds deserve."
11 以不公手段取得財富者, Like a partridge that hatches eggs it did not lay
如鷓鴣在孵非己下的蛋. is the man who gains riches by unjust means.
到中年他的財寶必消失, When his life is half gone, they will desert him,
最終結果他必成愚昧人. and in the end he will prove to be a fool.
12 從起初就矗立的榮耀寶座, A glorious throne, exalted from the beginning,
那就是我們聖所的所在地. is the place of our sanctuary.
13 耶和華, 以色列的盼望啊! O Lord, the hope of Isreal,
凡離棄你的人都必蒙羞. all who forsake you will be put to shame.
背離你的名必寫沙土上, Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust
因為他們離棄了耶和華, because they have forsaken the Lord,
而耶和華是活水的泉源. the spring of living water.
14 耶和華啊! 你垂聽我就得醫治, Hear me, O Lord, and I will be healed
你施救我就得拯救; Save me and I will be saved,
因你是我讚美那一位. for you are the one I praise.
15 他們不斷對我說: They keep saying to me,
"耶和華的話在那裏? "Where is the word of the Lord?
願衪的話現在成就." Let it now be fulfilled."
16 我沒離棄作你牧人的職份; I have not run away from being your shepherd;
你深知我沒想望災難日子. you know I have not desired the day of despair.
我嘴唇說的話明擺你面前. What passes my lips is open before you.
17 求你不要使我因為你驚恐; Do not be a terror to me;
在患難日子你是我避難所. you are my refuge in the day of disater.
18 讓逼害我的蒙羞我不羞, Let my persecutors be put to shame, but keep me from shame;
他們驚恐我不驚恐. let them be terrified, but keep from terror.
願災禍降他們身上, Bring on them the day of disater;
加倍摧殘毀滅他們. destroy them with double destruction.