第二章 警告勸勉猶大(III)
VI. 安息日為聖日(17:19-27):
耶和華對我這樣說: "你去站在猶大君王出入門口, 以及耶路撒冷各城門口. 並對他們說:
猶大君王, 猶大百姓和進出城門的耶路撒冷居民啊! 你們要細聽耶和華的話.' 耶和華又宣示:
要小心! 安息日不可挑擔出耶路撒冷城門, 也不可從家中挑擔出去或做任何工作. 你們要守
安息日為聖日, 正如我吩咐你們列祖要守的. 然而他們沒有聽從, 毫不在意, 反而硬頸不聽,
更不受管教.' 耶和華又宣示: '但你們若真心聽從我, 安息日不挑擔出城門, 且守安息日為聖日,
在那日不作工; 若果如此, 坐大衛王座列王必率群臣從城門進入本城, 君臣乘車騎馬率領猶大
百姓和進出城門的耶路撒冷居民, 浩蕩進城, 使這城永遠有人居住. 百姓從猶大各城邑、耶路
撒冷四周鄉鎮、從便雅憫地及其西部山麓、及從山地和南地蜂擁而來, 他們帶燔祭、素祭、
平安祭和感恩祭, 以及乳香進入耶和華殿中; 但你們若不聽從我, 安息日挑擔出耶路撒冷城門,
不守安息日為聖日, 我就在耶路撒冷各城門放撲滅不了的大火, 把耶路撒冷城堡燒個淨盡.'"
VII. 陶匠功課(18:1-20:18):
(I) 敗壞被棄(18:1-23):
1. 造陶比喻(18:1-12):
耶和華有話臨到耶利米說: "你下到陶匠家裏去, 在那裏我有信息告訴你." 我乃
遵示下到陶匠家裏, 我見他正在輪邊作工. 他手中捏塑陶土弄壞不成形, 乃用原土再捏塑成為
接著, 耶和華又對我說: "以色列家啊! 難道我不能像陶匠捏土那樣對待你們嗎?"
這是耶和華的宣示. "像陶匠手中的黏土, 你們不也是在我手中嗎? 以色列家啊! 無論何時, 我
若宣示要拔出、拆毀及毀滅-邦一國, 倘那國經我警告, 悔恨行惡, 我將回心轉意, 不把原定
災禍降懲他們; 又若我宣示要建立栽植-邦一國, 他們若在我眼前行惡, 不順服我, 我要重新
現你要對猶大百姓和耶路撒冷的居民說: "這是耶和華說的: '看哪! 我正在預備
災禍折磨你們, 並擬訂計劃懲處你們. 所以你們要離開惡道, 改正自己的行事為人.' 可惜他們
都回答: '沒有用的! 我們會繼續行自己的計劃, 隨自己頑梗惡心而行.'"
2. 遭神棄絕(18:13-17):
13 "你們問問列國, "Inquire among the nations:
誰聽過像這樣的事呢? Who has ever heard anything like this?
處女以色列竟作了駭人事. A most horrible thing has been done by virgin Isreal.
14 黎巴嫩山岩積雪融化過嗎? Does the snow of Lebanon ever vanish from its rocky slopes?
遠方清涼的水源有斷過嗎? Do its cool waters from distant sources ever cease to flow?"
15 但我的子民竟忘記我, Yet my people have forgotten me;
向敗壞偶像焚香膜拜, they burn incense to worthless idols,
使他們在自己的路上, which made them stumble in their ways
和古老的道路上跌倒. and in the ancient paths.
而去行走小徑未建路.They made them walk in bypaths and on roads not built up.
16 他們的土地變得荒涼, Their land will be laid waste,
成為世人譏笑的話柄; an object of lasting scorn;
過路人莫不驚奇搖頭. all who pass by will be appalled and will shake their heads.
17 在他們邪惡的敵人面前, Like a wind from the east,
我要像東風把他們吹散; I will scatter them before their enemies;
在他們遭受災難的日子, I will show them my back and not my face
我只讓他們見背不見臉." in the day of their disater."
3. 求神克敵(18:18-23):
他們說: "來吧! 我們來設法對付耶利米, 因我們有祭司教導律法, 智者出謀獻計,
先知不斷說預言; 所以來吧! 讓我們用口舌攻擊他, 不要理會他說的話."
19 耶和華啊! 請聽我言; Listen to me, O Lord;
聽指責我的人說甚麼? hear what my accusers are saying?
20 豈可以惡報善呢? Should good be repaid with evil?
他們竟掘坑害我. Yet they have dug a pit for me.
求你紀念我站你面前, Remember that I stood before you
真心誠意為他們代求, and spoke in their behalf
使你的烈怒轉離他們. to turn your wrath away from them.
21 因此, 願你使他們的兒女受饑荒; So give their children over to famine;
把他們都交在刀劍下. hand them over to the power of the sword.
他們的妻子喪夫失子; Let their wives be made childless and widows;
他們的男人送入死地, let their men be put to death,
他們的壯丁戰場陣亡, their young men slain by the sword in battle.
22 你突然引侵略者入侵, Let a cry be heard from their houses
他們在屋中發出哀嚎; when you suddenly bring invaders against them,
因他們曾掘坑捕捉我, for they have dug a pit to capture me
並我的腳下暗設羅網. and have hidden snare for my feet.
23 耶和華啊! But you know, O Lord,
你知他們陰謀要殺我. all their plots to kill me.
不要忘記他們的罪行 Do not forget their crimes
不要塗抹他們的罪孽 or blot out their sins from your sight.
讓他們在你面前傾倒, Let them be overthrown before you,
在你烈怒下處置他們. deal with them in the name of your anger.
(II) 碎罐比喻(19:1-15):
耶和華對我這樣說: "去向陶匠買一瓦罐, 帶幾個百姓長老和祭司出去到欣嫩子谷,
靠近哈珥西(瓦片)門那裏, 把我對你說的話向他們宣示: '猶大列王和耶路撒冷百姓啊! 萬軍之
耶和華以色列的神這樣說: 聽著! 我將降災在此地, 使人耳鳴, 因他們背棄我, 容外神進入此地,
向他們和他們列祖以及猶大列王都不認識的神燒香膜拜, 使此地遍流無辜人的血; 他們更廣築
巴力邱壇, 焚自己的兒女作燔祭獻給巴力, 這是我從沒吩咐提起, 心中也未想過的. 於是耶和華
宣示, '所以,你們要小心! 日子快到, 這地不再稱陀斐特或欣嫩子谷, 而要改稱殺戮谷了.
我要在此地使猶大和耶路撒冷的計謀失敗, 並使他們倒在敵人的刀下, 死在追索他們
性命的人手中, 把他們的屍體餵空中飛鳥和地上野獸; 我還要毀滅這城, 使成世人嘲笑對象,
過路行人見此城慘遭重創, 莫不驚駭嘲笑. 在追索他們性命敵人圍城最緊張時, 吃自己兒女
的肉, 也彼此相殘吃對方的肉.'
那時, 你要在隨行的人員觀看之際, 把瓦罐打碎, 並對他們說: '萬軍之耶和華這樣說:
我要把這國這城像瓦罐般打碎, 不能再補回. 他們要把屍體埋在陀斐特, 直至再無地可葬為止.
這是我對這地和居民要做的事, 耶和華這樣宣示. 我還要使這城如陀斐特, 耶路撒冷的房屋和
猶大列王的宮殿; 因他們在屋頂向天上星宿焚香並向別神澆奠, 都被玷污如陀斐特.'"
於是耶利米從耶和華差他去說預言的陀斐特回來, 站在耶和華殿的院中向百姓說:
"萬軍之耶和華以色列的神這樣說: '聽著! 我必使我宣示的一切災禍, 降臨這城及其周圍鄉鎮,
(III) 先知警語(20:1-18):
1. 預言被擄(20:1-6):
音麥之子祭司巴施戶珥, 時任耶和華殿總管, 聽見耶利米預言說這些事, 立即鞭打
先知耶利米, 把他枷禁在耶和華殿中, 便雅憫上門內. 翌日, 巴施戶珥開枷釋放他時, 耶利米
對他說: "耶和華不再稱你的名為巴施戶珥, 卻要稱你為瑪歌珥米撒畢(四面驚嚇). 因耶和華
這樣說: '我要使你自己和所有友好驚惶失措, 你必親眼目睹他們倒在仇敵刀下; 我且要把全
猶大交給巴比倫王, 他會把他們擄至巴比倫, 或讓他們死在刀下; 此外, 我還要把此城財富和
產物, 以及猶大王所有的財寶, 全部都交給他們的仇敵. 他們要把這些當作擄物帶回巴比倫.
巴施戶珥啊! 你和所有住在你屋中的人, 都要被擄到巴比倫, 你和你所有友好曾向他們說過
假預言的, 都要死在那裏, 埋葬在那裏.'"
2. 先知受苦(20:7-13):
7 耶和華啊! 你愚弄我, 我也受愚弄; Lord, you deceived me, and I was deceived;
你權重勢大, 我只好低頭. you overpowered me and prevailed.
我終日受嘲笑, I am ridiculed all day long;
人人都戲弄我. everyone mocks me.
8 我每次發言都大聲呼喊, Whenever I speak, I cry out
宣告暴力和毀滅快要來! proclaiming violence and destruction.
因此耶和華對我說的話, So the word of the Lord has brought me
使我終日受到羞辱責備. insult and reproach all day long.
9 但我若說: "我不再提祂, But if I say, "I will not mention him
也不再奉祂的名說話," or speak any more in his name,"
衪的話在我心裏像烈火, his word is in my heart like a fire,
困在身內燃燒體難容, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in;
的確我不能也無法容. indeed, I cannot.
10 我耳邊聽到很多閒言: I hear many whispering ,
"恐怖從四面八方來襲, "Terror on every side!
告發他! 我們告發他!" Report him! Let's report him!"
我所有友好都等著看我跌倒, 說: All my friends are waiting for me to slip, saying,
"但願他受欺騙, "Perhaps he will be deceived;
我們就勝過他, then we will prevail over him
好好向他報復!" and take our revenge on him."
11 然而耶和華像威武勇士與我同在; But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior;
因此逼害我的都趺倒不能勝我. so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail.
因他們註定失敗大大蒙羞; They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced;
他們的不誠愚行永難忘記; their dishonor will never be forgotten.
12 萬軍之耶和華啊! 你試驗義人, O Lord Almighty, you who examine the righteous
察看人的心思意念, and probe the heart and mind,
願我能看見你對他們報復, let me see your vengeance upon them,
因為我完全遵行你的旨意. for to you I have committed my cause.
13 你們要歌頌耶和華! 讚美耶和華! Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord!
祂從惡人手中 He rescues the life of the needy
拯救窮人生命. from the hands of the wicked.
3. 咒己生日(20:14-18):
14 願我的生日受咒詛! Cursed be the day I was born!
願母親生我那日不蒙福! May the day my mother bore me not be blessed!
15 願向我父親報喜的人受咒詛! Cursed be the man who brought my father the news,
他報喜說: "你得了個孩子, 是個兒子!" who made him very glad, saying,
使我父親歡喜萬分. "A child is born to you - a son!"
16 願那人像主無情摧毀城邑. May that man be like the towns the Lord overthrew without pity.
祂晨聽哀哭午聽戰場吶喊. May he hear wailing in the morning, a battle cry at noon.
17 因祂沒使我死於母胎, For he did not kill me in the womb,
使我母親成我的墳墓, with my mother as my grave,
我永遠留在母腹之中. her womb enlarged forever.
18 為何讓我出母胎, Why did I ever come out of the womb
目睹災難和憂傷, to see trouble and sorrow
使我的年日蒙羞? and to end my days in shame?
VIII. 定全民罪(21:1-24:10):
(I) 聖城預言(21:1-14):
1. 聖城被圍(21:1-7):
耶和華有話臨到耶利米, 那時, 西底家王差遣瑪基雅之子巴施戶珥和瑪西雅之子
祭司西番雅去見耶利米時說: '請替我們求問耶和華, 因為巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒正在攻擊我們,
或許耶和華會為我們行奇事, 使尼布甲尼撒遠離我們."
耶利米當即對他們說: "回去告訴西底家, 耶和華以色列的神這樣說: '我開始要
對付你們, 你們手中用來對抗正在城外圍困你們的巴比倫王和巴比倫人的武器, 繳回堆放在
城中, 我且要在激忿烈怒中, 伸出手和強有力膀臂親自擊打你們, 我要打倒城中人畜, 讓他們
死於可怕的瘟疫.' 接著耶和華又宣示: '我也要將猶大王西底家和他的臣僕以及經瘟疫、刀劍
和饑荒以後倖存的百姓, 交給巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒及追索他們性命的仇敵; 比倫王毫不留情,
不憐憫顧惜, 讓他們 死在刀下.'"
2. 向敵投降(21:8-10):
"你要更進一步去告訴百姓: '耶和華這樣說: 看哪! 我把生死的路擺在你們面前,
凡留在城裏的人, 必死於刀劍、 瘟疫和饑荒; 但是出城投降圍困你們的巴比倫人, 必得存活,
撿回自己的性命. 因為我已決定向這城降禍不賜福; 這城必交在巴比倫王手中, 他必縱火焚毀
此城, 耶和華這樣宣示.'"
3. 懲罰王室(21:11-14):
此外, 你還要對猶大王室說: 你們要聽耶和華的話, '大衛家啊! 耶和華這樣說:
12 "你們每晨要公平施政, "Administer justice every morning;
從欺壓者手中 rescue from the hand of his oppressor
拯救被搶之民, the one who has been robbed,
否則我因你們惡行, or my wrath will break out and burn like fire
定必大發如火烈怒, because of the evil you have done -
燃燒起來無人能滅. burn with no one to quench it.
13 耶路撒冷啊! I am against you, Jerusalem,
我要擊打高居此谷岩石平原的人. you who live above this valley on the rocky plateau,
耶和華這樣宣示. Declares the Lord.
你們會說: "誰能來攻擊我們? you who say, "Who can come against us?
誰能進入我們的避難所? Who can enter our refuge?"
14 我要依你們所行懲罰報應你們, I will punish you as your deeds deserve,
耶和華這樣宣示. Declares the Lord.
我還要在你們的森林放火, I will kindle a fire in your forests
把你們周圍的-切燒精光.'" that will consume everything around you.'"
(II) 審判惡王(22:1-30):
1. 警誡君民(22:1-9):
耶和華這樣說: "你到猶大王宮中, 在那裏宣講這信息: '坐在大衛王座的猶大王啊!
你和你的臣子以及進出這門的百姓都要聽耶和華的話. 這是耶和華說的: 你們要施行公平正義,
拯救被掠奪的脫離欺壓者之手, 勿虐待強暴寄居者和孤兒寡婦, 而且不要在此地流無辜人的血,
你們若切實遵行這些誡命, 坐大衛王座的列王, 將在臣民簇擁下, 乘車騎馬自由通過這些宮門;
但若你們不守這些誡命, 我指著自己起誓, 這宮殿必成廢墟.'"
有關猶大王宮殿, 耶和華這樣說:
6 "對我言你們像基列, "Though you are like Gilead to me,
又像黎巴嫩的高峰; like the summit of Lebanon,
我必使你們像曠野, I will surely make you like a desert,
又像無人居住城鎮. like towns not inhabited.
7 我定要派遣毀滅者 I will send destroyers against you,
手持武器攻擊你們, each man with his weapons,
他們定會砍下你們 and they will cut up
上好香柏木的樑柱, your fine cedar beams
丟入熊熊烈火焚燒. and throw them into the fire.
多國民眾經過這城時, 彼此互問: "耶和華為何要這樣對待這大城呢?" 答案就是:
"因為城民背棄耶和華他們的神和他們立的約, 而且去服事膜拜別神."
2. 沙龍之禍(22:10-12):
10 不必為崩逝的王哀哭, Do not weep for the dead king
也不必為失去他悲傷; or mourn his loss;
卻要為他的被擄痛哭, rather, weep bitterly for him who is exiled,
因為他永遠都回不來, because he will never return
再也看不見他的故土. nor see his native land again.
因約西亞之子沙龍(約哈斯 王下23:30), 接續他父約西亞作猶大王, 從此地出去時,
耶和華這樣說: "他永遠不會回來, 他必死在被擄之地, 再也看不見此地."
3. 約雅敬禍(22:13-23):
13 那以不義建宮殿, Woe to him who builds his palace by unrighteousness,
以不公蓋高樓的, 有禍了! his upper rooms by injustice,
他軀使同胞白作工, making his countrymen work for nothing,
不把工資付給他們. not paying them for their labor.
14 他說: '我要為自己建造 He says, 'I will build myself a great palace
有寬敞高樓大宮殿,' with spacious upper room.'
所以他廣開大窗戶, So he makes large windows in it,
以香柏木作板漆紅. panels it with cedar and decorates it in red.
15 難道你作王是靠多多香柏木? Does it make you king to have more and more cedar?
你父不也又吃又喝? Did not your father have food and drink?
他行公義諸事順遂. He did what was right and just, so all went well with him.
16 他為窮困之人辯護, He defended the cause of the poor and needy,
因此蒙福萬事亨通. and so all went well.
這不是認識我的真義嗎?" Is that not what it means to know me?"
耶和華這樣宣示. Declares the Lord.
17 "但你的眼睛你的心思, "But your eyes and your heart
只是在乎那不義之財, are set only on dishonest gain,
流無辜人的血, on shedding innocent blood,
和欺壓與勒索." and on oppression and extortion."
所以說到約西亞之子猶大王約雅敬時, 耶和華這樣說:
18 "'他們不必為他哀傷: "They will not mourn for him:
哀哉, 我的弟兄! 哀哉, 我的姊妹!' Alas, my brother! Alas, my sister!'
"'他們不必為他哀傷: "They will not mourn for him:
哀哉, 我的上主! 哀哉, 衪的榮耀!' Alas, my master! Alas, his splendor!'
19 他像頭驢被埋葬 - He will have the burial of a donkey -
拖走丟棄在耶路撒冷城門外." dragged away and thrown outside the gates of Jerusalem."
20 "上黎巴嫩哀號吧! "Go up to Lebanon and cry out,
哀聲遠遠達巴珊 let your voice be heard in Bashan,
從亞巴琳哀叫吧! cry out from Abarim
因你盟邦全毀滅. for all you allies are crushed.
21 你自覺安全時, 我警告過你; I warmed you when you felt secure,
但你說: "我不會聽!" but you said, 'I will not listen!'
這就是你自幼以來的行為; This has been your way from your youth;
22 因為你向不順從我, you have not obeyed me.
風要吹走你的牧人, The wind will drive all your shepherds away,
你的盟邦全都被擄. and your allies will go into exile.
由於你所有的惡行, Then you will be ashamed and disgraced
你必蒙受愧疚羞辱. because of all your wickedness.
23 居住香柏木屋 You who live in 'Lebanon,'
的黎巴嫩人啊! who are nestled in cedar building,
當像產婦臨盆劇痛難熬時, how you will groan when pangs come upon you,
你如何痛苦呻吟呢! pain like that of a woman in labor!
4. 哥尼雅禍(22:24-30):
耶和華這樣說: "猶大王約雅敬之子哥尼雅(耶哥尼雅), 雖然是我右手上的印戒,
我指著永生神起誓, 也要把你從指上脫下, 交給那追索你性命和你懼怕的巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒
和迦勒底人手中. 我要把你和你的生母趕到非你出生的異地, 且要死在那裏, 永遠回不去你們
28 哥尼雅這人是鄙棄的破罐, Is this man Jehoiachin a despised, broken pot,
沒人要的東西嗎? an object no one wants?
他和他的兒孫為何被逐出, Why will he and his children be hurled out,
趕到他們不認識的地方去? cast into a land they do not know?
29 土地啊! 土地啊! 土地啊! O land, land, land,
聽聽耶和華的話吧! hear the word of the Lord!
30 耶和華這樣說: This is what the Lord says:
"杷 "Record this man as if childless,
一生都不會發達興旺, a man who will not prosper in his lifetime,
因他的後商沒沒無聞, for none of his offspring will prosper,
沒有人能坐大衛王位 none will sit on the throne of David
或者再統治猶大王國." or rule anymore in Judah."
(III) 展望未來(23:1-40):
1. 將來指望(23:1-8):
"那些殘殺驅散我草場群羊的牧人有禍了!" 這是耶和華說的. 所以耶和華以色列
的神對牧養祂子民的牧人這樣說: "因你們驅逐我的羊群, 使之四散, 沒有好好牧養, 所以我要
因你們失職懲罰你們," 耶和華這樣宣示, "我要親自把我羊群中倖存的羊, 從我把他們趕到的
各地, 招聚回到他們的草場, 讓他們繁殖增多; 我還要派遣牧人牧養他們, 他們不再驚嚇恐懼,
一個也不走失." 這是耶和華的宣示.
5 耶和華說: "日子將到! "The days are coming," declares the Lord,
我要給大衛興起 "When I will raise up to David
一支公義的苗裔, a righteous branch,
作王以智慧治國, a King who will reign wisely
全地行公平正義. and do what is just and right in the land.
6 在他的日子, 猶大得救; In his days Judah wiill be saved
以色列安全. and Isreal will live in safety.
他的名必稱: This is the name by which he will be called:
耶和華我們的義. The Lord our righteousness.
耶和華說: "日子將到! 人們不再指著那領以色列人從埃及地上來永活的耶和華
起誓; 卻要指著那領以色列家後裔從北方之地和祂趕逐到的各地上來永活的耶和華起誓, 使
2. 假先知罪(23:9-32):
9 我裏面心破碎, My heart is broken within me;
我全身都發抖. all my bones tremble.
因耶和華和衪的聖言, I am like a drunken man,
我像一個醉漢, like a man overcome by wine,
被酒灌醉的人. because of the Lord and his holy word.
10 因這地滿是姦夫淫婦, The land is full of adulterers;
咒詛使地成荒涼焦土, because of the curse the land lies parched
曠野草場的青草枯萎. and the pastures in the desert are withered.
先知濫權走邪惡道路. The prophets follow an evil course and use their power unjustly.
11 "先知和祭司目中無神, "Both prophet and priest are godless;
甚至在我殿中皆邪惡." even in my temple I find their wickedness."
耶和華這樣宣示. Declares the Lord.
12 "因此他們的道路濕滑, "Therefore their path will become slippery;
他們也會被趕入黑暗, they will be banished to darkness
並且仆倒在黑暗之中. and there they will fall.
到了懲罰他們的年歲, I will bring disaster on them
我必降災在他們身上." in the year they are punished,"
耶和華這樣宣示. Declares the Lord.
13 "在撒瑪利亞先知中, "Among the prophets of Samaria
我看見令人厭惡事: I saw this repulsive thing:
他們奉巴力說預言, They prophesied by Baal
引我子民走入歧途. and led my people Isreal astray.
14 在耶路撒冷先知中, And among the prophets of Jerusaleem
我看見令人膽寒事: I have seen something horrible:
他們使惡人手力強, They strengthen the hands of evildoers,
沒有人敢棄惡向善. so that no one turns from his wickedness.
他們對我都像所多瑪, They are all like Sodom to me;
聖城百姓都像蛾摩拉." the people of Jerusalem are like Gomorrah."
15 "我定要讓他們 "I will make them eat bitter food
吃苦果喝毒水, and drink poisoned water,
因為耶路撒冷的先知, because from the prophets of Jerusalem
在全地散播褻瀆邪說." ungodliness has spread throughtout the land."
16 "不要聽信先知說的預言, "Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you;
他們向你灌輸虛假盼望. they fill you with false hopes.
憑自己的心思傳講異象, They speak visions from their own minds,
他們講異象非出於神口. not from the mouth of the Lord.
17 他們不斷對藐視我的說: They keep saying to those who despise me,
耶和華說: '你們平安無事.' The Lord says: 'You will have peace.'
並對隨己頑梗心行事的說: And to all who follow the stubbornness of their hearts,
沒傷害你們的災禍會降臨.' they say, 'No harm will come to you.'
18 他們有誰站在耶和華會中, But which of them has stood in the council of the Lord
目睹或聆聽過衪所說的話? to see or hear his word?
19 看哪! 耶和華的風暴從烈怒暴發, See, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath,
猛烈旋風襲捲惡人頭. a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.
20 耶和華的忿怒難消除, The anger of the Lord will not turn back
直至祂心中目的達到. until he fully acconplishes the purposes of his heart.
日後你們定必會明白. In days to come you will understand it clearly.
21 我從沒差遣這些先知, I did not send these prophets,
我沒有跟他們說過話; yet they have run with their message;
但他們到處傳講信息, I did not speak to them,
他們還到處擅說預言. yet they have prophesied.
22 他們若站在我的會中, But if they had stood in my council,
就會對我民傳我信息; they would have proclaimed my word to my people,
使我民轉離他們惡道, and would have turned them from their evil ways
同時改正他們的惡行. and from their evil deeds.
23 "難道我只是近處的神 "Am I only a God nearby,
而不是遠處的神嗎?" and not a God far away?"
耶和華這樣宣示. Declares the Lord.
24 "誰能藏在隱秘處, "Can anyone hide in secret places
使我看不見他?" so that I cannot see him?"
耶和華這樣宣示. Declares the Lord.
"我豈不是充滿天地嗎?" "Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
耶和華這樣宣示. Declares the Lord.
"我已聽見那些先知奉我名說的假預言, 他們說: '我做了夢! 我做了夢!' 在這些說
假預言先知心中, 他們把腦海幻像當作預言, 要繼續多久呢? 他們以為彼此講述己夢, 可使我的
子民忘記我的名, 正如他們列祖拜巴力忘記我名一樣. 就讓做夢先知說出他們的夢; 但讓得我話
的先知, 忠實傳講我的話. 禾稈怎能與麥子比呢?" 耶和華這樣宣示. "我的話豈不像烈火, 也像把
岩石打得粉碎的大鎚嗎?" 耶和華這樣宣示.
"所以那些彼此互相偷取對方的話, 當作我話的先知, 我要對付他們." 耶和華這樣
宣示. "我也要對付饒舌說: '這是耶和華的宣示.' 的先知; 和藉假夢說假預言的先知." 耶和華這樣
宣示. "他們老是說夢, 又肆意撒謊誤導我的子民入歧途; 我沒差遣也沒任命他們, 他們對這百姓
毫無益處." 耶和華這樣宣示.
3. 神的默示(23:33-40):
"當這些百姓、先知或祭司問你: '耶和華的默示是甚麼?' 你就對他們說: '甚麼
默示啊?' 耶和華說: '我要撇棄你們;' 若先知、祭司或任何人敢說: '這是耶和華的默示,' 我定必
這就是你們各人不斷問友好或親戚的: '耶和華的回應是甚麼呢?' 或 '耶和華說
了甚麼話? 但你們千萬不可提: '耶和華的默示.' 因若每人說的都是默示, 必會扭曲永生神萬軍
之耶和華我們神的話. 你們要不住地對先知說: '耶和華的回應是甚麼?' 或 '耶和華說了甚麼?'
你們雖宣稱: '這是耶和華的默示.' 耶和華這樣說: 即使我告訴你們不要這樣宣示, 你們仍不聽,
還是說: '這是耶和華的默示.'這句話. 因此, 我必忘了你們, 把你們從我賜給你們和你們列祖的
城邑, 在我面前丟出去, 使你們永遠受羞辱, 永遠蒙羞, 難以磨滅."
(IV) 無花果喻(24:1-10):
巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒將猶大王約雅敬之子耶哥尼雅和臣僕, 以及猶大工匠和藝匠都
從耶路撒冷擄至巴比倫後, 耶和華向我展示擺在耶和華殿前的兩籃無花果: 一籃是極好像初熟
的無花果; 另外一籃是壞到不能吃的極壞無花果. 於是, 耶和華問我: "耶利米啊, 你看見甚麼?"
我回答: "我看見無花果, 好的極好, 壞的極壞, 壞到不能吃."
1. 好無花果樹(24:4-7):
接著, 耶和華的話臨到我: "耶和華以色列的神這樣說: '被擄去的猶大人, 他們是
我從此地遣送到巴比倫去的, 我視他們如好無花果樹, 我會好好看顧善待他們, 且要領他們回
歸本地; 此外, 我要建造他們, 不被拆毀; 也要栽植他們, 不被拔除. 我還要賜給他們一顆認識
我的心, 讓他們知道我是耶和華, 他們要作我的子民, 我要作他們的神, 因他們一心歸向我.'"
2. 壞無花果樹(24:8-10):
耶和華又說: "我怎樣處置那些壞到不能吃的無花果, 也會照樣處置猶大王西底家
以及其臣僕, 以及耶路撒冷餘民, 無論他們留在本地或住在埃及; 我必使他們被地上萬國厭惡
排斥, 並在我趕逐他們之地, 被人羞辱責罵, 成為譏笑咒詛對象. 此外, 我也要以刀劍、饑荒
和瘟疫擊打他們, 直至他們在我賜他們和他們列祖的地上消滅為止.