III. 士師事功(士1:1-3:6):
士師時代, 神前後共興起十二位士師, 有解經家分為六大士師和六小士師, 每位士師故事都依
四大循環: (1) 離經叛道 (2) 外族欺壓 (3) 向神哀求 (4) 蒙神拯救, 一一敘述如次:
(I) 俄陀聶(士3:7-11):
以色列人行耶和華眼中看為惡的事, 忘記耶和華他們的神, 轉去事奉巴力和亞舍拉. 所以
耶和華的怒氣向以色列人發作, 就把他們交在米所波大米王古珊利薩田手中, 以色列人受欺壓八年,
苦不堪言; 乃哀求耶和華拯救, 耶和華就為他們興起一位拯救者拯救他們, 他就是迦勒兄弟基納斯
之子俄陀聶. 耶和華的靈降他身上, 他就作了以色列的士師, 出去爭戰, 耶和華將米所波大米王
古珊利薩田交在他的手中, 他一舉得勝, 殲滅強敵, 拯救以色列人於水火中, 從此, 國中大平四十年,
(II) 以笏(士3:12-30):
俄陀聶逝世後, 以色列人又行耶和華眼中看為惡的事, 耶和華使摩押王伊磯倫強盛, 攻擊
以色列人. 伊磯倫招聚亞捫人和亞瑪力人, 去攻打以色列, 佔領棕樹城, 於是以色列人服事摩押王
伊磯倫十八年. 以色列人哀求耶和華時, 耶和華就為他們興起了一位拯救者, 他就是便雅憫人基拉
之子以笏, 他是個左撇子. 以色列人請他送貢品給摩押王伊磯倫時, 以笏打了一把長半公尺的兩刃
匕首, 綁在衣服下右腿上. 當他把貢品獻給摩押王伊磯倫時, 伊磯倫原是個大胖子, 以笏獻完貢品,
遣走抬貢品人員後, 自己卻從靠近吉甲雕像之地轉回, 對伊磯倫王說, "王啊! 我有件極機密的事向
你稟奏." 王即令左右退下, 以笏於是來到王前; 那時, 王獨自一個人坐在涼樓上, 以笏曰, "我奉神命,
向你報告一事." 王就從座上站起來, 霎時間, 以笏伸出左手, 從右腿上拔出匕首, 向王腹部猛刺, 連
匕首都刺進去, 匕首被肥肉夾住, 拔不出來, 他乾脆就用力前推, 穿過後身, 行刺得手後, 以笏走出
遊廊, 將樓門全部關鎖.
以笏走後, 王的隨扈來了, 見樓門緊鎖, 以為王在大解, 不便進去, 但久等不開, 知有蹊蹺,
乃取鑰開門, 進去一看, 大吃一驚, 王早慘死血泊中! 他們在外痴等時, 以笏早已安然逃出, 經雕像
之地, 回到西伊拉. 以笏安全歸來之後, 立即在以法蓮山地吹角, 以色列人聞號聚集, 他對眾民宣告,
"你們隨我來, 因耶和華已把你們的仇敵摩押人交在你們手中." 隨即帶領他們下山, 於約但河渡口
佈防, 阻擋摩押人渡河, 並主動出擊, 殲滅摩押人近萬, 都是強猛勇士, 無一逃脫, 徹底制伏摩押人,
不再為患, 從此, 國中太平八十年.
(III) 珊迦(士3:31):
以笏之後, 亞拿之子珊迦, 用趕牛棍打死六百非利士人, 也救了以色列人, 成為士師.
(IV) 底波拉(士4:1-5:31):
1. 拯救事功(士4:1-24):
(1) 耶賓欺壓(士4:1-3):
以笏逝世後, 以色列人又行耶和華眼中看為惡的事, 耶和華把他們交給於夏瑣
作王的迦南王耶賓手中, 他麾下大將西西拉, 駐軍外邦夏羅設; 耶賓王旗下有鐵車九百, 兵力強盛,
鎮住以色列人, 欺壓他們二十年, 以色列人不堪其苦, 又哀求耶和華.
(2) 興女士師(士4:4-10):
有一女先知底波拉, 她是拉比多之妻, 當時作以色列的士師, 她住在以法蓮山地
拉瑪和伯特利之間, 底波拉棕樹下, 凡以色列人有紛爭的, 都到她那裏, 請求裁判. 一日, 她派人前往
拿弗他利的基低斯召亞比挪菴之子巴拉前來, 當面向他宣示, "耶和華以色列的神指示你, '你應儘速
率領一萬拿弗他利和西布倫人, 上他泊山去, 我必使耶賓大將西西拉率領的戰車和全軍, 往基順河,
到你那裏, 交在你手中.'" 巴拉聽命曰, "你若同我去, 我就去; 你若不同我去, 我就不去." 底波拉答道,
"我一定同你去, 只是我同你去, 你得不到榮耀, 因耶和華要將西西拉交在一婦人手中." 於是底波拉
與巴拉一同兼程趕往基低斯. 抵達後, 巴拉立即徵召拿弗他利和西布倫人約一萬人, 於基低斯誓師,
底波拉乃隨巴拉一同出征, 討伐西西拉.
(3) 擊潰耶賓(士4:11-16):
摩西岳父何巴(民10:29)的後裔基尼人希百, 他突然離開摩西時代已與以色列人
結盟的基尼族, 從南往北到基低斯撒拿音近郊橡樹旁搭棚, 投靠擁有九百輛鐵車的迦南王耶賓, 將
巴拉整軍出征的情報透露給耶賓, 希百的情報果然精準, 耶賓大將西西拉很快得報, "亞比挪菴之子
巴拉已率大軍上他泊山了!" 西西拉立即率鐵車九百及全軍, 自外邦夏羅設出師, 瞬即抵達基順河.
二軍對峙, 底波拉乃向巴拉宣示, "今日就是耶和華將西西拉交在你手中的日子,
耶和華不是正在你前頭帶領嗎?" 於是巴拉率萬人大軍, 下他泊山, 衝向敵營, 耶和華使西西拉及其
鐵車全軍, 瞬間潰亂, 巴拉趁勢殺入, 大顯神威, 一時血流成河, 不堪一擊, 西西拉兵敗, 立下車逃亡,
巴拉趁勝追擊, 直至敵大本營夏羅設, 西西拉全軍覆沒, 都倒在刀下, 無一生還.
(4) 雅億除暴(士4:17-24):
只有西西拉隻身逃脫, 來到基尼人希百之妻雅億的帳棚, 因希百早已投靠耶賓,
以為安全無虞. 雅億出來迎接西西拉, "請我主進來, 不要懼怕." 西西拉就進入她的帳棚, 雅億用棉被
把他蓋住, 西西拉乾渴難忍, 向她要水喝, 雅億乃打開皮袋, 給他奶喝, 然後仍用棉被蓋住他; 西西拉
囑咐雅億, "請守護在帳棚門口, 若有人問妳, 有無陌生人在裏面? 要說沒有." 西西拉困極沉睡, 希百
之妻雅億趁他不備, 左手拿根帳棚橛子, 右手拿鐵鎚, 悄悄走到他的身邊, 掀起被窩, 將橛子朝他的
太陽穴猛釘, 橛子穿腦, 直入地中, 耶賓的一員猛將, 就此殞命. 待巴拉趕到時, 雅億出迎說, "請進來,
看看你追趕的人吧!" 巴拉走入帳棚,見西西拉倒地身亡, 橛子正插入他的太陽穴!
這樣, 耶和華助以色列人制伏迦南王耶賓, 從此以色列人的手, 越發堅強有力,
國勢日隆, 勝過迦南王耶賓, 直至將他滅絕.
2. 底波拉之歌(士5:1-31):
凱旋歸來, 底波拉和亞比挪菴之子巴拉特高歌感謝神恩, 歌詞如下:
新 譯 英 文
"以色列幸有族長領導, "When the princes in Isreal take the lead,
人民又自願犧牲奉獻, when the people willingly offer themselves -
你們要讚美耶和華! praise the Lord!
君王啊, 你們要聽! Hear this, you kings! Listen, you rulers!
官員啊, 你們要傾聽!. I will sing to the Lord, I will sing;
我要向耶和華歌唱, I will make music to the Lord,
我要歌頌耶和華以色列的神! the God of Isreal.
耶和華啊, 袮從西珥出來, O Lord, when went out from Seir,
從以東行進時, when you marched from the land of Edom,
地震動, 天傾盆, the earth shook, the heavens poured,
雲中落下傾盆雨. the clouds poured down water.
山巒在耶和華西奈真神面前 The moumtains quaked before the Lord,
即在耶和華以色列神面前 the One of Sinai,
震動不已. before the Lord , the God of Isreal.
在亞拿之子珊迦的時候, In the days of Shamger, son of Anath,
在雅億在世的日子; in the days of Jael, the roads were abandoned;
大路無人走, 人們繞道行, travelers took to winding paths.
鄉村沉寂無生氣; Village life in Isreal ceased,
直至神興起我底波拉 ceased until I, Daborah, arose,
母儀以色列. arose a moth in Isreal.
當以色列人選擇新神, When they chose new gods,
戰禍立即臨城門, war came to the city gates,
四萬以色列人中, and not a shield or spear was seen
竟看不見一面盾一枝矛! among forty thousand in Isreal.
我心向以色列族長, My heart is with Isreal's princes,
也向自願犧牲奉獻的人民, with the willing volinteers among the people.
你們要讚美耶和華! Praise the Lord!
你們騎白驢 You who ride on white donkeys,
坐鞍上毛毯的, sitting on your saddle blankets,
和路上行走的, and you who walk along the road,
你們要聽 consider the voice of the singers .
井邊歌手的歌聲, at the watering places
他們唱出耶和華的公義作為, They recite the righteous acts of the Lord,
即對以色列村民的公義作為. the righteous acts of his villagers in Isreal.
那時, 耶和華的民 Then the people of the Lord
聚集城門前, went down to the city gates.
底波拉啊, 興起! 興起! Wake up, wake up, Deborah!
興起! 興起! 在歌聲中興起! wake up, wake up, break out in song!
亞比挪菴之子巴拉啊, Arise, O Barak, son of Abinoam!
快奮起! 去捉拿你的俘虜. Take captive your captives.
那時, 餘民紛來投奔貴冑, Then the men who were left came down to the nobles;
耶和華的子民也帶著勇士來我處; the people of the Lord came to me with the mighty.
他們來自以亞瑪力為根的以法蓮, Some came from Ephraim, whose roots were in Amalek;
還有跟隨你子民的便雅憫; Benjamin was with the people who followed you.
有族長從瑪吉下來, From Makir captains came down.
有持司令權杖的從西布倫下來; from Zebulun those who bear a commander's staff.
以薩迦的族長支持底波拉; The princes of Issachar were with Deborah;
以薩迦的族長也支持巴拉, yes, Issachar was with Barak,
追隨他一起衝下山谷, rushing after him into the valley.
在流便區內, In the districts of Reuben,
大家彼此交心. there was much searching of heart.
你為何坐在羊圈中, Why did you stay among the capfires
聽牧羊人的笛聲? to hear the whistling for the flocks?
在流便區內, In the districts of Reuben,
大家彼此交心. there was much searching of heart.
基列人居約但河東, Gilead stay beyond the Jordan,
但人為何仍在船邊徘徊? And Dan, why did he linger by the ships?
亞設人仍留在海岸, 住在海灣. Asher remained on the coast and stayed in the coves.
西布倫人冒生命危險, The people of Zebulun ridked their very lives;
拿弗他利人在田野高處, 也是如此. so did Naphtali on the heights of the field.
眾王都來爭戰, Kings czme, they fought;
迦南諸王在 the kings of Canaan fought
米吉多河岸他納鏖戰, at Taanach by the waters of Migiddo,
卻沒搶錢掠奪. but they carried no silver, no plunder.
眾星從天參戰, From the heavens the stars fought,
順著軌道與西西拉交戰. from their courses they fought against Sisera,
基順河, The river Kishon swept them away,
基順古河把敵人沖跨, the aged-old river, the river Kishon.
我的靈啊, 前進! 堅強前進! March on, my soul; be strong!
那時, 馬蹄聲如雷隆隆, Then thundered the horses hoods -
強壯駿馬如飛奔馳. galloping, galloping go his mighty steeds.
耶和華的使者說, "咒詛米羅斯! "Curse Meroz," said the angel of the Lord.
狠狠咒詛其中居民, "Curse its people bitterly,
因他們不來幫助耶和華, because they did not come to help the Lord,
不來幫助耶和華攻擊強敵. to help the Lord against the mighty.
願基尼人希百之妻雅億 Most blessed of women be Jael,
比其他婦人多得福氣; the wife of Heber the Kenite,
比其他住帳棚的婦人更加蒙福! most blessed of tent-dwelling women.
西西拉向雅億求水, He asked for water,
她給他奶喝; and she gave him milk;
她用招待貴賓的碗, 奉上凍奶. in a bowl fit for nobles she bought him curdled milk.
雅億伸手拿帳棚橛子, Her hand reached for the tent peg,
右手拿工人鐵鎚, her right hand for the workman's hammer.
她猛擊西西拉, 重創他的頭部, She struck Sisera, she crushed his head,
橛子貫穿他的太陽穴; she shattered and pierced his temple.
西西拉在她腳前仆倒躺下. At her feet he sank, he fell; there he lay.
在她腳前仆倒, At her feet he sank,
就在仆倒那裏氣絕身亡. he fell; where he sank, there he fell-dead.
西西拉的母親從窗户眺望, Through the window peered Sisera; mother;
從窗口呼叫: behind thhe lattice she cried out,
"他的戰車為何遲遲沒有回來? "Why is his chariot so long in comimg?
他的車輪為何行得這麼慢?" why is the clatter of his chariot delayed?
雖然聰明的宮女不住安慰她, The wisest of her ladies answer her
她還是喃喃自語: indeed, she keeps saying to herself,
"他們是不是在分戰利品: "Are they not finding and dividing the spoils:
每人分得一兩個女子, a girl or two for each man,
西西拉分得掠來彩衣 colorful garments as plunder for Sisera.
和繡花彩衣, colorful garments embroidered,
以及給我的精繡衣裳, highly embroidered garments for my neck -
難道都在分這些戰利品嗎?" all this as plunder?"
耶和華啊, 願袮的仇敵全都滅亡! So may all your enemies perish, O Lord!
願愛袮的人如旭日東升, But may they who love you be like the sun
光芒四射!" when it rises in its strength."
這樣, 國中太平四十年. Then the land had peace forty years.
原譯頗多值得商榷之處, 不揣冒昧, 重譯如 "新譯," 請比較指正.