卷五 第120-篇
120. 脫離脆詐
1 我在危難中呼求耶和華, I call on my Lord in my distress,
祂就回應我. and he answers me.
2 耶和華啊! 求你救我 Save me , O Lord, from lying lips
脫離說謊嘴唇和詭詐舌頭. and from deceiful tongues.
3 詭詐的舌頭啊! What will he do to you,
祂會怎樣對付你, and what more besides,
怎樣加重懲罰你? O deceitful tongues?
4 祂要用勇士的利箭 He will punish you with a warrior's sharp arrows,
和熾熱炭火懲罰你. with burning coals of the broom tree.
5-6 我寄居米設, Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech,
居住在基達的帳棚中有禍了! that I live among the tents of Kedar!
在恨惡和平的人中住太久了! Too long have I lived among those who hate peace.
7 而我是愛好和平的人, I am a man of peace;
但我一發言, 他們就要爭戰. but when I speak, they are for war.
1 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 4 原譯有誤, 應修正如新譯.
call on 譯 "呼求" 較 "求告" 恰切. with burning coal of the broom tree 原譯 "羅騰" 費解,
answer 譯 "回應" 較 "應允" 達意. 應改譯 "熾熱的炭火" 較切合原意.
2 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.. 5-6 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯.
3 原譯有誤, 應修正如新譯. 7 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯.
what more besides 含 "重懲" 之意. I am a man of peace 譯 "我是愛好和平的人" 較合原意.
121. 神的蔭庇
1 我要向山舉目, I lift my eyes to the hills -
我的幫助從那裏來? where does my help come from?
2 我的幫助是從 My help comes from the Lord,
創造天地的耶和華而來. the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 祂不會使你的腳滑倒, He will not let your foot slip -
祂保護你絕不會打盹; he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 的確, 保護以色列的, indeed, he who watches over Isreal
不會打盹, 也不入眠. will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 耶和華時刻保護你, The Lord watches over you -
祂在你右邊蔭庇你. the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 白天, 太陽不傷你; the sun will not harm you by day,
晚上, 月亮不害你. nor the moon by night.
7 耶和華保護你遠離一切災禍, The Lord will keep you from all harm -
且要保護你的性命; he will watch over your life;
8 你出你入, 耶和華都保護你; the Lord will watche over your coming and going
從今時直到永遠! both now and forevermore.
1 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 5 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯.
2 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 6 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正, 使更工整有力.
3 原譯尚佳,your foot slip譯"腳滑倒"較"腳搖動"雅達. 7 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯.
4 原譯尚佳,稍加修正即可. 8 原譯甚佳.
indeed(的確) 未譯出, 應補上.
122. 祈求平安
1 我一聽說: "我們上耶和華的殿去吧!" I rejoice with those who said to me,
就滿心歡喜. "Let us go to the house of the Lord."
2 耶路撒冷啊! Our feet are standing
我們腳正站在你的門內. in your gates, O Jerusalem.
3 耶路撒冷建築得像一座 Jerusalem is built like a city
結構緊密而完整的城市. that is closely compacted together.
4 那就是耶和華眾支派, That is where the tribes go up,
依賜給以色列的律法, the tribes of the Lord,
都要上去讚美耶和華名的地方. to praise the name of the Lord according to the statute given to Isreal.
5 在那裏設立審判寶座, There the thrones for judgment stand,
也就是大衛家的寶座. the thrones of the house of David.
6 你們要為耶路撒冷祈求平安: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
"願愛你的人都安全, "May those who love you be secure.
7 願你城內平靖安寧, May there be peace within your walls
你的宮中安全穩固." and security within your citadels."
8 為了我的弟兄和友好, For the sake of my brothers and friends,
我要說: "願你們平安." I will say, "Peace be with you."
9 為耶和華我們神的殿, For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
我要為你們祈求繁榮. I will seek your prosperity.
1 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 5 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
"我一聽說" 較 "人對我說" 生動切合原意. 6 原譯有誤, 應修正重譯.
2 原譯甚佳. May those who love you be secure"願愛你的人都安全"
are standing 譯 "正站在" 較 "站在" 切合原意. 7 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
3 原譯西式語氣太重, 應修正重譯. security 應譯 "安全穩固" 非 "興旺."
closely compacted togather 應譯 "結構緊密完整" 8 原譯西式語氣太重, 應修正重譯.
4 原譯有誤, 且西式語氣太重, 應修正重譯. 9 原譯欠通順, 應加修正.
statue 應譯 "律法" 非 "常例" prosperity 應譯 "繁榮" 較" 求福 "切合原意.
praise 應譯 "讚美" 較 "稱讚" 雅達.
123. 求神憐憫
1 坐在天上寶座的主啊!. I lift up my eyes for you,
我要向你舉目. to you whose throne is in heaven.
2 僕人的眼怎樣仰望主人的手, As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master,
婢女的眼怎樣仰望主母的手; as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress,
我們的眼也怎樣仰望 so our eyes look
耶和華我們的神, to the Lord our God,
直到祂憐憫我們. till he shows us his mercy.
3 耶和華啊, 求你憐憫我們, 憐憫我們! Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us,
因為我們飽受藐視欺凌. for we have endured much contempt.
4 我們受盡驕傲人的譏笑, We have endured much ridicule from the proud,
也受盡了狂妄人的藐視. much contempt from the arrogant.
1 原譯甚佳.
2 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正潤飾即可..
3 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正潤飾即可..
have endure much 改譯 "忍無可忍" 較傳神達意.
4 原譯西式語氣太重, 應修正重譯.
124. 神的幫助
1 以色列人都要說: If the Lord had not been on our side -
"若不是耶和華站在我們這邊." let Isreal say -
2 若不是耶和華站在我們這邊; If the Lord had not been on our side -
當人起來攻擊我們, when men attack us,
3 向我們發怒的時候, when their anger flared aginst us,
會把我們活吞下去. they would have swallowed us alive;
4 洪水吞沒我們, the flood would have engulfed us,
狂流沖擊我們. the torrent would have swept over us,
5 波濤洶湧洪水, the raging waters
會把我們沖走. would have swept us away.
6 耶和華是應當讚美的, Praise be to the Lord,
祂不容利齒撕裂我們. who has not let us be torn by their teeth.
7 施恩讓我們像雀鳥, We have escaped like a bird
從捕鳥人網羅逃脫, out of the fowler's snare;
網破才讓我們逃出. the snare has been broken and we have escaped.
8 我們全靠耶和華的名得到幫助, Our help is in the name of the Lord,
祂是創造天地的主. the Maker of heaven and earth.
1 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 5 原譯有誤, 應修正如新譯.
on the side 譯 "站在我們這邊" 較切合原意. the raging waters 應譯 "波濤洶湧的洪水"
2 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. have swept us away 應譯 "把我們沖走."
3 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 6 原譯有誤, 辭不達意, 應修正如新譯.
they would have swallowed us alive 應改正如新譯. praise 譯 "讚美" 較 "稱頌" 雅達.
4 原譯欠簡潔,應加修正. 7 原譯西式語氣太重, 應修正如新譯.
engulfed 應譯 "吞沒" / torrent 應譯 "狂流" 較合原意. 8 原譯西式語氣太重, 應修正如新譯.
125. 總不動搖
1 信靠耶和華的人好像錫安山, Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
穩不動搖, 永遠屹立. which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
2 群山怎樣圍繞耶路撒冷; As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
耶和華也照樣圍繞祂的子民, so the Lord surrounds his people
從今時直到永遠! both now and forevermore.
3 惡人的杖 The scepter of the wicked will not remain
不容留在義人土地上, over the land allotted to the righteous,
免得義人用手去作惡. for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil.
4 耶和華啊! Do good, O Lord, to those who are good,
求你恩待善良和心地正直的人. to those who are upright in heart.
5 至於那些偏行邪道的人, But those who turn to crooked ways
耶和華必將他們和惡人一併消滅. the Lord will banish with the evildoers.
願平安歸於以色列! Peace be upon Isreal.
1 原譯未達全意, 應補足如新譯. 4 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應修正如新譯.
除 "穩不動搖" 外, 尚有 "永遠屹立" 5 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應修正如新譯.
2 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.. crooked ways 譯 "邪道" 較 "彎曲道路" 雅達.
3 原譯有誤, 應修正如新譯. will banish with 譯 "一併消滅".
原譯 "…分上." 費解, 應改譯 "土地上" 較切合原意. 較 "一同出去受刑" 簡潔易明.
126. 向神感恩
1 當耶和華將被擄的人帶回錫安時, When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion,
我們如夢初醒. we were like men who dreamed.
2 滿口歡笑, Our mouth were filled with laughter;
滿舌歡唱; our tongues with songs of joy.
那時, 列國中就有人說: Then it was said among the nations,
"耶和華為他們行了大事!" "The Lord has done great things for them."
3 耶和華果然為我們行了大事, The Lord has done good things for us,
我們充滿歡喜快樂. and we are filled with joy.
4 耶和華啊! Restore our fortunes,
求你恢復我們的福祉, O Lord,
就像南地的河水回流. like streams in the Negev.
5 流淚撒種的, Those who sow in tears
必歡唱收割! will reap with songs of joy.
6 那帶種流淚出去撒種的, He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow,
必帶禾捆快樂歡唱回來! will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.
1 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 4 原譯有誤, 應加改正如新譯.
2 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. Restore our fortunes 應譯 "求你恢復我們的福祉"
第1句改譯 "滿口歡笑, 滿舌歡唱" 雅潔有力. 非 "求你使我們被擄的人歸回"
3 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 5 原譯甚佳. Will reap with songs of joy
filled with joy 譯 "充滿歡喜快樂" 較 "就歡喜" 生動. 譯 "必歡唱收割" 較 "必歡呼收割" 切合原意.
6 原譯欠簡潔工整, 應加修正改譯.
未將 carrying seed to sow(撒種的) 譯出, 應補正.
127. 神賜產業
1 若非耶和華建造房屋, Unless the Lord builds the house,
建造的人就枉然徒勞; its builders labor in vain.
若非耶和華看守城池, Unless the Lord watches over the city,
看守的人就枉然警醒. the watchmen stand guard in vain.
2 你們清晨早起入夜晚睡, In vain you rise early and stay up late,
儘管勞碌謀食都是徒然; toiling for food to eat -
惟有祂愛的人才得安眠. for he grants sleep to those he loves.
3 兒女是耶和華恩賜產業, Sons are a heritage from the Lord,
孩兒更是衪的憐憫賞賜. children a reward from him.
4 青壯之時所生的兒女, Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
就好像勇士手中的箭. are sons born in one's youth.
5 箭袋滿滿的人有福了; Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
在城門與仇敵爭鬥時, They will not be put to shame
他們就不至抱愧蒙羞. when they contend with their enemies in the gate.
1 原譯甚佳. 4 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
labor in vain 譯 "枉然徒勞" 較 "枉然勞力" 雅達. one's youth 應譯 "青壯之時" 較 "少年時" 切合原意.
2 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯. 5 原譯有誤, 應修正如新譯.
stay up late 譯 "入夜晚睡" 較 "夜晚安歇" 切合原意. quiver is full of them 譯 "箭袋滿滿" 較雅達.
toiling for food to eat 應改譯 "勞碌謀食." cotended with 應譯 "爭鬥" 非 "說話的時侯."
3 原譯第1句甚佳.
第2句欠通順, "children"應譯"孩兒"較合原意.
128. 敬神享福
1 凡敬畏耶和華, 遵行衪道的人, Blessed are all who fear the Lord,
都是有福的. who walk in his ways.
2 你要吃勞碌所得, You will eat the fruit of your labor;
一生蒙福事亨通. blessings and prosperity will be yours.
3 你的賢妻在你的家中, Your wife will be like a fruitful vine
像株多結果子葡萄樹; within your house;
你的兒女圍繞你餐桌, your sons will be like olive shoots
像活生橄欖樹的枝條. around your table.
4 因此敬畏耶和華的人, Thus is the man blessed
都必蒙福. who fears the Lord.
5 願你一生一世都蒙 May the Lord bless you from Zion
耶和華從錫安賜福; all the days of your life;
願你目睹耶路撒冷的繁榮昌盛, may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem.
6 並且在你有生之年, and may you live to see
看見你兒女的兒女. your children's children.
願平安歸於以色列. Peace be upon Isreal.
1 原譯甚佳 ,稍加修正即可. 4 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯.
2 原譯甚佳, 稍加修正即可 5 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯.
3 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 6 原譯未將 "live to see(有生之年)" 譯出.
your house 譯 "在你的家中" 較 "你的內室" 雅達.
table 譯 "餐桌" 較 "桌子" 文雅切題.
olive shoots 譯 "橄欖樹的枝條" 較切合原意.
129. 仇敵蒙羞
1 以色列人都要說: They have greatly oppressed me from my youth -
"我自幼就受仇敵的大逼害!" let Isreal say -
2 我自幼就受仇敵的大逼害, They have greatly oppressed me from my youth,
但他們一點都沒有勝過我. but they have not gained the victory over me.
3 像犁田人犁在我背上, Plowmen have plowed my back
留下明顯深長的犁溝. and made their furrows long.
4 幸好耶和華公義憐憫, But the Lord is righteous;
砍斷惡人索使我自由. he has cut me free from the cords of the wicked.
5 願恨惡錫安的, May all who hate Zion
個個蒙羞後退. be turned back in shame.
6 願他們像屋頂上的草, May they be like grass on the roof,
尚未長成就凋謝枯萎. which withers before it can grow.
7 收割不夠一把, with it the reaper cannot fill his hands,
禾 捆也不滿懷. nor the one who gathers fill his arms.
8 路人也不會說: May those who pass by not say,
"願耶和華賜福給你們, "The blessing of the Lord be upon you;
奉耶和華名祝福你們." we bless you in the name of the Lord."
1 原譯有違原意, 應加修正,如新譯. 4 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯.
greatly oppressed 應譯 "大逼害" 非 "屢次苦害" 未將 "has cut me free(使我自由)" 譯出.
2 第一句應隨第一節改正. 5 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第二句原譯欠佳, 應修正如新譯. 6 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
3 原譯西式語氣太重, 應加修正如新譯. 7 原譯欠簡潔, 應加修正改譯, 使更工整可讀.
8 原譯欠簡潔, 應加修正如新譯.
130. 望神恩慈
1 耶和華啊! Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord;
我在深淵向你呼求. O Lord, hear my voice.
2 主啊! 求你垂聽我的聲音, Let your ears be attentive
傾聽我懇求憐憫的呼求. to my cry for mercy.
3 耶和華啊! 你若細記罪惡, If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins,
主啊, 誰能站立得住呢? O Lord, who could stand?
4 所幸你有赦免之恩, But with you there is forgiveness;
叫人衷心去敬畏你. therefore you are feared.
5 我在等候耶和華, I wait for the Lord,
我的心也在等候; my soul waits,
我更仰望祂的話. and in his word I put my hope.
6 我的心在等候主, My soul waits for the Lord
甚於守夜人等候天亮, more than watchmen waits for the morning,
甚於守夜人等候天亮. more than watchmen waits for the morning.
7 以色列啊! 你要仰望耶和華; O Isreal, put your hope in the Lord,
因衪有無盡慈愛, for with the Lord is unfailing love
8 且有豐盛的救恩. and with him is full redemption.
衪必親自救以色列脫離一切罪惡. He himself will redeem Isreal from all their sins.
1 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 5 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
"深淵" 較 "深處"/"呼求" 較 "求告" 雅達. 6 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
2 原譯欠通順, 應修正改譯. "甚於" 較 "勝於"/"守夜人" 較 "守夜的" 達意.
未將 "cry for mercy(憐憫的呼求)" 譯出. 7 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
3 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可. 8 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
kept a record of sins 應譯 "細記罪惡"/"主啊," 未譯出. 未將 "He himself(親自)" 譯出, 應補譯.
4 原譯欠通順, 應修正如新譯.