73. 恩待神民
1 神的確恩待以色列, Surely God is good to Isreal,
尤其善待清心的人. to those who are pure in heart.
2 至於我險些滑倒, But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
幾乎失去立足點. I had nearly lost my foothold.
3 我每見惡人興旺, For I envied the arrogant
就嫉妒狂傲之徒. when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 他們用不著奮鬥, They have no struggles;
就身強體健過人. their bodies are healthy and strong.
5 不用承受常人重擔, They are free from the burdens common to man;
不受人類病痛折磨. they are not plagued by human ills.
6 故驕傲是他們的項鍊, Therefore pride is their necklace;
而強暴是他們的衣裳. they clothe themselves with violence.
7 他們的心麻木而犯罪, From their callous hearts comes iniquity;
心裏充滿無限的惡念. the evil conceits of their minds know no limits.
8 他們語帶惡意譏笑人; They scoff, and speak with malice;
並且高傲自大欺壓人. in their arrogance they threaten oppression.
9 他們的口褻瀆上天, Their mouths lay claim to heaven,
他們的舌毀謗全地. and their tongues take possession of the earth.
10 因此百姓轉向他們, Therefore their people turn to them
且喝光了滿滿的水, and drink up waters in abundance.
11 他們說: "神怎會曉得? They say, "How can God Know?
至高者怎會知道?" Does the Most High have knowledge?"
12 這就是惡人的寫照, This is what the wicked are like -
無憂無慮財富加增. always carefree, they increase in wealth.
13 我力求心地潔淨只是徒然, Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure;
洗手以表明清白也是枉然. in vain have I washed my hands in innocence.
14 因我終日受苦難, All day long I have been plagued;
每晨受懲罰煎熬. I have been punished every morning.
15 我若說: "我要這樣說." If I had said, "I will speak thus,"
我就對不起你的兒女. I would have betrayed your children.
16 當我想要明白這些事, When I tried to understand all this,
對我而言是莫大壓力. it was oppressive to me
17 直到我進入神的聖所, till I entered the sanctuary of God;
才真正明白他們下場. then I understood their final destiny.
18 你確把他們置濕滑地, Surely you place them on slippery ground;
把他們丟在廢墟之中. you cast them down to ruin.
19 他們滅亡得多麼突然, How suddenly are they destroyed,
在驚惶之中完全消滅! completely swept away by terrors!
20 真的是令人如夢初醒, As a dream when one awakes,
主啊! 當你醒起時, so when you arise, O Lord,
你必輕視他們如幻影. you will despise them as fantasies.
21 我心憂傷, When my heart was grieved
我靈痛苦. and my spirit embittered,
22 麻木無知, I was senseless and ignorant;
在你面前直如禽獸. I was a brute beast brfore you.
23 而我常與你同在, Yet I am always with you;
你緊握我的右手. you hold me by my right hand.
24 你且以智慧之言引導我, you guide me with your counsel,
以後還要接我到榮耀裏. and afterward you will take me into glory.
25 除你以外, 在天上我還有誰呢? Whom have I in heavens but you?
除你以外, 在地上我別無眷戀. And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 我肉體心腑會衰殘, My flesh and my heart may fail,
但神永遠是我內心 but God is the strength of my heart
莫大的力量和福份. and my portion forever.
27 遠離開你的定必滅亡, Those who are far from you will perish;
不忠於你的定必滅絕. you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
28 至於我親近神多甜蜜美好, But as for me, it is good to be near God.
我以主耶和華作我避難所, I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
我要述說你一切美好作為. I will tell of all your deeds.
74. 記念子民
1 神啊! 你為何永遠丟棄我們呢? Why have you rejected us forever, O God?
為何向你草場的羊冒發烈怒呢? Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture?
2 求你記得你在古時買來的子民, Remember the people you purchased of old,
也就是你贖回作你產業的支派; the tribe of your inheritance, whom you redeemed -
同時求你記念你居住的錫安山. Mount Zion, you dwelt.
3 求你走去看那長久荒涼的廢墟, Turn your steps toward these everlasting ruin,
這都是仇敵對聖所造成的毀壞. all these destruction the enemy has brought on the sanctuary.
4 你的敵人在你會中吼叫, Your foes roared in the place where you met with us;
並豎起他們的旌旗標幟. they set up their standards as signs.
5 他們好像是揮舞斧頭, They behalved like men wielding axes
要砍盡林中樹木的人. to cut through a thicket of trees.
6 他們手中拿著利斧大鎚, They smashed all the carved paneling
打碎聖殿所有精雕畫板. with their axes and hatches .
7 他們焚毀你的聖所夷為平地, They burned your sanctuary to the ground;
並大膽褻瀆以你為名的居所. they defiled the dwelling place of your Name.
8 他們心裏說: "我們要徹底毀滅他們!" They said in their hearts, "We will crush them completely!"
他們遍地焚燒敬拜神的地方. They burned every place where God was worshiped in the land.
9 我們再也看不到神蹟; We are given no miraculous signs;
環顧四周也不見先知, no prophets are left,
無人知道這要到幾時. and none of us knows how long this will be.
10 神啊! 敵人辱罵你要到幾時呢? How long will the enemy mock you, O God?
仇敵會永遠褻瀆你的名嗎? will the foe revile your name forever?
11 你為甚麼縮回你的右手呢? Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand?
求你從袍中伸出毀滅他們! Take it from the folds of your garment and destroy them!
12 神啊! 你自古以來就是我的王, But you, O God, are my king from of old;
你在地上施行拯救. you bring salvation upon the earth.
13 你曾以大能分大海, It was you who split open the sea by your power;
打破水中怪獸的頭. you broke the heads of the monster in the waters.
14 打碎海中巨獸的腦, It was you who crushed the heads of Leviathan
用來餵養曠野生物. and gave him as food to the creatures of the desert.
15 是你打開泉水和溪流, It was you who opened up springs and streams;
使乾涸江河川流不息. you dried up the ever flowing rivers.
16 白晝屬你黑夜也屬你; The day is yours, and yours also the night;
日月都是你所設立的. you established the sun and moon.
17 你劃定地上所有疆界, It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth;
你也分出夏天和冬天. you made both summer and winter.
18 耶和華啊, O Lord,
請記住敵人是怎樣辱罵你的! Remember how the enemy has mocked you,
愚昧的百姓是怎樣褻瀆你名! how foolish people have reviled your name.
19 求你不要把你斑鳩的命交給野獸, Do not hand over the life of your dove to wild beasts;
永遠不要忘記你受苦子民的性命. do not forget the lives of your afflicted people forever.
20 求你定要顧念與你所立的約, have regard for your covenant,
因為地上黑暗之處充滿強暴. because haunts of violence fill the dark places of the land.
21 勿讓受欺凌壓迫的人蒙羞後退, Do not let the oppressed retreat in disgrace;
要讓貧窮受苦的人讚美你的名. may the poor and needy praise your name.
22 神啊! 求你起來捍衛自己的大義, Rise up, O God, and defend your cause;
要記住愚人怎樣終日辱罵你. remember how fools mock you all day long.
23 不要忽視你敵人的喧囂, Do not ignore the clamor of your adversaries,
以及你仇敵不住的吼叫. the uproar of your enemies, which rises continually.
75. 義人升高
亞薩的詩歌, 交詩班長, 調用 "休要毀壞"
1 神啊, 我們感謝你! We give thanks to you, O God,
我們感謝你因你親近人; we give thanks, for your Name is near;
人都述說你奇妙的作為. men tell of your wonderful deeds.
2 你說: "我選定了日期, You say, "I choose the appointed time;
要施行公正審判. i t is I who judge uprightly.
3 當全地和地上全民震撼搖動時, When the earth and all its people quake,
我緊扶大地的支柱使穩定不移. 細拉 it is I who hold its pillars firm. Selah
4 我對狂傲之徒說: '不要狂妄自誇!' To the arrogant I say, 'Boast no more,'
對邪惡之輩說: '不要舉角狂妄! and to the wicked, 'Do not lift up your horns.
5 不要高傲舉角抗天, Do not lift up your horns against heaven;
也勿挺著硬頸說話!'" do not speak with outstretched neck.'"
6 不論從東西或曠野來的人, No one from the east or the west
都不能使人提升. or from the desert can exalt a man.
7 唯有神才能裁定: But it is God who judges:
這人降卑, 那人升高. He bring one down, he exalts another.
8 耶和華的手中拿著酒杯, In the hand of the Lord is a cup
裝滿了帶泡沬香料的酒; full of foamimg wine mixed with spices,
祂倒酒讓地上所有惡人, he pours it out, and all the wicked of the earth
一滴不剩痛快喝個精光. drink it down to its very dregs.
9 至於我, 我要永遠傳揚這事, As for me, I will declare this forever;
我 要歌唱讚美雅各的神! I will sing praise to the God of Jacob.
10 我要砍斷所有惡人的角, I will cut off the horns of all the wicked,
唯有義人的角才被高舉. but the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.
76. 神的威榮
亞薩的詩歌, 交詩班長, 用絲弦樂器伴奏
1 在猶大地, 人人認識神; In Judah God is known,
在以色列, 祂的名至大. his name is great in Isreal.
2 祂的帳幕在撒冷, His tent is in Salem,
祂的居所在錫安. his dwelling place in Zion.
3 在那裏祂折斷了飛閃的箭, There he broke the flashing arrows,
銷毀了戰爭武器盾牌刀劍. 細拉 the shields and the swords, the weapons of war. Selah
4 你全身充滿光華榮美, You are resplendent with light,
勝過獵物豐盛的群山. more majestic than mountains rich with game.
5 勇士們躺下遇劫, Valiant men lie plundered,
睡他們最後一覺; they sleep their last sleep;
無一能舉手反抗. not one of the warroirs can lift his hands.
6 雅各的神啊! 你一斥責, At your rebuke, O God of Jacob,
戰馬戰車立即停頓. both horse and chariot lie still.
7 唯獨你令人敬畏; 當你發怒, You alone are to be feared.
誰能在你面前站立得住? Who can stand before you when you are angry?
8 你從天上宣告審判, From heaven you pronounced judgment,
全地頓時驚惶靜默. and the land feared and was quiet -
9 神啊! 當你起來審判, when you, O God, rose up to judge,
拯救地上所有困苦的人; 細拉 to save all the afflicted of the land. Selah
10 你對人發出的烈怒, Surely your wrath against men
使你得到全地讚美; brings you praise,
烈怒之後倖存的人, and the survivors of your wrath
才知道要自我約制. are restrained.
11 向耶和華你們的神許願要還, Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them,
讓四鄰列國向敬畏的神朝貢. let all the neighboring lands bring gifts to the One to be feared.
12 祂挫折統治者的銳氣, He breaks the spirit of rulers;
使地上君王都敬畏衪. he is feared by the kings of the earth.
77. 患難憶神
亞薩的詩, 照耶杜頓作法, 交詩班長.
1 我向神發聲呼求, I cried out to God for help;
我呼叫求神垂聽. I cried out to God to hear me.
2 我在患難時尋求主, When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
終夜舉手不住禱告; at night I stretched out untiring hands
但我的心拒受安慰. and my soul refused to be comforted.
3 神啊! 一想到你, 我就痛苦呻吟, I remembered you, O God, and I groaned;
靜默無言, 心靈煩亂. 細拉 I mused, and my spirit grew faint. Selah
4 你使到我無法閉眼, You kept my eyes from closing;
煩亂不安說不出話. I was too troubled to speak.
5 我回想以往的日子, I thought about the former days,
就是那久遠的年代. the years of long ago;
6 夜闌人靜, 我想起我的詩歌; I remembered my songs in the night.
我的心默然無語, My heart mused
我的靈不住在問: and my spirit inquired:
7 "主會永遠丟棄我嗎? "Will the Lord reject forever?
永遠不會再施恩嗎? Will he never show his favor again?
8 祂的慈愛會永遠消失嗎? Has his unfailing love vanished forever?
祂的應許會永久收回嗎? Has his promise failed for all times?
9 神是否忘了憐憫施恩? has God forgotten to be merciful?
忿怒不再饒恕我們嗎?" 細拉 Has he in anger withheld his compassion?" Selah
10 因此我想, "我要訴求: Then I thought, "To this I will appeal:
至高者伸出右手的年代." the years of the right hands of the Most High."
11 我會記得耶和華的作為, I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
也會記得古時你的神蹟. yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
12 我會默想你所有的大工, I will meditate on all your works
思想你所有的大能作為. and consider all your mighty deeds.
13 神啊! 你的道聖潔無瑕, Your ways, O God, are holy.
有那個神比我們的神偉大呢? What god is so great as our God?
14 你是行神蹟奇事的神, You are the God who performs miracles;
你在萬民中彰顯大能, you display your power among the peoples.
15 你用強而有力的膀臂, With your mighty arm
全面救贖了你的子民, you redeemed your people,
即雅各和約瑟的子孫. 細拉 the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. Selah
16 神啊! 眾水都看見你, The waters saw you, O God,
一看見你就滾滾翻騰, the waters saw you and writhed;
深淵也隨之惶惶不安. the very depths were convulsed.
17 密雲傾大雨, The clouds poured down water,
天空響雷鳴; the skies resounded with thunder;
箭閃射四方. your arrows flashed back and forth.
18 旋風中雷聲響起, your thunder was heard in the whirlwind,
閃電照亮全世界, your lightning lit up the world;
全地都戰抖震動. the earth trembled and quaked.
19 你的道穿過海洋, Your path led through the sea,
你的路邁過大水; your way through the mighty waters,
然而, 你的腳蹤卻不見. though your footprints were not seen.
20 你曾藉摩西和亞倫的手, You led your people like a flock
帶領你子民像帶領羊群. by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
78. 訓誨後世
1 我的民哪! 你們要細聽我的訓誨, O my people, hear my teaching;
傾聽我口中的話語. listen to the words of my mouth.
2 我要開口說寓言, I will open my mouth in parables,
說出古時隱秘事. I will utter hidden things from of old -
3 就是我們聽過也知道的事, What we have heard and known,
也是我們列祖告訴我們的. what our fathers have told us.
4 我們不會向子孫隱瞞這些事; What will not hide them from their children;
而會將耶和華應得讚美作為 we will tell the next generation
祂的大能和所行的神蹟奇事, the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
一一詳細全都述說給後代聽. his power, and the wonders he has done.
5 他為雅各立法度, He decreed statutes for Jacob,
為以色列定律法; and established the law in Isreal.
並吩咐我們列祖, which he commanded our forefathers
以此去教導子孫. to teach their children,
6 使下一代, 甚至將出生的兒女, so the next generation would know them,
都知道法度和律法; even the children yet to be born,
他們依次轉告他們的子孫. and they in turn would tell their children.
7 教他們信靠神, Then they would put their trust in God
不忘神的作為, and would not forget his deeds
謹守神的誡命. but would keep his commands.
8 不要像他們的列祖, They would not be like their forefathers -
那頑梗悖逆的一代; a stubborn and rebellious generation,
他們的心對神不忠, whose hearts were not loyal to God,
他們的靈對神不誠. whose spirit were not faithful to him.
9 以法蓮的子孫雖有弓箭, The men of Ephraim, armed with bows,
但臨陣之日卻轉身逃跑. turned back on the day of battle;
10 他們不肯遵守神的約, they do not keep God's covenant
也不肯遵行衪的律法. and refused to live by his law.
11 他們更忘記神的作為, They forgot what he had done,
和向他們顯示的奇事. the wonders he had shown them.
12 以及在埃及地和在瑣安域, He did miracles in the sight of their fathers,
向他們列祖眼前行的神蹟. in the land of Egypt, in the region of Zoan.
13 祂把海分開領他們走過; He divided the sea and led them through,
叫海水直立起來如堤壩. he make the water stand firm like a wall.
14 祂白日用天空的雲彩, He guided them with the cloud by day
黑夜用火光引導他們. and with light from the fire all night.
15 祂在曠野中擊裂磬石, He split the rocks in the desert
賜他們豐滿如海飲水. and gave them water as abundant as the seas.
16 祂使水從石縫中湧出, he brought streams out of rocky crag
滾滾如滔滔江河奔流. and made water flow down like river.
17 但他們仍舊犯罪頂撞衪, But they continued to sin against him,
在曠野大膽悖逆至高者, rebelling in the desert against the Most High.
18 他們苛求要渴想的食物, They willfully put God to the test
無法無天故意去試探神. by demanding the food they craved.
19 並且敢出言不敬對神說: They spoke against God, saying,
"神在曠野能擺設筵席嗎? "Can God spread a table in the desert?
20 祂擊石出水成奔流江河; When he struck rock, water gushed and streams flowed abundantly.
但祂能賜糧食給我們嗎? But can he also give us food?
能供肉食給衪的子民嗎?" Can he supply meat for his people?"
21 耶和華一聽就大怒; When the Lord heard them, he was very angry;
使烈火向雅各燒起, his fire broke out against Jacob,
烈怒向以色列發作. and his wrath rose against Isreal,
22 因為他們不相信神, for they did not believe in God
也不信靠衪的救恩. or trust in his deliverance.
23 縱然如此, 祂還是指令上天, Yet he gave a command to the skies above
把天門打開; and opened the doors of the heavens;
24 嗎哪如雨降給子民吃, he rained down manna for the people to eat,
慷慨普賜天糧給他們. he gave them the grain of heaven.
25 於是人吃天使的糧食, Men ate the bread of angels;
祂賜天糧使他們飽足. he sent them all the food they could eat.
26 祂使東風從天上颳起, He let loose the east wind from the heavens
以祂的大能引發南風. and led forth the south wind by his power.
27 祂降肉給他們, 多如塵土; He rained meat down on them like dust,
降飛鳥給他們, 多如海沙. flying birds like sand on the seashore.
28 都降在他們營中, He made them come down inside their camp,
落在帳棚的四圍. all around their tents.
29 還讓他們儘量吃到飽足; They ate till they had more than enough,
因神所賜正是他們渴求. for he had given them what they craved.
30 但是他們苛求貪多無厭, But before they turned from the food they craved,
食物還在口中又來需索. even while it was still in their mouths.
31 神的怒氣乃向他們發作; God's anger rose against them;
殺死他們之中壯健的人, he put to death the sturdest among them,
擊倒以色列中年輕的人. cutting down the young men of Isreal.
32 儘管這樣, 他們繼續犯罪; In spite of all this, they kept on sinning;
神行奇事, 他們仍然不信. in spite of his wonders, they did not believe.
33 因此, 神使他們的日子虛空消逝, So he ended their days in futility
使他們的年歲惶恐不寧. and their years in terror.
34 神擊殺他們時才尋求神; Whenever God slew them, they would seek him;
再一次切切回轉歸向神. they eagerly trusted to him again.
35 才想起神是他們的磬石, They remembered that God was their Rock,
至高神是他們的救贖主. that God Most High was their Redeemer.
36 但他們用口奉承衪, But then they would flatter him with their mouth,
還是用舌頭謊騙衪. lying to him with their tongues;
37 他們的心對祂不忠, their hearts were not loyal to him,
也不再信守祂的約. they were not faithful to his covenant.
38 但衪憐憫寬恕為懷, Yet he was merciful;
恩慈赦免他們的罪, he forgave their iniquities
更沒有把他們滅絕; and did not destroy them.
且一再抑制自己的怒氣, Time after time he restrained his anger
沒有完全發作衪的烈怒. and did not stir up his full wrath.
39 祂顧念他們只是血肉之軀, He remembered that they were but flesh,
不過是陣吹過不返的微風. a passing breeze that does not return.
40 他們在曠野多少次悖逆祂, How often they rebelled against him in the desert
並在荒野多少次令祂擔憂! and grieved him in the wasteland!
41 他們再三試探神, Again and again they put God to the test,
惹怒以色列聖者. they vexed the Holy One of Isreal.
42 忘了衪救贖他們 They did not remember his power -
擺脫欺壓的那日, the day he redeemed them
彰顯出來的大能. from the oppressor,
43 那日, 祂在埃及地行神蹟, the day he displayed his miraculous signs in Egypt,
在瑣安域行奇事. his wonders in the region of Zoan.
44 祂使他們江河流水變血, He turned their rivers to blood;
讓他們不能喝江河之水. they could not drink from their streams.
45 放出大群蒼蠅吞沒他們, He sent swarms of flies that devoured them,
召集大群青蛙蹂躪他們. and frogs that devastated them.
46 把他們的五穀交給蚱蜢, He gave their crops to the grasshoppers,
他們的農產品交給蝗蟲. their produce to the locust.
47 降冰雹打壞他們的葡萄樹, He destroyed their vines with hail
下嚴霜凍壞他們無花果樹. and their sycamore figs with sleet.
48 又降冰雹擊打他們的牛羊, He gave over their cattle to the hail,
天上雷電擊打他們的牲畜. their livestock to bolts of lightning.
49 祂派出一群無情的降災天使, He unleashed against them his hot anger,
把祂的熱怒烈怒忿怒和敵意, his wrath, indignation and hostility -
毫無保留一起向他們大發作. a band of destroying angels.
50 祂為己怒開條路, He prepared a path for his anger;
不惜讓他們死亡, he did not spare them from death
把他們交給瘟疫. but gave them over to the plague.
51 祂擊殺了所有埃及的長子, He struck down all the firstborn of Egypt,
和在含帳棚中出生的頭胎. the firstfruit of manhood in the tents of Ham.
52 但祂卻領出自已的子民如羊群, But he brought his people out like a flock;
帶領他們像牧羊一樣走過曠野. he led them like sheep through the desert.
53 在祂的安全帶領下, He guided them safely,
他們-點都不害怕; so they were unafraid;
仇敵卻被大海淹沒. but the sea engulfed their enemies.
54 祂帶領他們到聖地的邊界, Thus he brought them to the border of his holy land,
到達衪以右手取得的山區. to the hill country his right hand had taken.
55 並在他們面前趕走外邦人, He drove out nations before them
把所有的地分給他們為業; and allotted their lands to them as an inheritance;
以色列各支派安頓在自家. he settled the tribes of Isreal in their homes.
56 然而, 他們仍舊試探神 But they put God to the test
依然悖逆至高者, and rebelled against Most High;
並不守衪的律法. they did not keep his statutes.
57 他們像他們的列祖一樣, like their fathers they were disloyal and faithless,
不忠不信像不可靠壞弓. as unreliable as a faulty bow.
58 他們的邱壇, 惹起祂的怒氣; They angered him with their high places;
他們的偶像, 引發祂的憤恨. they arouse his jealousy with their idols.
59 神一聽見就大發雷霆, When God heard them, he was very angry;
故完全棄絕以色列人. he rejected Isreal completely.
60 祂立即離棄示羅聖幕, He abandoned the tabernacle of Shiloh,
那在人間搭建的帳棚. the tent he had set up among men.
61 把象徵權能約櫃讓人擄去, He sent the ark of his might into captivity,
將祂的尊榮交在敵人手中. his splendor into the hands of the enemy.
62 祂對自己的產業非常忿怒, He gave his people over to the sword;
乃把自已的子民交給刀劍. he was very angry with his inheritance.
63 他們的青壯被火燒滅, Fire consumed their young men,
少女聽不見婚禮樂章. and their maidens had no wedding songs.
64 他們的祭司倒在刀下, their priests were put to the sword,
他們的寡婦欲哭無淚. and their widows could not weep.
65 那時, 主好像從沉睡中醒起, Then the Lord awoke as from sleep,
又像勇士從沉醉中醒來. as a man wakes from the stupor of wine,
66 祂擊退衪的敵人, He beat back his enemies;
使他們永遠蒙羞. he put them to everlasting shame.
67 祂棄絕約瑟的帳棚, Then he rejected the tents of Joseph,
不揀選以法蓮支派. he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim;
68 卻揀選了猶大支派, but he chose the tribe of Judah,
和祂喜愛的錫安山. Mount Zion, which he loved.
69 祂建造了如同高天的聖所, He built his sanctuary like the heights,
像祂建造永久的大地一樣. like the earth that he established forever.
70 祂又揀選了衪的僕人大衛, He chose David his servant
把他從羊圈之中呼召出來. and took him from the sheep pens;
71 並把祂自己的羊群交給他. from tending the sheep he brought him
讓他牧養自己的子民雅各, to be the shepherd of his people Jacob,
和照管自己的產業以色列. of Isreal his inheritance.
72 大衛以正直的心牧養他們, And David shepherded them with integrity of heart;
並且用靈巧的手帶領他們. with skillful hands he led them.
79. 懲罰外族
1 神啊! O God,
外邦人侵入你的產業, the nations have invaded your inheritance;
更大膽玷污你的聖殿, they have defiled your holy temple,
使耶路撒冷變成廢墟. they have reduced Jerusalem to rubble.
2 他們把你僕人的屍體, They have given the dead bodies of your servants
給空中飛鳥任意啄食; as food to the birds of the air,
並且把你聖民的肉體, the flesh of your saints
給地上野獸凶殘吞噬. to the beasts of the earth,
3 他們在耶路撒冷四周倒血如水, They have poured out blood like water all around Jerusalem,
並且令死人暴屍街頭無人埋葬. and there is no one to bury the dead.
4 我們成為鄰國羞辱的對象, We are objects of reproach to our neighbors,
和周圍人嘲笑譏諷的目標. of scorn and derision to those around us.
5 耶和華啊, 這要到幾時呢? How long, O Lord?
難道你要永遠生氣嗎? Will you be angry forever?
如火燒的憤恨要到幾時呢? How long will your jealousy burn like fire?
6 求你把你滿腔沸騰的烈怒, Pour out your wrath on the nations
傾倒在不在乎你的列邦中, that do not acknowledge you,
以及不求告你名的列國上. on the kingdoms that do not call on your name;
7 因他們吞沒了雅各, for they have devoured Jacob
也毀滅了他的家園. and distroyed his homeland.
8 求勿因列祖的罪追討我們; Do not hold against us the sins of the fathers;
願你的憐憫快快臨到我們, may your mercy come quickly to meet us,
因為我們實在有迫切需要. for we are in desperate need.
9 我們的救主神啊! Help us, O God our Savior,
求你為你名的榮耀幫助我們; for the glory of your name;
也為你的名拯救我們, deliver us and forgive our sins
並且赦免我們的罪孽. for your name's sake.
10 為何容許外邦列國說: Why should the nations say,
"他們的神在那裏呢?" "Where is their God?"
求你在我們眼前使外邦人知道, Before our eyes, make known among the nations
你要為你的僕人所流的血報復. that you avenge the outpoured blood of your servants.
11 願被囚者的呻吟, May the groans of the prisoners
能夠達到你面前; come before you;
求你用你的大能, by the strength of your arm
使死囚得以存活. preserve those condemned to die.
12 主啊! 求你把我們鄰邦對你的羞辱, Pay back into the laps of our neighbors seven times
七倍歸還在他們身上. the reproach they have hurled at you, O Lord.
13 這樣, 我們作你的子民, Then we your people,
作你草場上群羊的, the sheep of your pasture,
就要永遠讚美你; will praise you forever;
世代不停讚美你, from generation to generation
一直到千秋萬代! we will recount your praise.
80. 眷顧子民
亞薩的詩, 交詩班長, 調用 "百合花見證"
1 帶領約瑟如帶領群羊的 Hear us, O shepherd of Isreal,
以色列牧者啊! 求你垂聽; you who lead Joseph like a flock;
坐在兩基路伯之間的啊! you who sit enthroned between the cherubim,
求你在以法蓮、便雅憫、瑪拿西面前, shine forth
2 發出榮光. before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh.
施展大能, 拯救我們. Awake your might; come and save us.
3 神啊, 求你復興我們! Restore us, O God;
你的臉光照我們, 使我們得救. made your face shine upon us; that we may be saved.
4 耶和華萬軍之神啊! O Lord God Almighty,
你對子民禱告發怒, how long will your anger smolder
究竟要發到幾時呢? against the prayers of your people?
5 你以淚當餅餵養他們, You have fed them with the bread of tears;
讓他們喝盡滿碗淚水. you have made them drink tears by the bowlful.
6 你使鄰邦對我們爭鬥, You have made us a source of contention to our neighbors,
使我們仇敵譏笑我們. and our enemies mock us.
7 萬軍之神啊, 求你復興我們! Restore us, O God Almighty;
你的臉光照我們, 使我們得救. make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.
8 你從埃及帶出一棵葡萄樹, You brought a vine out of Egypt;
並趕走外邦人把這樹裁上. you drove out the nations and planted it.
9 你為這樹整好土地, You cleared the ground for it,
使深扎根長滿全地. and it took root and filled the land.
10 樹的影子遮蓋群山, The mountains were covered with its shade,
枝幹長滿大香柏樹. the mighty cedars with its branches.
11 枝條伸展至大海, It sent out its boughs to the sea,
嫩芽生長至大河. its shoots as far as the River.
12 你為何拆毀這樹的圍牆, Why have you broken down its walls
任由過路的人採摘葡萄? so that all who pass by pick its grapes?
13 讓林中的野豬踐踏, Boars from the forest ravage it
田野的走獸隨意吃. and the creatures of the field feed on it.
14 萬軍之神啊, 求你回心轉意! Return to us, O God Almighty!
從天上垂看眷顧這樹! Look down from heaven and see!
15 這是你的右手所栽種的根, the root your right hand has planted,
也是你為自己培育的枝子. the son you have raised up for yourself.
16 你的葡萄樹己遭人砍伐火焚, Your vine is cut down, it is burned with fire;
你的子民也因你的懲罰滅亡. at your rebuke your people perish.
17 求你的手保護你右邊的人, Let your hand rest on the man at your right hand,
他們是你為己培育的兒女. the son of man you have raised up for yourself.
18 這樣, 我們就不會離開你; Then we will not turn away from you;
求你救活我們, 我們就會求告你的名. revive us, and we will call on your name.
19 耶和華萬軍之神啊! 求你復興我們, Restore us, O Lord God Almighty;
你的臉光照我們, 使我們得救. make your face shine upon us, that we may be