II. 所羅門箴言(II)
(IV) 生命泉源(13:1- 25):
新 譯 英 文
1 智慧之子聽父教, A wise son heeds his father's instruction,
輕浮之人拒斥責. but a mocker does not listen to rebuke.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "智慧之子聽父教" 較 "智慧子聽父親的教訓" 工整簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "輕浮之人拒斥責" 較 "褻慢人不聽責備" 對稱簡潔雅達.
2 口結佳果享美福, From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things,
奸詐之徒求強暴. but the unfaithful have a craving for violence.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "口結佳果享美福" 較 "人因口所結的果子, 必享美福" 工整簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "奸詐之徒求強暴" 較 "奸詐之徒必遭強暴" 對稱簡潔雅達.
3 謹言慎語保生命, He who guards his lips guards his life,
口沒遮攔必敗亡. but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "謹言慎語保生命" 較 "謹言慎語保生命" 工整簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "口沒遮攔必敗亡" 較 "大張嘴的, 必致敗亡" 對稱簡潔雅達.
4 懶人奢望無所得, The sluggard craves and gets nothing,
勤者所欲必滿足. but the desires of the deligent are fully satisfied.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "懶人奢望無所得" 較 "懶惰人羨慕, 卻無所得" 工整簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "勤者所欲必滿足" 較 "殷勤人必得豐裕" 對稱簡潔雅達.
5 義人恨惡虛假, The righteous hate what is false,
惡人蒙羞受愧. but the wicked bring shame and disgrace.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "義人恨惡虛假" 較 "義人恨惡謊言" 切合原意.
第二句譯 "惡人家羞受愧" 較 "惡人有臭名, 且致慚愧" 對稱簡潔雅達.
6 公義保護格高者, Righteousness guards the man of integrity,
罪惡推倒犯罪人. but wickedness overthrows the sinner.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "公義保護格高者" 非 "行為正直的, 有公義保守"
第二句譯 "罪惡推倒犯罪人" 非 "犯罪的, 被邪惡傾覆"
7 假富者一無所有, One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing;
裝窮者富甲一方. another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "假富者一無所有" 較 "假作富足的, 卻一無所有" 工整簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "裝窮者富甲一方" 較 "裝作窮乏的, 卻廣有財物" 對稱簡潔雅達.
8 財富救贖生命, A man's riches may ransom his life,
窮人不懼恐嚇. but a poor man hears no threat.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "財富救贖生命" 較 "人的資財, 是他生命的贖價" 工整簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "窮人不懼恐嚇" 較 "窮乏之人卻聽不見威嚇的話" 簡潔雅達.
9 義人之光照耀, The light of the righteous shines brightly,
惡人之燈熄滅. but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
10 驕傲徒生爭鬧, Pride only breeds quarrels,
納諫卻得智慧. but wisdom is founded in those who take advice.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "驕傲徒生爭鬧" 較 "驕傲只啓爭競" 恰切.
第二句譯 "納諫卻得智慧." 較 "勸言的, 卻有智慧" 簡潔對稱雅達.
11 不義之財易流失, Dishonest money dwindles away,
點滴積聚財增多. but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "不義之財易流失" 較 "不勞而得之財, 必然消耗" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "點滴積聚財增多" 較 "勤勞積聚的, 必見加增" 簡潔對稱雅達.
12 盼望不來人心憂煩, Hope deferred makes heart sick,
願望實現如生命樹. but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "盼望不來人心憂煩" 較 "所盼望的遲延未得, 令人心憂" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "願望實現如生命樹" 較 "所願的臨到, 卻是生命樹" 簡潔對稱雅達.
13 藐視教訓代價重, He who scorns instruction will pay for it,
尊重誡命報償多. but he who respects a command is rewarded.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "藐視教訓代價重" 較 "藐視訓言的, 自取滅亡" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "尊重誡命報償多" 較 "敬畏誡命的, 必得善報" 簡潔對稱雅達.
14 智者教誨乃生命泉源, The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,
使人脫離死亡的羅網. turning a man from the snares of death.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
teaching 譯 "教誨" 較 "法則" 切合原意.
15 良善明理蒙恩惠, Good understanding wins favor,
悖逆之途多崎嶇. but the way of the unfaithful is hard.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "良善明理蒙恩惠" 較 "美好的聰明, 使人蒙恩" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "悖逆之途多崎嶇" 較 "奸詐人的道路, 崎嶇難行" 簡潔對稱雅達.
16 君子憑知識行事, Every prudent man acts out of knowledge,
愚人卻暴露愚昧. but a fool exposes his folly.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "君子憑知識行事" 較 "凡通達人都憑知識行事" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人卻暴露愚昧" 較 "愚昧人張揚自己的愚昧" 簡潔對稱雅達.
17 邪惡使者招災禍, A wicked messanger falls into trouble,
忠貞使臣醫治人. but a trustworthy envoy brings healing.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "邪惡使者招災禍" 較 "邪惡的使者, 必陷在禍患裏" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "忠貞使臣醫治人" 較 "忠信的使臣, 乃醫人的良藥" 簡潔對稱雅達.
18 不受管教窮且羞, He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame,
接受糾正得尊榮. but whoever heeds correction is honored.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "不受管教窮且羞" 較 "棄絕管教的, 必致貧受辱" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "接受糾正得尊榮" 較 "領受責備的, 必得尊榮" 簡潔對稱雅達.
19 願望實現心甘甜, A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul,
愚人不願遠離惡. but fools detest turning from evil.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "願望實現心甘甜" 較 "所欲的成就, 心覺甘甜" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人不願遠離惡" 較 "遠離惡事, 為愚昧人所憎惡" 簡潔對稱雅達.
20 與智者同行得智慧, He who walks with the wise grows wise,
和愚人作伴受虧損. but a companion of fools suffers harm.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "與智者同行得智慧" 較 "與智慧人同行的, 必得智慧" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "和愚人作伴受虧損" 較 "和愚昧人做伴的, 必受虧損" 簡潔對稱雅達.
21 災禍緊隨罪人, Misfortune pursues the sinner,
興旺報償義人. but prosperity is the reward of the righteous.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第二句譯 "興旺報償義人" 較 "義人必待得善報" 切合原意.
22 善人家財傳子孫, A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children,
罪人財富留義人. but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "善人家財傳子孫" 較 "善人給子孫遺留產業" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "罪人財富留義人" 較 "罪人為義人積存資財" 簡潔對稱雅達.
23 窮人田地糧產豐, A poor man's field may produce abundant food,
不公不義一掃光. but injustice sweeps it away.
[註] 原譯欠佳, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "窮人田地糧產豐" 較 "窮人耕種, 多得糧食" 簡確雅達.
第二句不通, 應譯 "不公不義一掃光" 非 "但因不義, 有消滅的"
24 不忍杖兒實害他, He who spares the rod hates his son,
嚴厲管兒才愛他. but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "不忍杖兒實害他" 較 "不忍用杖打兒子的, 是恨惡他" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "嚴厲管兒才愛他" 較 "疼愛兒子的, 隨時管教" 簡潔對稱雅達.
25 義人吃得飽飽, The righteous eat to others' content,
惡人饑腸轆轆. but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第二句譯 "惡人饑腸轆轆" 較 "惡人肚腹缺糧" 雅達.
(V) 敬畏真神(14:1- 35)
新 譯 英 文
1 賢慧婦人建家室, The wise woman builds her house,
愚昧婦人拆己家. but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應修正改譯.
第一句譯 "聰慧婦人建家室" 較 "智慧婦人, 建立家室" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "愚昧婦人拆己家" 較 "愚妄婦人, 親手拆毀" 簡潔雅達.
2 行為正直者, 敬畏耶和華, He whose walk is upright fears the Lord,
為人乖僻者, 藐視耶和華. but he whose ways are devious despises him.
[註] 原譯甚佳, 稍加修正即可.
3 愚人謬語招杖責, A fool's talk brings a rod to his back,
智者唇舌保己身. but the lips of the wise protect them.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "愚人謬語招杖責" 較 "愚妄人口中驕傲, 如杖責打己身" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "智者唇舌保己身" 較 "智慧人的嘴, 必保守自己" 簡潔對稱雅達.
4 家中無牛牛欄空, Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty,
五穀豐收靠牛力. but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest..
[註] 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "家中無牛牛欄空" 較 "家裏無牛, 槽頭乾淨" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "五穀豐收靠牛力" 較 "土產加多, 乃憑牛力" 簡潔對稱雅達.
5 真見證人不撒謊, A truthful witness does not deceive,
假見證人吐謊言. but a false witness pours out lies.
[註] 原譯尚佳,稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "真見證人不撒謊" 較 "誠實見證人, 不說謊話" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "假見證人吐謊言" 較 "後見證人, 吐出謊言" 對稱簡潔雅達.
6 輕浮者求智不得, The mocker seeks wisdom and find none,
明理人易得真知. but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.
[註] 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "輕浮者求智不得" 較 "褻慢人尋智慧, 卻尋不著" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "明理人易得真知" 較 "聰明人易得知識" 對稱雅達.
7 遠遠離開愚昧人, Stay away from a foolish man,
愚人口中無知識. for you will not find knowledge on his lips.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "遠遠離開愚昧人" 非 "到愚昧人面前"
第二句譯 "愚人口中無知識" 較 "不見他嘴中有知識" 對稱雅達.
8 君子智慧明己道, The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways,
愚人愚妄欺自身. but the fooly of fools is deception.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "君子智慧明己道" 較 "通達人的智慧, 在乎明白己道" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人愚妄欺自身" 較 "愚昧人的愚妄, 乃是詭詐" 對稱雅達.
9 愚人嘲笑贖愆祭. Fools mock at making amends for sin,
正人之間有情義. but goodwill is found among the upright..
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
Fools mock at 應譯 "愚人嘲笑" 非 "愚妄人犯罪"
mends for sin 應譯 "贖愆祭(和合本小字)" 非 "以為戲耍"
goodwill 應譯 "有情義" 非 "互相喜悅"
10 心中苦楚只自知, Each heart knows its own bitterness,
心頭喜樂難分享, and no one else can share its joy.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "心中苦楚只自知" 較 "心中的苦楚, 自己知道" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "心頭喜樂難分享" 較 "心裏的喜樂, 外人無干" 對稱簡潔雅達.
11 惡人家園必毀滅. The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
正人帳棚定興旺. but the tent of the upright will flourish.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "惡人家園必毀滅" 較 "奸惡人的房屋必傾倒" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "正人帳棚定興旺" 較 "正直人的帳棚必興盛" 對稱簡潔雅達.
12 人皆以為是正道. There is a way that seems right to a man,
走到盡頭方知死. but in the end it leads to death.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "人皆以為是正道" 較 "有一條路,人以為正" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "走到盡頭方知死" 較 "至終成為死亡之路" 對稱簡潔雅達.
13 笑中心裏苦, Even in laughter the heart may ache,
樂極亦生悲. and joy may end in grief.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "笑中心裏苦" 較 "人在喜笑中, 心也憂愁" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "樂極亦生悲" 較 "快樂至極, 就生愁苦" 對稱簡潔雅達.
14 背道者必得十足報應, The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways,
善心人定獲善行賞賜. and the good man rewarded for his.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
The faithless, the good man 譯 "背道者, 善心人" 較 "心中背道的, 善人" 簡潔雅達.
fully repaid for their ways 應譯 "必得十足報應" 非 "必滿得自己的結果"
rewarded for his 應譯 "定獲善行賞賜" 非 "必從自己的行為得以知足"
15 庸人凡事皆信, A simple man believes anything,
君子三思而行. but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "庸人凡事皆信" 較 "愚蒙人是話都信" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "君子三思而行" 較 "通達人歩步謹慎" 對稱簡潔雅達.
16 智者敬神離惡, A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil,
愚人鹵莽無禮. but a fool is hotheaded and reckless.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "智者敬神離惡" 較 "智慧人懼怕, 就遠離惡事" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人鹵莽無禮" 較 "愚妄人卻狂傲自恃" 對稱簡潔雅達.
17 易怒者作蠢事, A quick tempered man does foolish things,
詭詐者人恨惡. and a crafty is hated.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "易怒者作蠢事" 較 "輕易發怒的, 行事愚妄" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "詭詐者人限惡" 較 "設立詭詐的, 被人恨惡" 對稱簡潔雅達.
18 庸人承受愚昧, The simple inherit folly,
君子知識加冕. but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "庸人承受愚昧" 較 "愚蒙人得愚昧為產業" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "君子知識加冕" 較 "通達人得知識為冠冕" 對稱簡潔雅達.
19 壞人俯伏善人面前, Evil men will bow down in the presence of the good,
惡人拜倒義人門口, and the wicked at the gates of righteous.
[註] 原譯甚佳.
20 人窮鄰舍嫌, The poor are shunned even by their neighbors,
人富友朋多, but the rich have many friends.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
shunned 應譯 "嫌" 表嫌棄閃避, 無 "恨" 之意.
第一句譯 "人窮鄰舍嫌" 較 "貧窮人連鄰舍也恨他" 簡潔確切雅達.
第二句譯 "人富友朋多" 較 "富足人朋友最多" 對稱簡潔雅達.
21 鄙視鄰舍者得罪, He who despises his neighbor sins,
恩待貧困者得福, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "鄙視鄰舍者得罪" 較 "藐視鄰舍的, 這人有罪" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "恩待貧困者得福" 較 "憐憫貧窮的, 這人有福" 對稱簡潔雅達.
22 謀惡者安不失迷? Do not those who plot evil go astray?
謀善者慈愛信實. but those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "謀惡者安不失迷?" 較 "謀惡者, 豈非走入迷途嗎?" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "謀善者慈愛信實" 較 "謀善者, 必得慈愛和誠實" 對稱簡潔雅達.
23 勤奮工作能致富, All hard work brings a profit,
滿口空談一生窮. but mere talk leads only to poverty.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "勤奮工作能致富" 較 "諸般勤勞都有益處" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "滿口空談一生窮" 較 "嘴上多言乃致窮乏" 對稱簡潔雅達.
24 智者財富乃冠冕, The wealth of the wise is their crown,
愚人愚昧終愚昧. but the folly of fools yields folly.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "智者財富乃冠冕" 較 "智慧人的財, 為自己的冠冕" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人愚昧終愚昧" 較 "愚妄人的愚昧, 終是愚昧" 對稱簡潔雅達.
25 作真見證救人命, A truthful witness saves lives,
作假見證欺騙人, but a false witness is deceiful.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "作真見證救人命" 較 "作真見證的, 救人性命" 簡潔雅達.
a false witness 應譯 "作假見證" 與上句相對, 非 "吐出謊言的"
26 敬畏神得安全堡, He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress,
蔭子孫作避難所. and for his children it will be a refuge.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "敬畏神得安全堡" 較 "敬畏耶和華的, 大有依靠" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "蔭子孫作避難所" 較 "他的兒女, 也有避難所" 簡潔雅達.
27 敬畏神得生命泉, The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life,
使脫離死亡羅網. turning a man from the snares of death.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "敬畏神得生命泉" 較 "敬畏耶和華, 就是生命的泉源" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "使脫離死亡羅網" 較 "可以使人離開死亡的羅網" 簡潔雅達.
28 帝王榮耀在民多, A large population is a king's glory,
君王無民必敗亡. but without subjects a prince is ruined
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "帝王榮耀在多民" 較 "帝王榮耀在乎民多" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "君王無民必敗亡" 較 "君王衰敗在民少" 簡潔雅達.
29 克制者十分明智. A patient man has great understanding,
易怒者突顯愚昧. but a quick tempered man displays folly.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "克制者十分明智" 較 "不輕易發怒的, 大有聰明" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "易怒者突顯愚昧" 較 "性情暴躁的, 大顯愚昧" 簡潔雅達.
30 心平氣和身康健, A heart at peace gives life to the body,
嫉妒猜忌傷筋骨. but envy rots the bones.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "心平氣和身康健" 較 "心中安靜, 是肉體的生命" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "嫉妒猜忌傷筋骨" 較 "嫉妒是骨中的朽爛" 簡確雅達.
31 欺壓貧寒, 藐視造物主; He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker,
恩待窮苦, 尊崇榮耀神. but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "欺壓貧寒, 藐視造物主" 較 "欺壓貧寒的, 是辱沒造他的主" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "恩待窮苦, 尊崇榮耀神" 較 "憐憫窮乏的, 乃是尊敬主" 簡潔對稱雅達.
32 災難來臨惡人倒, When calamity comes, the wicked are bought down;
義人臨死得庇護. but even in death the righteous have a refuge.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
When calamity comes 應譯 "災難來臨" 非 "惡人在所行的惡上"
第一句譯 "災難來臨惡人倒" 較 "惡人在所行的惡上必被推倒" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "義人臨死得庇護" 較 "義人臨死, 有所投靠" 簡潔對稱雅達.
33 智慧存明理人內心, Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning
在愚人心中亦顯明. and even among fools she lets herself be known.
[註] 本節第二句應採英文本註記 a "but in the heart of fools she is not known." 較為合理清晰.
第一句譯 "智慧存明理人內心" 較 "智慧存在聰明人心中" 雅達.
第二句譯 "在愚人心中亦顯明" 非 "愚昧人心裏所存的, 顯而易見"
34 公義高舉邦國, Righteousness exalts a nation,
罪惡羞辱百姓. but sin is a disgrace to any people.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "公義高舉邦國" 較 "公義使邦國高舉" 簡潔.
第二句譯 "罪惡羞辱百姓" 較 "罪惡是人民的羞辱" 簡潔.
35 聰慧臣僕得王悅, A king delights in a wise servant,
無恥奴才惹王怒. but a shamful servant incurs his wrath.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "聰慧臣僕得王悅" 較 "智慧俘臣子蒙王恩惠" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "無恥奴才惹王怒" 較 "貽羞的僕人遭其震怒" 簡潔對稱雅達.
(VI) 追求公義(15:1- 33):
新 譯 英 文
1 溫柔回應消烈怒, A gentle answer turns away wrath,
粗暴言語激怒人. but a harsh word stirs up anger.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "溫柔回應消烈怒" 較 "回答柔和, 使怒消退" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "粗暴言語激怒人" 較 "言語暴戾, 觸動怒氣" 簡潔對稱雅達.
2 智者唇舌傳知識, The tongue of the wise commands knowledge,
愚人笨口吐愚昧. but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "智者唇舌傳知識" 較 "智慧人的舌, 善發知識" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人笨口吐愚昧" 較 "愚昧人的口, 吐出愚昧" 簡潔對稱雅達.
3 耶和華眼目無所不在, The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
全面鑒察惡人與善人. keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第二句譯 "全面鑒察惡人與善人" 較 "惡人善人, 他都鑒察" 簡潔對稱雅達.
4 溫慰之舌生命樹, The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life,
詭詐之舌碎人心, but a deceiful tongue crushes the spirit.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "溫慰之舌生命樹" 較 "溫良的舌乃生命樹" 切合原意.
第二句譯 "詭詐之舌碎人心" 較 "乖謬的嘴使人心碎" 簡潔對稱雅達.
5 愚人抗拒父管教, A fool spurns his father's discipline,
聽從糾正才精明. but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.
[註] 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "愚人抗拒父管教" 較 "愚妄人藐視父親的管教" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "聽從糾正才精明" 較 "頜受責備的, 得著見識" 簡潔對稱雅達.
6 義人之家多財寶, The house of the righteous contains great treasure,
惡人得財反受害. but the income of the wicked brings them trouble.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "義人之家多財寶" 較 "義人家中, 多有財寶" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "惡人得財反受害" 較 "惡人得利, 反受擾害" 簡潔對稱雅達.
7 智者唇舌傳知識, The lips of the wise spread knowledge,
愚人之心非如此. not so the hearts of fool.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "智者唇舌傳知識" 較 "智慧人的嘴, 傳揚知識" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人之心非如此" 較 "愚昧人的心, 並不如此" 簡潔對稱雅達.
8 耶和華憎惡惡人獻祭, The Lord detests the sacrifice of the wicked,
但祂卻喜悅善人禱告. but the prayer of the upright pleases him.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "耶和華憎惡惡人獻祭" 較 "惡人獻祭, 為耶和華所憎惡" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "但祂卻喜悅善人禱告" 較 "正直人禱告, 為祂所喜悅" 簡潔對稱雅達.
9 耶和華憎惡惡人行事, The Lord detests the way of the wicked,
卻喜悅追求公義的人. but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "耶和華憎惡惡人行事" 較 "惡人的道路, 為耶和華所憎惡" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "卻喜悅追求公義的人" 較 "追求公義的, 為祂所喜愛" 簡潔對稱雅達.
10 偏離正道受嚴懲, Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path,
恨惡糾正必死亡. he who hates correction will die.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "偏離正道受嚴懲" 較 "捨棄正路的, 必受嚴刑" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "恨惡糾正必死亡" 較 "恨惡責備的, 必致死亡" 簡潔對稱雅達.
11 死亡毀滅主前敞露, Death and Destruction lie open before the Lord -
何況是世人的心呢! how much more the hearts of men!
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "死亡和毀滅主前敞露" 較 "陰間和滅亡, 尚在耶和華眼前" 簡確雅達.
12 輕浮者恨惡糾正, A mocker resents correction,
也不去請教智者. he will not consult the wise.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "輕浮者恨惡糾正" 較 "褻慢人不受責備" 簡確雅達.
consult the wise 應譯 "請教智者" 非 "就近智慧人"
13 心中歡樂容顏喜, A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
心裏苦痛精神傷, but heartache crushes the spirit.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 但欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "心中歡樂容顏喜" 較 "心中喜樂, 面帶笑容" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "心裏苦痛精神傷" 較 "心裏憂愁, 靈被損傷" 簡潔對稱雅達.
14 明理人心求知識, The discerning heart seeks knowledge,
愚昧人口吃愚昧, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "明理人心求知識" 較 "聰明人心求知識" 切合原意.
15 受壓者日子悲慘, All the days of the oppressed are wretched,
心歡者享流水席. but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.
[註] 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "受壓者日子悲慘" 較 "困苦人的日子愁苦" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "心歡者享流水席" 較 "心中歡暢的, 常享豐筵" 簡潔對稱雅達.
16 寧財少敬畏耶和華, Better a little with the fear of the Lord,
也不要財多心不寧. than great wealth with turmoil.
[註] 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "寧財少敬畏耶和華" 較 "少有財寶, 敬畏耶和華" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "也不要財多心不寧" 較 "強如多有財寶, 煩亂不安" 簡潔對稱雅達.
17 寧食素菜心相愛, Better a meal of vegetables where there is love,
飽饗肥牛怨恨多. than a fattened calf with hatred.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "寧食素菜心相愛" 較 "吃素菜, 彼此相愛" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "飽饗肥牛怨恨多" 較 "強如吃肥牛, 彼此相恨" 簡潔對稱雅達.
18 火爆脾氣啓紛爭, A hot-tempered man stirs up dissention,
溫和耐心息爭吵. but a patient man calms a quarrel.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "火爆脾氣啓紛爭" 較 "暴怒的人啓爭端" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "溫和耐心息爭吵" 較 "忍怒的人息紛爭" 簡潔對稱雅達.
19 懶人之路荊棘滿途, The way of the sluggard is blocked with throns,
善人之道平坦康莊. but the path of the upright is a highway.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "懶人之路荊棘滿途" 較 "懶惰人的道, 像荊棘的籬笆" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "善人之道平坦康莊" 較 "正直人的路, 是平坦的大道" 簡潔對稱雅達.
20 智慧之子父喜樂, A wise man brings joy to his father,
愚昧之兒母傷心. but a foolish man despise his mother.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "智慧之子父喜樂" 較 "智慧子使父親喜樂" 簡潔達意.
第二句譯 "愚昧之兒母傷心" 較 "愚昧人藐視母親" 簡潔達意.
21 愚昧人喜愛無知, Folly delights a man who lacks judgment
明理人行事正直. but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "愚昧人喜愛無知" 較 "無知的人以愚妄為樂" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "明理人行事正直" 較 "聰明的人按正直而行" 簡潔對稱雅達.
22 無策士計謀定敗, Plans fail for lack of counsel,
謀士多大事必成. but with many advicers they succeed.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "無策士計謀定敗" 較 "不先商議, 所謀無效" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "謀士多大事必成" 較 "謀士眾多, 所謀乃成" 簡潔對稱雅達.
23 明智建言自覺喜樂, A man finds joy in giving an apt reply -
適時言語何等美好! and how good is a timely word!
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "明智建言自覺喜樂" 較 "口善應對, 自覺喜樂" 切合原意.
第二句譯 "適時言語何等美好" 較 "話合其時, 何等美好" 切合原意.
24 生命之道領智者向上, The path of life leads upward for the wise,
免得入歧途沉淪陰間. to keep him from going down to the grave.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "生命之道領智者向上敗" 較 "智慧人從生命的道上升" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "免得入歧途沉淪陰間" 較 "使他遠離在下的陰間" 簡潔對稱雅達.
25 耶和華拆毀驕傲者之家, The Lord tears down the proud man's house,
衪卻保守寡婦地界完整. but he keeps the widow's boundaries intact.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第二句譯 "衪卻保守寡婦地界完整" 較 "卻要立定寡婦的地界" 切合原意.
26 耶和華憎恨惡人心思, The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked,
卻特別喜悅善者思維. but those of the pure are pleasing to him.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
thoughts 應譯 "心思" 非 惡諜"
第二句應譯 "卻特別喜悅善者思維" 非 "良言乃為純淨"
27 貪婪錢財禍己家, A greedy man brings trouble to his family,
恨惡賄賂得存活. but he who hates bribes will live.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "貪婪錢財禍己家" 較 "貪戀錢財的, 禍善己家" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "恨惡賄賂得存活" 較 "恨惡賄賂的, 必得存活" 簡潔對稱雅達.
28 義人之心重應對, The heart of the righteous weighs its answers,
惡人之口吐惡言. but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "義人之心重應對" 較 "義人的心, 思量如何回答" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "惡人之口吐惡言" 較 "惡人的口, 吐出惡言" 簡潔對稱雅達.
29 耶和華遠離惡人, The Lord is far from the wicked,
衪垂聽義人禱告. but he hears the prayer of the righteous.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
30 露歡顏心喜靈樂, A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,
好信息身健體康. and good news gives health to the bones.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "露歡顏心喜靈樂" 較 "眼有光, 使心喜樂" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "好信息身健體康" 較 "好信息, 使骨滋潤" 簡潔對稱雅達.
31 聽從生命責備者, He who listens to a life-giving rebuke
必活在智者群中. will be at home among the wise.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第二句譯 "必活在智者群中" 較 "必常在智慧人中" 簡確雅達.
32 忽視管教者藐視自己, He who ignores discipline despises himself,
聽從糾正者明白事理. but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "忽視管教者藐視自己" 較 "棄絕管教的, 輕看自己的生命" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 "聽從糾正者明白事理" 較 "聽從責備的, 卻得智慧" 簡潔對稱雅達.
33 敬畏耶和華教人得智; The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom,
得尊榮之前必先謙卑. and humility comes before honor.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "敬畏耶和華教人得智" 較 "敬畏耶和華, 是智慧的訓誨" 簡確雅達.
第二句譯 得尊榮之前必先謙卑" 較 "尊榮以前, 必有謙卑" 簡潔對稱雅達.