II. 所羅門箴言(IV)
(X) 敬神得福(19:1-29):
新 譯 英 文
1 寧作完美窮人, Better a poor man whose walk is blameless
不作謊謬愚人. than a fool whose lips are perverse.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "寧作完美窮人" 較 "行為純正的貧窮人" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "不作謊謬愚人" 較 "勝過乖謬愚妄人的富足" 簡潔對稱雅達.
2 熱情無知非好事, It is not good to have zeal without knowledge,
行事匆促路走偏. nor to be hasty and miss the way.
[註] 原譯言不達意, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "熱情無知非好事" 較 "心無知識的, 乃為不善" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "行事匆促路走偏" 較 "腳步急快的, 難免犯罪" 簡潔對稱雅達.
3 愚昧無知毀一生, A man's own folly ruins his life,
心中遷怒耶和華. yet his heart rages against the Lord.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "愚昧無知毀一生" 較 "人的愚昧傾敗他的道" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "心中遷怒耶和華" 較 "他的心也抱怨耶和華" 簡潔對稱雅達.
4 多財多寶多朋友, Wealth brings many friends,
人窮落魄友遠離。 but a poor man's friend deserts him.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "多財多寶多朋友" 較 "財物使朋友增多" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "人窮落魄友遠離" 較 "但窮人朋友遠離" 簡潔對稱雅達.
5 作假見證必受罰, A false witness will not go unpunished,
傾吐謊言難開脫. and he who pours out lies not go free.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "作假見證必受罰" 較 "作假見證的, 必不免受罰" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "傾吐謊言難開脫" 較 "吐出謊言的, 終不能逃脫" 簡潔對稱雅達.
6 逢迎高官者眾, Many curry favor with a ruler,
好送禮為友多. and everyone is the friend of a man who gives gifts.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "逢迎高官者眾" 非 "好施散的, 有多人求他的恩情"
curry favor with 應譯 "逢迎(拍馬)" 非 "求他的恩情"
第二句譯 "好送禮為友多" 較 "愛送禮的, 人都為他的朋友" 簡潔對稱雅達.
7 窮人至親疏遠, A poor man is shuned by all his relatives -
何況他的朋友! how much more do his friends avoid him!
即使哀求親友, Though he pursues them with pleading,
個個消失無蹤. they are nowhere to be found.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "窮人至親疏遠, 何況他的朋友!" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "即使哀求親友, 個個消失無蹤." 較原譯簡潔對稱雅達.
8 得智者愛惜生命, He who gets wisdom loves his soul,
明理者興旺亨通. he who cherishes understanding prospers.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "得智者愛惜生命" 較 "得智慧的, 愛惜生命" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "明理者興旺亨通" 較 "保守聰明的, 必得好處" 簡潔對稱雅達.
9 作假見證必受罰, A false witness will not go unpunished,
傾吐謊言定滅亡. and he who pours out lies will perish.
[註] 本節與第5節除第二句 "will perish" 與 "will not go free" 移有差異外, 餘完全相同.
10 愚人不宜豪華生活, It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury -
何況奴僕轄制親王? how much worse for a slave to rule over princes.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "愚人不宜豪華生活" 較 "愚眛人宴樂度日, 是不合宜的" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "何況奴僕轄制親王" 較 "何況僕人管轄王子" 簡潔雅達.
11 人有智慧生忍耐, A man's wisdom gives him patience,
寬恕人過自得榮. It is to his glory to overlook an offense.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "人有智慧生忍耐" 較 "人有見識, 就不輕易發怒" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "寬恕人過自得榮" 較 "寬恕人的過失, 便是自己的榮耀" 簡潔對稱雅達.
12 王怒如獅吼, A king's rage is like the roar of a lion,
恩典似草露, but his favor is like dew on the grass.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "王怒如獅吼" 較 "王的忿怒, 好像獅子吼叫" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "恩典似草露" 較 "他的恩典, 卻如草上甘露" 簡潔對稱雅達.
13 愚昧之子父禍患, A foolish son is his father's ruin,
吵鬧之妻如屋漏. and a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "愚昧之子父禍患" 較 "愚昧的兒子, 是父親的禍患" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "吵鬧之妻如屋漏" 較 "妻子的爭吵, 如雨連連滴漏" 簡潔對稱雅達.
14 房產財富繼承得, Houses and wealth are inherited from parents,
賢慧嬌妻乃神賜. but a prudent wife is from the Lord.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "房產財富繼承得" 較 "房屋錢財是祖宗所遺留的" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "賢慧嬌妻乃神賜" 較 "惟有賢慧的妻是耶和華所賜" 簡潔對稱雅達.
15 懶惰人沉睡不醒, Laziness brings on deep sleep,
懈怠者肚腹饑餓. and the shiftless man goes hungry.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "懶惰人沉睡不醒" 較 "懶惰使人沉睡" 雅達.
第二句譯 "懈怠者肚腹饑餓" 較 懈怠的人必受饑餓" 對稱雅達.
16 順服教誨保生命, He who obeys instructions guards his life,
忽視己道致死亡. but he who is contempteous of his ways will die.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "順服教誨保生命" 較 "謹守誡命的, 保全生命" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "忽視己道致死亡" 較 "輕忽己路的, 必致死亡" 簡潔對稱雅達.
17 恩待窮人如借給主; He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
他的善行主必償還. and he will reward him for what he has done.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "恩待窮人如借給主" 較 "憐憫貧窮的, 就是借給耶和華" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "他的善行主必償還" 較 "他的善行, 耶和華必償還" 簡潔對稱雅達.
18 管教你子才有希望; Discipline your son, for in that there is hope;
切勿坐視任他死亡. do not be a willing party to his death.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "管教你子才有希望;" 較 "趁有指望, 管教你的兒子. " 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "切勿坐視任他死亡." 較 "你的心不可任他死亡." 簡潔對稱雅達.
19 暴烈之人必受罰, A hot tempered man must pay the penalty,
救再而三. If you rescue him, you will have to do it again.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "暴烈之人必受罰" 較 "暴怒的人必受刑罰" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "救他必需再而三" 較 "你若救他, 必需再救" 簡潔對稱雅達.
20 聽忠言接受教誨, Listen to advice and accept instruction,
到頭來必得智慧. and in the end you will be wise,
[註] 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "聽忠言接受教誨" 較 "你要聽勸教, 受訓誨" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "到頭來必得智慧" 較 "使你終久有智慧" 簡潔對稱雅達.
21 人心籌謀多, Many are the plans in man's heart,
唯主能定奪. but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "人心籌謀多" 較 "人心多有計謀" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "唯主能定奪" 較 "惟有耶和華的籌算, 才能立定" 簡潔對稱雅達.
22 人渴望不變大愛, What a man desires is unfailing love,
寧貧困不說謊言. better to be poor than a liar.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "人渴望不變大愛" 非 "施行仁慈的, 令人愛慕"
第二句譯 "寧貧困不說謊言" 較 "窮人強如說謊言的" 簡潔對稱雅達.
23 敬畏真主得生命, The fear of the Lord leads to life,
心滿意足無災難. Then one rests content, untauched by trouble.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "敬畏主得生命" 較 "敬畏耶和華的, 得著生命" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "心滿意足無災難" 較 "他必恆久知足, 不遭禍患" 簡潔對稱雅達.
24 懶人手置盤碟裏, The sluggard buries his hand in the dish,
懶得收手至口中! he will not even bring back to the mouth!
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "懶人手置盤碟裏" 較 "懶惰人放手在盤子裏" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "懶得收手至口中" 較 "就是向口撤回, 他也不肯" 簡潔對稱雅達.
25 鞭打輕慢人, 愚者變精明; Flog a mocker, and the simple will learn prudence,
責備明理人, 智者得知識. rebuke a discerning man, and he will gain knowledge.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "鞭打輕慢人, 愚者變精明;" 較 "鞭打褻慢人, 愚蒙人必長見識;" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "責備明理人, 智者得知識." 較 "責備明哲人, 他就明白知識." 簡潔對稱雅達.
26 掠父逐母喪天良, He who robs his father and drives out his mother,
缺德蒙羞不孝子. is a son who brings shame and disgrace.
[註] 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "掠父逐母喪天良" 較 "虐待父親, 攆出母逐母親的" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "缺德蒙羞不孝子" 較 "是貽羞致辱之子" 簡潔對稱雅達.
27 我兒啊! 若不再聽從教訓, Stop listening instruction, my son,
必偏離有識言語. and you will stray from the words of knowledge.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "我兒啊! 若不再聽從教訓" 較 "我兒, 不可聽了教訓" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "必偏離有識言語" 較 "而又偏離知識的言語" 簡潔對稱雅達.
28 壞人作證笑公正, A corrupt witness mocks at justice,
惡人嘴口吞罪惡. and the mouth of the wicked gulps down evil.
[註] 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "壞人作證笑公正" 較 "匪徒作見證戲笑公平" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "惡人嘴口吞罪惡" 較 "惡人的口吞下罪孽" 簡潔對稱雅達.
29 刑罰專為輕慢人, Penalties are prepared for mockers,
鞭背特向愚昧者 and beatings for the backs of fools
[註] 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "刑罰專為輕慢人" 較 "刑罰是為褻慢人預備的" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "鞭背特向愚昧者" 較 "鞭打是為愚昧人的背預備的" 簡潔對稱雅達.
(XI) 正直得福(20:1-30):
新 譯 英 文
1 清酒亂性, 烈酒瘋人; Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler.
因酒迷失皆不智. whoever is led astray by them is not wise.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "清酒亂性, 烈酒瘋人" 較 "酒能使人褻慢, 濃酒使人喧嘩" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "因酒迷失皆不智" 較 "凡因酒錯誤的, 就無智慧" 簡潔對稱雅達.
2 王怒如獅吼, A king's rage is like the roar of a lion,
觸者喪己命. he who angers him forfeits his life.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句與 19:12 同.
第二句譯 "觸者喪己命" 較 "惹動他怒的, 是自害己命" 簡潔對稱雅達.
3 排難解紛人尊崇, It is to a man's honor to avoid strife,
愚人個個愛爭吵. but every fool is quick to quarrel.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "排難解紛人尊崇" 較 "遠離紛爭, 是人的榮耀" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人個個愛爭吵" 較 "愚妄人都愛爭鬧" 簡潔對稱雅達.
4 懶人不按時耕作, A sluggard does not plow in season,
收割時空手而歸. so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "懶人不按時耕作" 非 "懶惰人因冬寒不肯耕種"
in season 應譯 "按時(季節)" 非 "因冬寒"
第二句應譯 "收割時空手而歸" 非 "到收割的時候, 他必討飯而無所得" 簡潔對稱雅達.
he looks but finds nothing 應譯 "空手而歸" 非 "討飯而無所得"
5 人心籌謀深似海, The purpose of a man's heart are deep waters,
唯有智者能抽出. but a man of understanding draws them out.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "人心籌謀深似海" 較 "人心懷藏謀略, 好像深水" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "唯有智者能抽出" 較 "惟明哲人才能汲引出來" 簡潔對稱雅達.
6 多人自稱有大愛, Many a man claims to have unfailing love,
信實之人何處尋? but a faithful man who can find?
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "多人自稱有大愛," 較 "人多述說自己的仁慈" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "信實之人何處尋" 較 "但忠信人誰能遇著呢" 簡潔對稱雅達.
7 義人生活純無瑕, The righteous man leads a blameless life,
子孫後代福庇蔭. blessed are his children after him.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "義人生活純無瑕" 較 "行為純正的義人," 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "子孫後代福庇蔭" 較 "他的子孫是有福的" 簡潔對稱雅達.
8 王登寶座施審判, When a king sits on his throne to judge,
銳目驅散邪與惡. he winnows out all evil with his eyes.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "王登寶座施審判" 較 "王坐在寶座的位上" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "銳目驅散邪與惡" 較 "以眼目驅散諸惡" 簡潔對稱雅達.
9 誰敢說, "我心純正; Who can say, " I have kept my heart pure;
潔淨無罪"? I am clean and without sin"?
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "誰敢說, '我心純正;" 較 "誰能說, 我潔淨了我的心," 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "潔淨無罪'" 較 "我脫淨了我的罪"" 簡潔雅達.
10 不同秤碼, 不同升斗, Differing weights and differing measures -
兩者耶和華都憎惡. the Lord detests them both.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "不同秤碼, 不同升斗," 較 "兩樣的砝碼, 兩樣的升斗," 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "兩者耶和華都憎惡" 較 "都為耶和華所憎惡" 簡潔對稱雅達.
11 孩童是否純潔正直, Even a child is known by his actions,
從其動作立可看出. by whether his conduct is pure and right.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
"孩童是否純潔正直, 從其動作立可看出." 較 "孩童的動作, 是清潔, 是正直, 都顯明他的本性." 簡潔雅達.
12 耳能聽, 目能看; Ears that hear and eyes that see -
兩者都是耶和華所造. the Lord has made them both.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "耳能聽, 目能看;" 較 "能聽的耳, 能看的眼," 簡潔雅達.
13 勿貪睡免陷貧窮, Do not love sleep or you will grow poor,
要清醒才得飽足. stay awake and you will have food to spare.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "勿貪睡免陷貧窮" 較 "不要貪睡, 免致貧窮" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "要清醒才得飽足" 較 "眼要睜開, 你就吃飽" 簡潔對稱雅達.
14 買家說, "不好, 很差!" "It's no good, it's no good!" says the buyer;
一旦買到就自誇精明. then off he goes and boasts about his purchase.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "買家說, '不好, 很差!'" 較 "買物的說, '不好, 不好!'" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "一旦買到就自誇精明" 較 "及至買去, 他便自誇" 簡潔雅達.
15 黃金滿倉, 寶石盈庫, Gold there is, and rubbies in abundance,
口出知識, 才是珍寶. but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "黃金滿倉, 寶石盈庫" 較 "有金子和許多珍珠" 雅達.
第二句譯 "口出知識, 才是珍寶" 較 "惟有知識的嘴, 乃為貴重的珍寶" 簡潔對稱雅達.
16 為生人作保取其衣, Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger,
為妓女作保責無限. hold it in pledge if he does it for a wayward woman.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "為生人作保取其衣" 較 "誰為生人作保, 就拿誰的衣服" 簡潔雅達.
第二句應譯 "為妓女作保責無限" 非 "誰為外人作保, 誰就要承擔"
wayward woman 應譯 "妓女" 非 "外人"
17 騙來食物香又甜, Food gained by fraud tastes sweet to a man,
入口終變沙與石. but he ends up with a mouth full of gravel.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "騙來食物香又甜" 較 "以虛謊而得的食物, 人覺甘甜" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "入口終變沙與石" 較 "但後來他的口必充滿塵沙" 簡潔對稱雅達.
18 謀劃靠智囊, Make plans by seeking advice,
作戰憑智謀. if you wage war, obtain guidance.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "謀劃靠智囊" 較 "計謀都憑籌算立定" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "作戰憑智謀" 較 "打仗要憑智謀" 簡潔對稱雅達.
19 閒言閒語失信任, A gossip betrays confidence,
故要遠離話多人. so avoid a man who talks too much.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "閒言閒語失信任" 非 "往來傳舌的, 洩漏密事"
第二句應譯 "故要遠離話多人" 非 "大張嘴的, 不可與他結交"
20 咒罵父母不孝子, If a man curses his father or mother,
其燈必熄漆黑中. his lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "咒罵父母不孝子" 較 "咒罵父母的" 恰切.
第二句譯 其燈必熄漆黑中" 較 "他的燈必滅, 變為漆黑的黑暗" 簡潔對稱雅達.
21 初時快速得遺產, An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning
長遠看來終非福. will not be blessed at the end.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "初時快速得遺產" 較 "起初速得的產業" 雅達.
第二句譯 "長遠看來終非福" 較 "終久卻不為福" 對稱雅達.
22 不要說, "我要以惡報惡!" Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!"
要等候耶和華, 衪會拯救你. Wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
23 耶和華憎惡不同砝碼, The Lord detests differing weights,
也不會喜歡不實天平. and dishonest scales do not please him.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "耶和華憎惡不同砝碼" 較 "兩樣的砝碼, 為耶和華所憎惡" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "也不會喜歡不實天平" 較 "詭詐的天平, 也為不善" 簡潔雅達.
24 耶和華既引導人的腳步, A man's steps are directed by the Lord,
人怎能明白自己的道路? How then can anyone understand his own way?
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "耶和華既引導人的腳步" 較 "人的腳步為耶和華所定" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "人怎能明白自己的道路" 較 "人豈能明白自己的道路呢" 對稱雅達.
25 輕率奉獻作許願, It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly,
設下羅網陷己身. and only later to consider his vow.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "輕率奉獻作許願" 非 "人冒失說, 這是聖物"
第二句譯 "設下羅網陷己身" 非 "許願之後才查問, 就是自陷網羅"
26 明智君王除惡人, A wise king winnows out the wicked,
轉動穀機吹淨盡. he drives the threshing wheel over them.
[註] 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "明智君王除惡人" 較 "智慧的王簸散惡人" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "轉動穀機吹淨盡" 較 "用碌碡滾軋他們" 簡潔對稱雅達.
27 耶和華的燈探照人靈, The lamp of the Lord searches the spirit of a man,
也透視人的肺腑深處. It searches out his inmost being.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "耶和華的燈探照人靈" 非 "人的靈是耶和華的燈"
第二句譯 "也透視人的肺腑深處" 較 "鑒察人的心腹" 切合原意.
28 仁愛信實安王身, Love and faithfulness keep a king safe,
施恩撒愛固王位. through love his throne is made secure.
[註] 原譯欠通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
本節譯 "仁愛信實安王身, 施恩撒愛固王位." 較原譯簡潔雅達.
29 力量乃青年的榮耀, The glory of young men is their strength,
白髮是老者之尊榮. gray hair the splendor of the old.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
30 鞭傷除罪惡, Blows and wounds cleanse away evil,
責打清心腑. and beatings purge the inmost being.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "鞭傷除罪惡" 較 "鞭傷除淨人的罪惡" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "責打清心腑" 較 "責打能入人的心腑" 簡潔對稱雅達.
(XII) 追求仁愛(21:1-31):
新 譯 英 文
1 王心在耶和華手中, The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord,
全由主導流如渠水. he directs it like a watercourse whereever he please.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第二句譯 "全由主導流如渠水" 較 "好像隴溝的水隨意流轉" 簡潔對稱雅達.
2 人都視己行為正直, All a man's ways seem right to him,
惟耶和華衡量人心. but the Lord weighs the heart.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "人都視己行正直" 較 "人所行的, 在自己眼中看為正" 簡潔雅達.
3 秉公行義較獻祭 To do what is right and just,
更蒙耶和華悅納. is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
4 高傲的眼, 傲慢的心, Haughty eyes and a proud heart,
乃惡人燈, 都是罪惡. the lamp of the wicked, are sin.
[註] 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
本節譯 "高傲的眼, 傲慢的心, 乃惡人燈, 都是罪惡." 較原譯簡潔雅達.
5 殷勤籌劃必得利, The plans of the diligent lead to profit
草率行事定貧窮. as surely as haste leads to poverty.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "殷勤籌劃必得利" 較 "殷勤籌劃的, 足致豐裕" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "草率行事定貧窮" 較 "行事急躁的, 都必缺乏" 簡潔對稱雅達.
6 撒謊舌頭騙來的財富, A fortune made by a lying tongue
乃瞬間泡沫死亡羅網. is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "撒謊舌頭騙來的財富" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "乃瞬間泡沫死亡羅網" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
7 惡人暴行拖累己, The violence of the wicked will drag them away,
因他拒絕作正事. for they refuse to do what is right.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "惡人暴行拖累己" 非 "惡人的強暴, 必將自己掃除"
第二句譯 "因他拒絕作正事" 較 "因他們不肯按公平行事" 簡潔對稱雅達.
8 罪人之道彎又曲, The way of the guilty is devious,
正人行事正又直. but the conduct of the innocent is upright.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "罪人之道彎又曲" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "正人行事正又直" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
9 寧住房頂一角落, Better to live on a corner of the roof
不與悍妻同一屋. than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "寧住房頂一角落" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "不與悍妻同一屋" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
10 惡人心中求邪惡, The wicked man craves evil,
絕不恩待四鄰人. his neighbor gets no mercy from him.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "惡人心中求邪惡" 非 "惡人的心, 樂人受禍"
第二句譯 "絕不恩待四鄰人" 較 "他眼並不憐恤鄰舎" 簡潔對稱雅達.
11 輕浮者受罰, 愚人得智; When a mocker is punished, the simple gain wisdom;
智慧人受教, 自得知識. when a wise man is instructed, he gets knowledge.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "輕浮者受罰, 愚人得智" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "智慧人受教, 自得知識" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
12 公義神監視惡人家, The Righteous One takes note of the house of the wicked,
引領惡人步入毀滅. and brings the wicked to ruin.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "公義神監視惡人家" 非 "義人思想惡人的家"
第二句譯 "引領惡人步入毀滅" 較 "知道惡人傾倒, 必致滅亡" 簡潔對稱雅達.
13 充耳不聞窮人求, If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor,
他的呼求無人理. he too will cry out and not be answer.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "充耳不聞窮人求" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "他的呼求無人理" 較原譯簡潔雅達.
14 秘密送禮平怒氣, A gift given in secret soothes anger,
暗中行賄息烈怒. and a bride concealed in the cloak pacifies great wrath.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "秘密送禮平怒氣" 較 "暗中送的禮物, 挽回怒氣" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "暗中行賄息烈怒" 較 "懷中搋的賄賂, 止息暴怒" 簡潔對稱雅達.
15 秉行公義, 義人喜樂; When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous;
惡人驚惶. but terror to evildoers.
[註] 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
第二句譯 "惡人驚惶" 非 "使作孽的人敗壞"
16 偏離明理之道者, A man who strays from the path of understanding
必與死人同作伴. comes to rest in the company of the dead.
[註] 原譯欠通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "偏離明理之道者" 較 "迷離通達道路的" 恰切.
第二句譯 "必與死人同作伴" 較 "必住在陰魂的會中" 簡潔對稱雅達.
17 沉迷宴樂終生窮. He who loves pleasure will become poor,
貪愛油酒永不富. whoever loves wine and oil will never be rich.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "沉迷宴樂終生窮" 較 "愛宴樂的, 必致窮乏" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "貪愛油酒永不富" 較 "好酒, 愛膏油的, 必不富足" 簡潔對稱雅達.
18 惡人作義人贖價, The wicked become a ransom for the righteous,
奸人成正人贖身. and the unfaithful for the upright.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "惡人作義人贖價" 較 "惡人作了義人的贖價" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "奸人成正人贖身" 較 "奸詐人代替正直人" 簡潔對稱雅達.
19 寧住在荒涼不毛曠野, Better to live in a desert
不與吵鬧河東獅同居. than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
第一句譯 "寧住在荒涼不毛曠野" 較 "寧可住在曠野" 雅達與下句相對.
第二句譯 "不與吵鬧河東獅同居" 較 "不與爭吵使氣的婦人同住" 簡潔對稱雅達.
20 智者屋中儲糧油, In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil,
愚人吃盡糧與油. but a foolish man devours all he has.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順對稱, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "智者屋中儲糧油" 較 "智慧人家中積蓄寶物膏油" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "愚人吃盡糧與油" 較 "愚昧人隨得來隨吞下" 簡潔對稱雅達.
21 凡追求公義仁愛者, He who pursues righteousness and love
必得生命興旺尊榮. finds life, prosperity and honor.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
22 智者攻強敵堅城, A wise man attacks the city of the mighty
推倒其倚靠堡壘. and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
attacks 譯 "攻(擊)" 較 "爬上" 切合原意.
the mighty 譯 "強敵" 較 "勇士" 切合原意.
23 控制口舌者, He who guards his mouth and his tongue
遠離災與禍. keeps himself from calamity.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第二句譯 "遠離災與禍" 較 "就保守自己免受災難" 簡潔對稱雅達.
24 高傲自大輕慢人, The proud and arrogat man - "Mocker" is his name;
行事狂妄又自大. he behaves with overweening pride.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
25 懶蟲慾望害己亡; The sluggard's craving will be the death of him,
因他雙手拒作工. because his hands refuse to work.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
26 常人貪得無厭, All day long he craves for more,
義人慷慨施捨. but the righteous give without sparing.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
give without sparing 譯 "慷慨施捨" 較 "施捨而不吝惜" 簡潔雅達.
27 惡人祭物神憎惡, The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable -
何況惡意來獻祭! how much more so when brought with evil intent!
[註] 原譯尚佳, 惟欠簡潔, 稍加修正即可.
28 作假見證必滅亡, A false witness will perish,
聽信之人必永滅. and whoever listens to him will be destroyed forever.
[註] 原譯有誤, 且欠簡潔對稱, 應整句改譯.
第二句譯 "聽信之人必永滅" 非 "惟有聽真情而言的, 其言長存"
29 惡人厚顏無恥, A wicked man puts up a bold front,
正人堅行己道. but an upright man gives thought to his ways.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
30 智慧、精明、謀略, There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
無一能敵擋耶和華. that can succeed against the Lord.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
31 馬為作戰之日備妥, The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
得勝卻全靠耶和華. but victory rests with the Lord.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
(XIII) 敬神得財(22:1-16):
新 譯 英 文
1 美名好過豪富, A good name is more desirable than great riches,
尊榮勝過金銀. to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
2 富豪窮人共同點; Rich and poor have this in common:
都是耶和華所造. the Lord is the Maker of them all.
[註] 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
第一句應譯 "富豪窮人共同點" 非 "富戶窮人在世相遇"
3 精明人趨吉避凶, A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge,
愚蒙人趨凶避吉. but the simple keep going and suffer for it.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
4 謙卑敬畏耶和華, Humility and the fear of the Lord
得財富尊榮生命. bring wealth and honor and life.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
5 惡人路上滿是荊棘網羅, In the path of the wicked lie thorns and snares,
保守自己生命的必遠離. but he who guards his soul stays far from them.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
6 教孩童當走的路, Train a child in the way he should go,
使他到老不偏離. and when he is old he will not turn from it.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
7 財主管轄貧窮人, The rich rule over the poor,
欠債成債主奴僕. and the borrower is servant to the lender.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
8 播種邪惡收災禍, He who sows wickedness reaps trouble,
他的怒杖必銷毀. and the rod of his fury will be destroyed.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
9 慷慨好施必蒙福, A generous man will himself be blessed,
喜把食物分窮人. for he shares his food with the poor.
[註] 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "慷慨好施必蒙福" 非 "眼目慈善的, 就必蒙福"
10 逐出輕慢人除紛爭; Drive out the mocker, and out goes strife;
爭吵羞辱隨之終結. quarrels and insults are ended.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
11 心地純潔, 言辭優雅, He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious
必與君王為友. will have the king for his friend.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
12 耶和華眼目明察知識, The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge,
擊打邪惡言語不手軟. but he frustrate the words of the unfaithful.
[註] 原譯有誤, 應整句改譯.
keep watch over knowledge 應譯 "明察知識" 非 "眷顧聰明人"
13 懶人說, "外面有獅子! The sluggard says, " There is a lion outside!"
我上街必遇害." or, "I will be murdered in the streets."
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
14 淫婦之口如深坑, The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit,
惹神怒的必掉入. he who is under the Lord's wrath will fall into it.
[註] 原譯尚佳, 稍加修正即可.
15 愚昧束縛童子心, Folly is bound up in the heart of a child,
唯有教鞭能解開. but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.
第一句譯 "愚昧束縛童子心" 較 "愚蒙迷住孩童的心" 簡潔雅達.
第二句譯 "唯有教鞭能解開" 較 "用管教的杖可以遠遠趕除" 簡潔對稱雅達.
16 壓迫窮人致富, He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth,
禮物獻給富人, and he who gives gifts to the rich -
二者終必貧困. both come to poverty.
[註] 原譯欠簡潔通順, 應整句改譯.